二十笔实用成语 1197

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二十笔实用成语 1197

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 22, 2023 8:05 am

二十笔实用成语 1197

01. work in tandem with, to
定义: 紧密合作, 协同工作.
例句: My wife and I work in tandem to finish each book. She completes each illustration as I write the story. (我和我的妻子齐心协力地完成每一本书. 她在我写故事的时候, 完成每幅插图)

02. work in, to
定义: 受雇于某个领域或行业; 采用特定的风格或材料来创作; 植入, 引入某文件或作品; 试图把某活动放进已经忙碌的行程; 将一段文章或设计加入某一作品; 通过剧烈摩擦, 揉捏或按摩使某种物质吸收或混入另一种物质中.
例句: My day is going to be extremely busy tomorrow, but I need to work in a trip to the dentist somewhere in there. (明天我整天会非常忙碌, 但我需要在这个繁忙的行程中找个空档去看牙医)

03. work into a lather, to
定义: 激动异常, 变得非常紧张, 痛苦或沮丧.
例句: Don't work yourself into a lather just because you don't think your job interview went well. (不要仅仅因为你觉得面试不顺利就把自己弄得沮丧异常)

04. work into, to
定义: 植入, 引入某文件或作品; 通过剧烈摩擦, 揉捏或按摩使某种物质吸收或混入另一种物质中; 把...搅拌混合入...; 逐渐引发某人进入激烈情绪; 试图把某活动放进已经忙碌的行程; 设法将某人或某物塞进某空间.
例句: It wasn't in the script, but I bet we could work your character into this scene. (虽然剧本里没有写, 但我觉得我们有办法把你的角色放进这段情节)

05. work it out, to
定义: 解决问题; 令...满意.
例句: If you need to wait until payday or something, that's cool. I'm a reasonable person and I'm sure we can work it out. (如果你需要等到发薪日或其他什么时候才能还钱, 那也没什么问题. 我是一个通情达理的人, 我相信我们两人会有办法解决这个问题)

06. work it/things, to
定义: 炫耀自己; 顺利成功; 设法安排行程或解决问题, 令各方满意.
例句: We worked it so that both of our flights will get into the airport at the same time. That way we can share a taxi home. (我们可以设法安排我们两个航班同时抵达这座机场. 这样我们就可以一起打车回家)

07. work like a beaver, to
定义: 非常辛勤工作.
例句: I've been working like a beaver all weekend, cutting grass, laying flagstone, and removing stains on the driveway. (整个周末我都在辛勤工作, 割草, 铺石板, 清除车道上的污渍)

08. work like a charm, to
定义: 百试不爽, 具有奇效, 很灵验的.
例句: The cleaning solution worked like a charm on the carpet stain. (这种清洁剂对消除地毯上的污渍具有奇效)

09. work like a dog/trojan, to
定义: 干得死去活来, 非常辛勤地工作.
例句: I've been out here working like a dog while you sit inside sipping lemonade. Can you maybe lend a hand? (我在外面一直忙得死去活来而你却坐在屋里啜饮着柠檬汁. 你可以帮个忙吗?)

10. work like a dream, to
定义: 一试就成功, 具有奇效, 很灵验的, 令人非常满意.
例句: After plugging away at it for nearly two years, we finally got this old hot rod working like a dream. (经过将近两年的努力, 我们终于把这部老旧的改装赛车修改得令人非常满意)

11. work like ants/bees, to
定义: (大伙们)不停地辛勤工作.
例句: We're working like ants to beautify our streets. The whole town is involved and everyone's pitching in. (我们大伙不停地努力美化我们的街道. 全镇的人都参与了, 大家都有钱出钱, 有力出力)

12. work like magic, to
定义: 一试就成功, 具有奇效, 很灵验的, 令人非常满意.
例句: This new software works like magic. I barely had to do anything and the results are perfect. (这个新软件用起来很令人满意. 我几乎不需要做任何事情, 而运算出来的结果完美无缺)

13. work long hours, to
定义: 长时间工作. (注: 意指某人一工作就是很长时间, 并不代表他是资深的员工)
例句: I'll be working long hours in the restaurant the lead up to Christmas, but the tips and pay checks will be worth it. (从现在一直到圣诞节, 我会在这家餐厅长时间工作, 但所得到的丰厚小费和薪资是值得的)

14. work (one's) magic, to
定义: 做出神奇或令人惊喜事情; 利用自己独特才能或魅力来获得想要的东西或结果.
例句: I never thought the boss would approve our business trip, but Samantha worked her magic, and now, we're off to Denver! (我从没想到老板居然会批准我们的商务旅行, 珊萨曼莎发挥了她的魅力, 所以现在, 我们要启程去丹佛了!)

15. work miracles, to
定义: 一试就成功, 具有奇效, 很灵验的; 取得非凡的成就, 尤其是在试图改善情况时.
例句: This laundry detergent will work miracles on those difficult stains. (这种洗衣精对于清除那些难洗的污渍很灵验)

16. work of art, a
定义: 艺术作品, 令人赏心悦目的精品; 努力做出的好成果.
例句: Your report was a real work of art. Very well done! (你的报告真是一件精心杰作. 写得很好!)

17. work off, to
定义: 以运动或某种活动来舒解压力, 减肥, 削减热量, 排解愤怒或心事; 通过工作赚钱还债; 使用某物作为模板或指导点.
例句: Tom works off nervousness by knitting. (汤姆总是以织毛线来舒缓紧张心情)

18. work on, to
定义: 工作于..., 忙于...; 可以派上用场或可以使用; 对...产生作用或有效果; 努力去影响或说服; 练习, 改善, 以致熟能生巧.
例句: I'm not saying it isn't real, but hypnotism has never worked on me. (我并不是说这套技巧不是真的, 但催眠对我从来都不起作用)

19. work one's ass/butt off, to
定义: [不雅语]辛勤工作, 全力以赴.
例句: Sally and Jim work their asses off when we hold our consumer conference each year. I don't know what I'd do without them! (每年我们召开消费者大会的时候, 莎莉和吉姆都忙得不可开交. 真不知道没有他们的话, 我该怎么办!)

20. work one's backside off, to
定义: 辛勤工作, 全力以赴.
例句: I know you thought it was just a silly New Year's resolution, but I've been working my backside off at the gym! (我知道你认为这只是一个傻呼呼的新年决志, 但我却一直在健身房拼命锻炼! 注: 这里的新年决志大多都跟减肥有关, 所以过完新年大家都会去健身房做运动来瘦身)



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