二十笔实用成语 1203

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二十笔实用成语 1203

帖子 royl » 周六 6月 03, 2023 1:29 pm

二十笔实用成语 1203

01. would you like some cheese to go with your whine?
定义: [戏谑语]你要不要拿一些乳酪来搭配你的牢骚? (注: 葡萄酒wine与发牢骚whine发音一样; 意指讥讽一个喜欢发牢骚的人; 西方人喜欢以乳酪配葡萄酒)
例句: Do you want some cheese to go with your whine? Seriously, your team does not want to hear how hard you "think" you work. (你想要一些奶酪来搭配你的抱怨吗? 说真的, 你的团队不想听你"认为"你自己工作有多努力的解释. 注: 意指你的团队根本不认为你很努力地工作)

02. would you mind ...?
定义: 你介不介意...? 你可不可以...?
例句: Would you mind telling me who you are, and what are you doing here? (你能告诉我你是谁吗, 你来这里要做什么?)

03. would like (to have) (something)
定义: 表达对某事的渴望或偏爱的礼貌方式. (注: 在美国would是正常用法, 在英国许多人用should)
例句: She said she would like to have a house closer to her office, but the rents are far too expensive in the city. (她说她想要找一栋离办公室近一点的房子, 但是城里的房租太贵了)

04. would-be
定义: [形容词]有意(成为)的, 宣称想要的, 有潜力成为的.
例句: The shopkeeper reached for a box under the counter and threw a handful of chili powder in the would-be thief's face. (店主伸手从柜台下拿出一个盒子, 一把辣椒粉撒在想要偷东西的贼人脸上)

05. wouldn't be caught/seen dead
定义: 强烈反对; 宁死也不愿意; 不屑做某事, 不屑与…有关联.
例句: I wouldn't be seen dead wearing that T-shirt. You can burn it for all I care. (我打死也不会穿那件T恤. 你把它烧掉我也不在乎)

06. wouldn't do anything about it
定义: 无所作为, 袖手旁观. (注: 意指不加阻止, 不加改善, 见死不救等等)
例句: Someone stole a package from my front porch four days ago and police wouldn't do anything about it. (四天前有人从我的前门廊偷走一个包裹, 警察对此却无所作为)

07. wouldn't dream of
定义: 从未想到, 从未考虑, 从未敢奢想.
例句: I'm sure Mom didn't read that letter you got. She wouldn't dream of opening someone else's mail. (我肯定妈妈没有阅读你收到的那封信. 她从未想要打开别人的邮件)

08. wouldn't have it any other way
定义: 坚持只用某一办法或方式, 不肯屈就别的办法或方式.
例句: It's never going to be easy having kids but I wouldn't have it any other way. (生产儿女从来就不容易, 但我不会换任何其他方式来生产. 注: 意指我知道自然生产婴儿虽然不容易但我决不会换另一种方法, 例如剖腹生产, 来取代自然生产)

09. wouldn't hurt a flea/fly
定义: 心地仁慈, 决不会伤害别人.
例句: My brother is a very sweet, warm-hearted man who wouldn't hurt a fly. How can you suspect him of committing this crime? (我哥哥是一个温馨, 热心的人, 决不会伤害别人. 你怎么可以怀疑他犯上了这件案子?)

10. wouldn't it be great/nice/wonderful if ...?
定义: 假如...岂不是很好吗?
例句: Wouldn't it be great if we could find a loving home for every pet? The world would be a better place if all the shelters were empty. (如果我们能为每只宠物找到一个充满爱心的家, 那不是很好吗? 如果所有的宠物避难所都是空的, 世界会更加美好)

11. wouldn't listen to reason
定义: 拒绝听或听不进别人讲的道理或劝告.
例句: Unfortunately, the three-year-olds wouldn't listen to reason. (不幸的是, 这些三岁孩子们根本听不进道理)

12. wouldn't touch something with a bargepole
定义: 无论如何都不想介入某事, 躲得远远的.
例句: I don't know why she's marrying that man. I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole. (我不知道她为什么要嫁给那个男人. 我会躲他躲得远远)

13. wouldn't touch something with a ten-foot pole
定义: 无论如何都不想介入某事, 躲得远远的.
例句: If anyone in your audience asks a question about religion, don't touch it with a ten-foot pole! (如果你的听众中有人问你有关宗教的问题, 无论如何你都不要回答它!)

14. wouldn't you agree?
定义: 你难道不同意吗?
例句: Wouldn't you agree with me that it won't be fair if we helped you to harm him? (你难道不同意, 如果我们帮助你去伤害他, 你不觉得不公平吗?)

15. wouldn't you know it?
定义: 你相信吗? 你知道吗? (注: 基本上这句话并不是真正的问话, 而是抱怨令人讨厌的事情一再地发生)
例句: I was running late and, wouldn't you know, I rushed off without my purse. (我已经迟到了, 还有你知道吗, 我居然没带钱包就匆匆出门了)

16. wouldn't you like to ...?
定义: 你难道不愿意...?
例句: Wouldn't you like to join us in helping others too? Does your employer match donations? Lots of companies do so please ask. (你难道不想和我们一起帮助别人吗? 你的雇主提供捐款匹配吗? 很多公司都是这样做, 所以请你询问你的雇主是否也有捐赠匹配的政策)

17. wouldn't you say?
定义: 你不同意吗? 你不认为如此吗?
例句: This lipstick is a little pricey, wouldn't you say? I bet we could find a very similar shade at the drugstore for $5. (这支口红有点贵, 你不觉得吗? 我敢打赌我们可以在药房里花5美元买到非常相似的颜色. 注: 美国许多药房除了卖处方药, 非处方药, 维他命, 也卖化妆品, 保养品, 洗衣精, 洗发精, 五花八门的货品, 应有尽有)
药房里的货品除了新鲜果蔬不卖之外, 其他应有尽有

18. wouldn't/don't/can't blame someone
定义: 不能怪某人. (注: 意指某人有正当理由做某件事)
例句: I don't blame him for getting angry. She's being really annoying. (我不怪他生气. 她真的很烦人)

19. wound tighter than a spring, be
定义: 焦虑不堪, 精神紧绷, 变为很紧张的; 极易被激怒的, 一触即发的.
例句: I might look OK on the outside, but I'm wound tighter than a spring with fear and anticipation of things getting worse. (我可能在外表看起来还正常, 但我被山雨欲来风满楼的预感所产生的恐惧弄得精神紧绷)

20. wound up, be
定义: 焦虑不堪, 精神紧绷, 变为很紧张, 一触即发的.
例句: He got really wound up when he couldn't find his front door key. (当他找不到前门钥匙的时候, 他焦虑得有如热锅上的蚂蚁)



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