二十笔实用成语 1194

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二十笔实用成语 1194

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 17, 2023 8:34 pm

二十笔实用成语 1194

01. without equal, be
定义: 最好的, 无与伦比, 无双.
例句: As a lawyer, Janice is truly without equal. (作为一名律师, 珍妮丝确实无与伦比. 注: 这里的without equal是指同一领域或同一类别人或物中最优秀的顶尖一小部分; 并不适用于不同领域或不同类别者之间的比较, 因为无法相比)

02. without fail
定义: 一定会地, 肯定会地, 百试不爽.
例句: I have passed the same woman walking her dog every day without fail for five years, but today she wasn't there. I'm really worried about her! (五年来, 我每天都会从同一个遛狗女人的身边经过, 但今天她却不在那里. 我非常担心她!)

03. without further ado
定义: 闲话不说, 言归正传, 事不宜迟, 立即行动.
例句: Well, gentlemen, if we're settled upon the terms of the agreement, then let's sign the contract without any further ado. (好了, 先生们, 如果我们在协议条款上达成一致共识, 那么我们就事不宜迟, 签合同吧)

04. without hesitation
定义: 毫不犹豫地.
例句: Without the slightest hesitation, intrepid firefighters entered the blazing building to rescue anyone who may be trapped. (勇敢的消防队员毫不犹豫地冲进熊熊燃烧的大楼里, 营救任何可能被困的人)

05. without issue
定义: 没有子嗣, 没有儿女.
例句: He died without issue, surviving his father by less than two months. (他死后并无留下子嗣, 只比他父亲多活了不到两个月)

06. Without landing a good job, I'm making the ends meet.
[成语句型]找不到一份好工作, 我只好勉强维持生计.

07. without let or hindrance
定义: [英国法律术语]不受阻碍或干扰.
例句: Now that the ruling has been successfully overturned, I'll able to conduct business without let or hindrance once again. (既然这个裁决已被成功地撤销, 我又可以不受干扰地再度开展业务了)

08. without lifting/raising a finger
定义: 不费吹灰之力, 轻而易举, 举手之劳.
例句: I was angry at my husband for spending all day watching sports without lifting a finger to help with the household tasks. (我生我丈夫的气, 因为他整天都在看运动比赛节目, 一点家务也不肯帮忙做)

09. without one's knowledge
定义: 在(我/某人)不知情之下.
例句: The decision was made without my knowledge. (这个决定是在我不知情的情况下所做出的)

10. without realizing it
定义: 不知不觉下; 不自觉.
例句: Sometimes, though, people can trivialize something without realizing it. (然而, 有时候, 人们会不自觉地把事情琐碎化)

11. without recourse
定义: (对支票被书者)无追索权; 甲方对乙方无追索权.
例句: Someone without recourse against another party cannot sue that party, or at least cannot obtain adequate relief even if a lawsuit moves forward and is resolved in his favor. (对乙方不具有追索权的甲方是不可以控告乙方, 或者至少即使诉讼仍旧进行, 甚至被判胜诉, 也无法获得充分的赔偿)

12. without regard for
定义: 忽视, 漠视, 不加考虑, 轻视.
例句: Vehicular assault occurs when someone driving a vehicle without regard for the safety of others and causes substantial bodily harm to another person as a result. (车辆袭击发生在某人驾驶车辆时漠视他人的安全, 并借此对他人造成严重的身体伤害)

13. without rhyme or reason
定义: 毫无来由, 莫名其妙, 无缘无故地.
例句: Without rhyme or reason, he suddenly decided to quit his job. (他毫无来由地突然决定辞职)

14. without so much as
定义: 居然连...都不, 甚至不...
例句: He barged into the without so much as knocking! (他居然连门都没敲就闯进来!)

15. without so much as a by-your-leave
定义: 擅自, 没有征得许可.
例句: He borrows my car without so much as a by-your-leave, and I'm supposed to thank him for bringing it back in one piece? I don't think so. (他没有征得我的允许就借走了我的车子, 我难道应该感谢他把车子完好无损地开回来吗? 我可不这样认为)

16. without turning a hair
定义: 神色自若, 气定神闲, 毫不害怕或不安, 保持镇静.
例句: Claire, without turning a hair, knocked out the two assailants with her bare hands! (克莱尔气定神闲地赤手空拳击倒了两名袭击者!)

17. woe betide/to (someone)
定义: [诅咒语]希望某人倒楣! 警告某人别人不好的后果.
例句: And woe betide anyone who tries to ruin my plans! (谁想破坏我的计划, 我就叫谁就倒楣!)

18. wolf down, to
定义: 狼吞虎咽, 贪婪地吞食.
例句: The boys wolfed down their lunch and ran out to play soccer. (这些男孩狼吞虎咽地吃完午饭, 便跑出去踢足球去了)

19. wolf in sheep's clothing, a
定义: 披羊皮的狼. (注: 意指以无辜, 无邪的外表掩饰凶残, 危险的本质)
例句: Don't trust Dana, she's a wolf in sheep's clothing who will try to steal your position if given the chance. (不要相信丹娜, 她是个披着羊皮的狼, 只要一有机会, 她就会试图偷走你的职位)

20. wolf is at the door, the
定义: 讨债人敲门, 面临迫在眉睫的财务危机或困难; 面临近在眼前的危险, 威胁或灾难.
例句: The wolves have been at my door for so long that I don't really remember what it's like to not be on the verge of bankruptcy. (我已经身陷财务困难太久了, 我都不记得没有濒临破产的感觉是什么)



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