二十笔实用成语 1192

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二十笔实用成语 1192

帖子 royl » 周日 5月 14, 2023 8:40 pm

二十笔实用成语 1192

01. with your own fair hands
定义: 自己独力完成; 不假他人之手, 通通自己打理.
例句: I made this canoe with my own fair hands, and I'm very proud of it. (这只独木舟是我自己一个人做的, 我非常自豪)

02. with your pants down
定义: 被当场抓了个正着弄得狼狈不堪或措手不及的窘境.
例句: Boy, Tom totally got caught with his pants down when that surveillance footage showed him stealing money. (好家伙, 当监控录像显示汤姆正在偷钱的时候, 他被当场抓了个正着, 弄得狼狈不堪)

03. withhold information from someone, to
定义: 扣留消息不告知某人, 隐瞒某人.
例句: It's never a good idea to withhold information from your employer because it may lead to repercussions down the line. (对你雇主隐瞒消息绝不是个好主意, 因为这可能会导致在未来产生负面影响)

04. withhold payment from someone, to
定义: 扣住款项不付给某人.
例句: In some instances, you can withhold payment from a contractor, and it depends on the facts of the contract. (在某些情况下, 你可以扣住款项不付给承包商, 这则取决于合同的事实. 注: 这句话里的合同的事实乃是指, 承包商是否在合同规定的时间内完成某项工程, 如过没有的话, 客户有权拒付款项)

05. within a heartbeat
定义: 眨眼之间, 极短时间之内.
例句: You will fall for his funny jokes and cuteness within a heartbeat. But do not let your guard down around him. (妳会在眨眼之间被他的幽默和富有魅力的外表所吸引. 但跟他在一起相处时, 妳不可放松妳的警惕)

06. within an ace of
定义: 只差一点的, 濒临, 将要, 极接近; 以些微差距失败, 功败垂成; 几乎就要得到.
例句: We were within an ace of calling you, but we couldn't find your phone number at that time. (我们差点就给你打电话, 但当时找不到你的电话号码只好作罢)

07. within an inch of
定义: 只差一点的, 濒临, 将要, 极接近; 以些微差距失败, 功败垂成; 几乎就要得到.
例句: We were within an inch of negotiating an amicable solution. (我们只差一点就协商出一个双方都接受的解决方案)

08. within a hair's breadth of
定义: 只差一点的, 濒临, 将要, 极接近; 以些微差距失败, 功败垂成; 几乎就要得到.
例句: We were within a hair's breadth of beating the all-time record. (我们差一点就刷新了历史记录)

09. within bounds
定义: 合理, 在允许之范围内.
例句: We encourage our employees to socialize with clients, but within bounds. (我们鼓励员工与客户交流, 但要在允许的范围内进行才可以)

10. within call
定义: 就在附近, 留在可召唤的范围内, 随传随到.
例句: I don't mind if you play outside, but only stay within call, OK? (我不介意你们到外面去玩, 但只能在附近玩耍, 好吗?)

11. within earshot
定义: 很近距离, 在可以听到的范围内.
例句: Let's step outside. I don't want to fight while the kids are within earshot of this conversation. (我们到外面去说吧. 我不想在孩子们能听得到我们说话的地方跟你争论)

12. within hail
定义: 就在附近, 留在可召唤的范围内, 随传随到.
例句: Be sure you're within hail the whole time. It's very easy to get lost in these mountains. (你务必要一直待在附近, 别走远. 在这片山区里很容易迷路)

13. within moments
定义: 在极短时间内, 一...就, 立即, 马上.
例句: Now it requires little effort and can be done within moments instead of days. (现在它就不需要费什么力, 可以在瞬间完成, 而不是需要几天)

14. within one's means
定义: 量入为出, 在自己的财务能力之内花费, 不胡乱开销.
例句: You need to start living within your means and avoid making so many frivolous purchases. (你需要开始量入为出, 避免做无谓的购买)

15. within one's rights
定义: 合情合法, 在自身合法权力范围内.
例句: You are within your rights to demand a refund. (你有权要求退款)

16. within reach
定义: 几乎到手; 就在附近, 垂手可得; 在一个人的能力, 权限及了掌之内.
例句: Molly is on bed rest, so be sure to leave anything she'll need within her reach. (茉莉正在卧病在床, 所以务必要把她所需要的东西放在她手够得着的地方)

17. within reason
定义: 符合道理的, 合理的.
例句: You can do anything you want within reason. (只要在合理的范围内, 你可以做任何你想做的事)

18. within sight, be
定义: 在视界之内.
例句: The ocean is within sight of the hotel. (在这家酒店里你就可以观赏海景)

19. within spitting range
定义: 在近距离内.
例句: A victory was within spitting distance for the home team, but a late penalty kick robbed them of their prize. (主队的胜利近在咫尺, 但末场的罚球让他们失去了奖杯)

20. within the bounds of reason
定义: 合情合理, 有理有节.
例句: It's fine to criticize as long as it's within the bounds of reason and good taste. Booing does not fit the criteria of good taste. (只要它在理性和良好品味的范围内, 批评是可以的. 喝倒采却不符合良好品味的标准)



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