二十笔实用成语 1210
01. you can imagine how I felt
定义: 你可以了解我当时如何感觉. (注: 在此imagine与understand同义)
例句: So, you can imagine how I felt when I was asked to speak today and suddenly no words were coming to mind. (所以, 你可以想像当我今天被要求发言时却突然无言以对的感受)
02. You can keep your rotten money!
03. you can kiss my butt
定义: [愤怒不雅语]去你的.
例句: You can kiss my butt, Tom! You couldn't fix this truck if your life depended on it! (去你的, 汤姆! 不管怎么说, 你就是没法修好这辆卡车!)
04. you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
定义: [谚语]师父引进门, 修行靠个人. (注: 原译为你可以把马引到水边, 你却不能强迫马喝水)
例句: We provide information, but I wonder if they read it. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. (我们提供了资料, 但我不知道他们是否会研读了. 师父引进门, 修行靠个人)
05. you can make it
定义: [鼓励语]你可以做得到的.
例句: If you can make it in New York City, you can make it anywhere! (如果你能在纽约市打下一片天, 你就能在任何地方成功!)
06. you can quote me on that
定义: 你可以引用我的话; 我很确定这事.
例句: I'm sure the company will not lay off employees within this year. You can quote me on that. (我相信公司今年内决不会裁员. 这件事我很确定)
07. you can run but you can't hide
定义: [谚语]你可以逃避但你终必然会面对你的问题或过去.
例句: I know you took money from me. You can run, but you can't hide. I'll find you eventually. (我知道你偷拿了我的钱. 你可以跑, 但你躲不了. 我最终还是会找到你的)
08. you can say that again
定义: 你说的真对, 完全同意你的意见.
例句: "Wow, that exam was brutally difficult!" "You can say that again! It was the hardest test I've ever taken." ("哇, 那场考试太难考了!" "你说的没错! 这是我考的最难的一次考试.")
09. I guess you can say that
定义: 我想你可以这么说.
例句: I guess you can say that I'm accident-prone and can't trust myself with a butter knife. (我想你可以说我是个笨手笨脚的人, 我连拿把钝头的黄油刀都怕伤到自己)
10. can see (from) a mile off
定义: 老远就可以看到了, 早就可以预料到了.
例句: I could see from a mile off that it wasn't going to work. (我早就预料到了这件事行不通)
11. sit on your butt and wait for, to
定义: 你可以枯坐等待它. (注: 意指像守株待兔般地消极等待, 无所作为)
例句: That doesn't mean you should sit on your butt and wait for it to happen, because it will never happen! (这并不意味着你应该坐在那里等待它发生, 因为它决不会发生!)
12. you can take that to the bank
定义: 你要相信我的话! 你可以信赖的!
例句: I'm your dad. Nothing you could do could ever make me stop loving you. You can take that to the bank! (我是你爸爸. 无论你做了什么, 都无法让我停止爱你. 你要相信你爸爸!)
13. You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?
[成语句型]你可以说得头头是道, 但你能做到吗?
14. you can talk!
定义: 你还好意思说人家. (注: 意指乌鸦笑猪黑, 五十步笑百步; 指责你没有资格批评某人, 别人可以批评某人但你不能)
例句: "Kathy never pays attention in class." "You can talk! Just today I saw you reading a magazine during the lecture." ("凯西上课从不专心听课." "你还好意思说人家! 就在今天, 我看到你在上课的时候看杂志.")
15. you can't be half pregnant.
定义: 全身心投入. (注: 意指不可三心两意)
例句: We pick up a valuable lesson: you can't be half-pregnant. To be successful in business, you must be able to give it your full commitment. (我们学到了一个宝贵的教训: 你不可三心两意. 要在事业上取得成功, 你必须全身心投入)
16. you can't be serious?
定义: 你不是当真的吧? 你不是说着玩的吧?
例句: "I'm joining the army." "You can't be serious." ("我要去当兵啦." "你不是在开玩笑吧?")
17. you can't be too careful these days
定义: 这年头还是小心点好.
例句: "Sorry, I've got to check your ID." "Yeah, you can't be too careful these days." ("抱歉, 我必须察看你的身分证件." "是啊, 这年头还是小心点好.")
18. you can't beat that
定义: 你找不到更好的事或物. (注: 意指到现在为止这是最好的事或物)
例句: Wow, a whole meal for just $5? You can't beat that deal! (哇, 一顿饭只要5美元? 再也找不到更好的价钱了!)
19. you can't get blood from a stone/turnip
定义: [谚语]石头里榨不出油水; 没有就是没有, 没法凭空变出东西.
例句: The government can't increase taxes any further. Nobody has the money! You can't get blood from a stone! (政府不能再增加税收了. 大家都没钱了! 石头里榨不出油水!)
20. you can't get to the top by sitting on your bottom
定义: [谚语]你不可能不痛下努力而成为人上人.
例句: You can't get to the top by sitting on your bottom! We all have to work hard in order to get ahead. (你不可能不痛下功夫而成为人上人! 我们都必须努力工作才能脱颖而出)
二十笔实用成语 1210
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