01. worst nightmare, one's
定义: 最可怕的梦魇; 最不愿见到的悲惨事; 最不愿碰到的人. (注: 有时被人用来恐吓别人的话: 我是你最可怕的梦魇)
例句: As your supervisor, I can be your biggest advocate or your worst nightmare. Choose wisely. (作为你的上司, 我可以是你最大的支持者, 也可以是你最可怕的梦魇. 所以, 你要做出明智的选择. 注: 意指你跟这位上司合作无间是个明智的抉择)
02. worst of all
定义: 最糟糕的是.
例句: When Bob woke the next morning, his legs were cramped and drawn up and his back hurt when he tried to move, but worst of all was the throb in his head. (当鲍勃第二天早上醒来时, 他的腿抽筋了而且伸展不开, 他试图移动时背部疼痛, 但最糟糕的是他的头在抽痛)

03. worst of both worlds, to have the
定义: 一无是处. (注: 意指在判断某事或物的时候, 你会拿出两个重要指标来比较, 如果两条指标都不令人满意, 你会认为此事或此物一无是处)
例句: This car gets terrible gas mileage and it doesn't handle well in bad weather. It's the worst of both worlds! (这辆车耗油耗得厉害, 在恶劣天气下也不好控制. 真是一无是处! 注: 这句话的意思是, 车子耗油并不是大问题如果车子开得顺手也还能接受. 但车子既耗油又不好驾驭, 那此车便是一无是处)
04. worst-case estimate, the
定义: 最糟糕可能发生情况的评估.
例句: The total power at 52°C is 8.7W, compared to 9.7W at 85°C in the worst-case estimate. (52°C 时的总功率为 8.7W, 而相对于最坏情况下估计为 85°C 时的 9.7W)
05. worst-case scenario, the
定义: 可能发生的最坏情况. (注: 常用于制作计划时对最糟情况的评估与防范)
例句: We don't expect it to happen, but we need to plan for the worst-case scenario. (我们并不认为它会发生, 但我们必须为可能发生的最坏情况做防范)
06. worth a fortune, be
定义: 价值千金, 价值不菲; 非常富有.
例句: I had no idea that those old, unopened toys were worth a small fortune today! (我居然没想到那些没开封的旧玩具现今价值不菲!)

07. king's ransom
定义: 巨额金钱, 一大笔钱.
例句: I would like to buy a nice watch, but I don't want to pay a king's ransom for it. (我想买一块名表, 但我不想为此花一大笔钱)
08. worth a shot, be
定义: 值得一搏, 值得一试, 值得一拼.
例句: "Should I ask the boss for a bigger budget?" "Eh, it's worth a shot. The worst thing she can do is say no." ("我是不是应该向老板要求更多的预算?" "嗯, 值得一试. 她能做的最糟糕的事只是拒绝而已.")
09. worth its/one's salt, be
定义: 物有所值; 值得其收到的报酬; 称职的; 某事或物值得其价值或值得尊重.
例句: Any teacher worth his salt is able to inspire his students. (任何称职的老师都能够激励他学生的求知欲望)
10. worth its/(one's) weight in gold, be
定义: 非常珍贵; 物超所值; 极具用途的; 极具价值的.
例句: Our volunteers are worth their weight in gold. They help us in ways that money can't buy! (我们的志工们真是无价之宝. 他们帮助我们的方式是有钱都买不到的!)
11. worth one's while, be
定义: 值得去努力的, (所付出时间与精力)值得回报的.
例句: Will you drive me to the party tonight? I'll make it worth your while. How about I do your chores for a week? (今晚你开车送我去派对好吗? 我不会让你白辛苦的, 要不我帮你做一个星期的家务活, 怎样?)
12. bear repeating, to
定义: 值得一提再提, (金玉良言)值得流传下去. (注: 如果本短语使用在否定语句上, 那就意味着某人的话不堪入耳, 所以最好别再提了)
例句: A simple message that bears repeating: Take care of your employees and they will take care of business. (一个简单却值得重复的金玉良言: 照顾好你的员工, 他们就会照顾好你的生意)
13. worth the risk, be
定义: 值得去冒这个风险.
例句: The idea of IT outsourcing is new to me. I'd like to try it but I've heard some horror stories, so I'm not sure it's worth the risk. (资讯科技外包对我来说是个新概念. 我很想尝试一下, 但我听说过一些有关外包的恐怖故事, 所以我不确定是否值得冒这个险)
14. worth waiting for, be
定义: 等待是值得的; 如此吸引人, 美好, 令人向往, 所以没有白等.
例句: Don't take this job. I know there's a better opportunity out there for you, and it's worth waiting for. (不要接受这份工作. 我知道有一个更好的工作机会在那儿等着你, 所以你的等待不会让你失望)
15. it isn't worth the trouble
定义: 不值得这么麻烦; 不值得费那事.
例句: "Why don't you apply to some community service projects during the summer vacation?" "Eh, it isn't worth the trouble." ("你为什么不在暑假期间申请一些社区服务项目呢?" "唉, 不值得费那事.")
16. worthy of belief
定义: 值得相信, 可以信任.
例句: In my opinion, the critics have issues within themselves and the story is worthy of belief based on the evidence I have read. (依我看来, 这些批评者本身就有问题, 根据我所读到的证据, 这个故事是值得相信的)
17. worthy of the name, be
定义: 名符其实, 恰如其名的, 称职的, 配得其名的, 名实相符.
例句: No physician worthy of the name would prescribe this drug to his patients. (没有一个称职的医生会给他的病人开出这样的处方)
18. would be a good thing
定义: 是件好事.
例句: Do you think it would be a good thing if a sufficiently intelligent AI had the ability to perfectly address Quora questions? (如果一个足够聪明的人工智能有能力完美地回答Quora上的问题, 你认为这是一件好事吗? 注: Quora是一个在线问答网站)

Quora聚合许多问题和答案, 同时容许用户协同编辑问题和答案
19. would give one's eyeteeth
定义: 极钟爱某事或物. (注: 意指假如有人情愿以两颗犬齿换取某物, 他一定很钟爱它)
例句: Many people would give their eyeteeth for an opportunity like this. (许多人愿意付出任何代价来取得一个像这样的机会)
20. would give one's right arm to do or to have something
定义: 愿意付出任何代价去取得.
例句: What a voice! I'd give my right arm to be able to sing like that. (多么美妙的声音啊! 如果能够唱得那么好听, 我愿意付出任何代价)