二十笔实用成语 1200

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二十笔实用成语 1200

帖子 royl » 周日 5月 28, 2023 6:53 am

二十笔实用成语 1200

01. world revolves around oneself, the
定义: 以自我为中心; 认为自己的事情比别人重要, 别人都要让你.
例句: Mrs. Lin believes the world revolves around herself, and everyone else only exists to make her look better. (林太太认为这个世界是以她为中心的, 其他人的存在只是为了凸显她更美好而已)

02. for all (the world) to see
定义: 公开, 不藏匿, 人人都可以清楚地看见.
例句: Don't put your awards out for all the world to see. People are going to get jealous. (不要把你获得的奖杯和奖牌公开给全世界看. 人们会嫉妒的)

03. world without end
定义: 永远, 天长地久.
例句: I vowed to love her world without end. (我发誓要永远爱着她)

04. worldly goods/possessions, one's
定义: 所有财产, 世间拥有的财富, 身外之物.
例句: Tom and Mary broke up last night and now Tom wants to leave all of his worldly possessions to his best friend. (汤姆和玛丽昨晚分手了, 现在汤姆想把他所有的财产都留给他最好的朋友)

05. worlds apart, be
定义: 截然不同, 完全不一样, 差远了.
例句: My sister and I are very close now, but we were worlds apart growing up and fought all the time. (我姐姐和我现在很亲近, 但我们在成长期间个性完全不一样, 所以天天吵架)

06. worm information out of someone, to
定义: 旁敲侧击地从某人口中套出重要消息.
例句: Bill was keeping quiet about his break-up, but I knew I could worm information out of him if I tried hard enough. (比尔对他分手的事守口如瓶, 但我知道如果我努力地软缠硬磨他的话, 我可以从他口中套出消息来)

07. worm into, to
定义: 一点点地挤进或爬进狭窄空间; 偷偷地, 不露声色地, 一步步地, 迂回地乘人不注意达成某事.
例句: She wormed her sister into the department without anyone realizing it. (乘人不注意之时, 她神不知鬼不觉地把她妹妹安插进这个部门)

08. worm one's way into, to
定义: 不露声色地, 一步步地, 迂回地乘人不注意进入位置或状况.
例句: I slowly wormed my way into her life, determined that this vivacious woman, was going to be my wife. (我不露声色, 缓慢地走进她的人生, 下定决心要让这位生动活泼的女子成为我的妻子)

09. worm one's way out, to
定义: 不露声色地, 一步步地, 迂回地乘人不注意脱离位置或状况.
例句: I told you that the whole company has to be there to do the inventory count, and you're not worming your way out this time! (我告诉过你, 全公司的人都得去清点存货, 这次你是溜不掉的!)

10. worm out of, to
定义: 一点点地挤出或爬出狭窄空间; 偷偷地, 不露声色地, 一步步地, 迂回地乘人不注意移出.
例句: The thief wormed out of the ventilation shaft and lowered himself into the victim's office. (小偷慢慢地从通风井爬了出来, 潜入了受害人的办公室)

11. worm turns, the
定义: 狗急跳墙, 兔急咬人; 毛虫变条龙, 咸鱼翻身, 由懦弱顺服的人变为果决有信心的人.
例句: He's often rude to his secretary and she doesn't say anything; but one day the worm will turn. (他经常对他的秘书粗鲁无礼, 而她也逆来顺受; 但哪一天惹急了她, 兔子也会咬人)

12. worm's-eye view, a
定义: 从底下往上看; 社会弱势底层的观感; 由于缺乏广阔的视野, 对某事的理解有限; 某事的密切参与人意见.
例句: Because he was stuck in the same menial position for so long, he only had a worm's-eye view of how the business operated. (由于他在同一个卑微的职位上工作太久, 所以他对公司运作的看法并不全面)

13. worn to a frazzle, be
定义: 累坏了, 急坏了.
例句: Looking after the kids on my own all weekend left me worn to a frazzle. (整个周末我一个人照顾这几个孩子, 把我累得筋疲力尽)

14. worried out of your mind, be
定义: 忧心忡忡的, 急坏了.
例句: I've been worried out of my mind! Called the hospitals, the police, the air-sea rescue; where have you been? (你把我急坏了! 我打了电话给医院, 警察, 海空救援; 你去哪儿了?)

15. worried sick, be
定义: 忧心忡忡的, 快急出病了.
例句: I was worried sick! Call me if you're going to be this late getting home next time. (我都担心死了! 下次你再这么晚回家就先打电话给我)

16. worrywart, the
定义: 自寻烦恼的人, 杞人忧天者.
例句: Don't listen to him, he's just an old worrywart. (别听他的, 他就是一个自寻烦恼的老家伙)

17. worse for wear, the
定义: 磨损坏了, 被用坏了; 疲惫不堪, 身体不适; 忧心忡忡的, 急坏了.
例句: The truth is, the car is pretty worse for wear; you will just have to get a new one. (老实说, 这辆车磨损太严重; 你得换部新车了)

18. worse than useless, be
定义: 不但没用处还给人带来麻烦; 百害而无一利的人, 事或物.
例句: This type is not only worse than useless, they are the supreme takers, criminals, and hypocrites in any society. (这种人不仅对社会没有好处还给别人带来麻烦, 而且他们在任何社会里都是无穷无尽的索取者, 罪犯和伪君子)

19. worse things happen at sea
定义: [安慰语]安慰某人别烦恼这个问题, 如果此事发生在别的地方或换了别人还会更糟.
例句: I know your marital breakup seems like the end of the end of the world, but worse things happen at sea. You'll get through this. (我知道你们的婚姻破裂就像是世界末日一样, 但此事如果换了别人还会更糟. 你一定会渡过这个难关的)

20. worship the ground someone walks on, to
定义: 对某人极端崇拜或迷恋.
例句: People in this town would call her "the girl next door". They're absolutely adoring and worshiping the ground she walked on just for her innocent looks. (镇上的人都称她为"邻家女孩". 只因为她那副天真无邪的模样, 他们就对她极为钟爱和崇拜)



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