二十笔实用成语 1211

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二十笔实用成语 1211

帖子 royl » 周三 6月 21, 2023 3:28 pm

二十笔实用成语 1211

01. you can't have it all
定义: [谚语]你无法全部得到; 你不能拥有一切; 人世间不可能样样如意.
例句: The idea that we can get everything we want out of life is flawed. You can't have it all, and you have to make some tough decisions sometimes. (有一种错误的想法认为, 我们可以从生活中我们想要什么就能得到什么. 人世间不可能事事如意, 而且有时候你还必须做出一些艰难的抉择)

02. you can't lose what you never had
定义: [谚语]你不可能失去你从未有的; 赤脚的不怕穿鞋的.
例句: "Hey, I'm sorry to hear your blind date stood you up." "Ah, it's OK. You can't lose what you never had." ("很遗憾你的相亲对象放了你鸽子." "哎, 没关系. 你没法失去从未拥有过的东西.")

03. you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
定义: [谚语]劣材难成大器, 朽木不可雕也.
例句: He did his best to coach the team but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. (他已经尽了最大的努力来训练这支队伍, 但劣材难成大器, 朽木不可雕也)

04. you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
定义: [谚语]要达成目标总要做一些牺牲.
例句: If I don't cut people's salaries, the company is going to go bankrupt. It's unfortunate, but you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. (如果我不削减员工的工资, 公司就要破产. 很不幸, 若要达成目标总要做一些牺牲)

05. you can't make bricks without straw
定义: [谚语]巧妇难为无米之炊; 做事时如缺少必要的资源, 便无法成功.
例句: Don't start building that shed unless you know you've got everything you'll need. You can't make bricks without straw. (除非你知道你所需要的一切建材和工具都已经准备就绪, 否则不要开工建造那栋小屋. 缺少必要的资源, 你无法成功)

06. you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube
定义: [谚语]覆水难收; 木已成舟; 君子一言, 驷马难追.
例句: Many people lament the pervasive nature of social media, but there's no way to put the toothpaste back in the tube, unfortunately. (许多人哀叹社交媒体无处不在, 但不幸的是, 事实已经造成, 无法改变)

07. you can't take it with you
定义: [谚语]你的财富再多也不能带到下一辈子去用. (注: 意指钱乃身外之物, 活不带来, 死不带去)
例句: It doesn't matter how much money you make in your lifetime. You can't take it with you when you go. (你一生赚多少钱并不重要. 因为你的财富再多也不能带到下一辈子去用)

08. you can't unring a bell
定义: [谚语]覆水难收; 木已成舟. (注: 意指无法改变已造成的事实, 你只能接受它)
例句: How confident are you in this information? Because once we announce it, there's no changing it. You can't unring a bell. (你对这些信息有多大信心? 因为一旦我们发布了这则信息, 就无法收回了. 已造成的事实是没法改变的)

09. you can't win for losing
定义: 一连串的不幸, 失利或失败.
例句: So, Mary divorced John after their company went under, and then his mother died a week later? Man, John can't win for losing lately. (玛丽在他们的公司倒闭之后便跟约翰离婚, 一周后他的母亲去世了? 天啊, 约翰最近经历了一连串的不幸. 注: 这里句子开头语So是一个连接词, 本身没任何意义)

10. you could cut it with a knife
定义: 气氛凝重到可以拿刀切成块的地步. (注: 强调某种气氛, 味道, 闷热空气等浓厚到可以拿刀切成块)
例句: The entire dinner was so awkward you could cut the tension with a knife. (整个晚餐的气氛都很凝重, 其凝重的程度你都可以拿刀子切成块了)

11. you could have fooled me
定义: [冷讽语]你骗鬼呀! 装得跟真的一样! 根本就不相信! (注: 意指嘲笑性地告诉别人差点被骗, 其实根本就不相信)
例句: "This neighborhood has really improved in recent years. It's quite popular now." "Wow! With all the boarded-up buildings, you could have fooled me!" ("这个社区近年来确实大有改善. 现在很受欢迎." "喔! 有这么多木板封起来的建筑, 你骗鬼呀!")

12. you could have knocked me over with a feather
定义: 令我大吃一惊, 我几乎不敢相信.
例句: I was so taken aback when I found out I'd won the lottery that you could have knocked me over with a feather! (当我发现我中了彩票时, 我大吃一惊, 我几乎不敢相信这是真的!)

13. you couldn't pay me to ...
定义: 你给我再多的钱, 我也不会做某件事.
例句: You couldn't pay me to jump out of an airplane! (你给我再多钱我也不会从飞机上跳下来!)

14. you could've said no
定义: 你当初可以拒绝的.
例句: He simply could've said no politely. There was no need to create drama about it on social media. (他本可以礼貌地拒绝的. 根本没有必要在社交媒体上制造闹剧)

15. You crossed me up on the deal.

16. you da man!
定义: [称赞语]你够种! 你真行! 服了你! 你是老大! 听你的!
例句: "I got accepted to Harvard!" "Wow, congratulations! You da man!" ("我被哈佛录取了!" "哇, 恭喜你! 你真行!")

17. you did good
定义: 你做得好; 你做得对.
例句: No, no, no. You did good. Are you kidding? You did great! (不, 不, 不. 你做得好. 你开什么玩笑? 你做得太好啦!)

18. you did it the wrong way
定义: 你用错了方法.
例句: My 6-year-old grandson says it was a good throw. I tell him it was a good throw but you did it the wrong way. (我6岁的孙子说这球投得很好. 我告诉他这球投得很好, 但你用错了方法)

19. you did right
定义: 你做得对.
例句: No, honey, if you promised Daddy you wouldn't tell anyone, then you did right not to tell me. (不, 亲爱的, 如果你答应过爸爸不告诉任何人, 那么你不告诉我是对的)

20. you do not look a day over a particular age
定义: 你看起来一点也没有超过某一个年纪.
例句: "Today's my 50th birthday." "Really? I'm surprised. You don't look a day over 40." ("今天是我50岁生日." "真的吗? 我很惊讶. 你看起还不到40岁的样子.")



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