01. would give you the shirt off their back
定义: 热心解囊相助, 毫不迟疑慷慨救助. (注: 意指某人肯毫不犹豫地把身上仅有衣服脱下来救助别人)
例句: I'm not surprised that Charlotte loaned you money; she would give anyone the shirt off her back. (夏洛特借钱给你我一点也不奇怪; 她对任何人都会热心倾囊相助)
02. would have + ... (PP过去分词)
定义: 使用于与过去事实相反的假设. (注: 例如, who would have thought of it? 当初谁会想到那件事?)
例句: We would have gone to the beach, had the weather been good. (要是天气好的话, 我们早就去海滩了)
03. would have agreed with you
定义: 就会同意你. (注: 使用于与过去事实相反的假设: 假如某情况是这样的话, 我就会同意你)
例句: I would have agreed with him had I known what the fuss was all about. (如果我早知道是怎么回事, 我就会同意他的看法了)
04. would I lie to you?
定义: 我还会骗你吗?
例句: Would I lie to you? I have no reason to lie to you. (我还会骗你吗? 我没有理由对你说谎)
05. would just as soon
定义: 宁愿...而不要...; 情愿, 宁可.
例句: I know everyone is eager to go out tonight, but I'd as soon stay home, to be honest. (我知道今晚大家都很想出去玩, 但老实说, 我宁愿待在家里)
06. would never consider, one
定义: 绝对不会考虑.
例句: I'm sure he would never consider doing anything criminal. (我相信他绝对不会考虑去为非作歹)
07. would not put it past someone
定义: 相信某人可能会做某事, 如果某人做了某件(坏)事你也不会惊讶.
例句: Do I think Joey stole the money? Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him. This man has no conscience. (我认为是乔伊偷走了这笔钱吗? 老实说, 他要是偷了我也不会惊讶. 这个人丧尽天良)
08. would prefer to … rather than/instead of
定义: 宁愿要...而不. (注: I would可以简写为I'd. 如果would prefer之后使用的是动词的话, 要使用不定式)
例句: I would prefer to exercise rather than sit on the couch all day. (我宁愿去运动也不愿整天坐在沙发上. 注: 在美国有一个俚语, couch potato, 就是指一个长期赖在沙发上, 不爱运动的懒人)

沙发上的土豆 – 不爱运动的懒人
09. would rather
定义: 宁愿要. (注: I would可以简写为I'd)
例句: She said she would rather not talk to you right now. (她说她现在不想和你说话)
10. would rather ... than
定义: 宁愿要...而不. (注: I would可以简写为I'd)
例句: The weather is so nice, I'd rather sit in the garden than watch TV. (天气这么好,我宁愿坐在花园里也不想看电视)
11. would sooner
定义: 宁愿...而不要...; 情愿, 宁可.
例句: I would sooner join the nunnery than go on another date with Tom! His arrogance was positively repulsive! (我宁愿去修女院也不愿再和汤姆约会! 他的傲慢令人作呕!)
12. would that ...
定义: 真希望当初能..., 假如当初能...
例句: Would that I had listened to you when you insisted that it was you and not your brother who actually did it. (当你坚持说这事确实是你干的而不是你哥哥干的, 我真希望当初相信你的话)
13. Would that I had thought of it myself.
[成语句型]我真希望当初能想到这一点. (注: 意指使用于与过去事实相反的假设)
14. would very much like to ...
定义: 很想..., 很希望...
例句: I would very much like to see you again, Mary. (我很想再见到妳, 玛丽)
15. would you be good/kind enough to ...?
定义: 能否麻烦你...? 请你...?
例句: Would you be so kind enough to hold the door open for me? (请你帮我扶着门好吗?)

16. would you believe it?
定义: 你会相信吗?
例句: Would you believe it if I tell you that I've been going to this restaurant for over 26 years? You should. It's true! (如果我告诉你我来这家餐厅吃饭已经26年了, 你会相信吗? 你应该相信. 这是真的!)
17. would you care to explain that?
定义: (客气请求)你想要解释这件事吗? (注: care to就是wish to)
例句: Would you care to explain that and what you're doing here? (你愿意解释这件事吗? 还有你在这里想要干什么?)
18. would you like anything for dessert?
定义: [餐厅用语](服务员)你要什么甜点吗?
例句: "Would you like anything for dessert?" "What do you suggest?" "The apple pie is my favorite." "Okay. I'll try that." ("你要什么甜点吗?" "你有什么建议?" "苹果派是我的最爱." "好吧. 让我来品尝你们的苹果派.")
19. would you like anything to drink with your meal?
定义: [餐厅用语](服务员)你用餐时要喝点什么?
例句: "Would you like anything to drink with your meal?" "Two glasses of white wine please." ("你用餐时要喝点什么?" "麻烦你给我两杯白葡萄酒.")
20. would you like anything/something to drink?
定义: [餐厅用语](服务员)想要喝点什么?
例句: "Would you like something to drink?" "Could you bring me a glass of water, please." ("想要喝点什么?" "麻烦你给我一杯水.")