二十笔实用成语 1213

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二十笔实用成语 1213

帖子 royl » 周二 6月 27, 2023 10:44 pm

二十笔实用成语 1213

01. you forget one thing
定义: 你忘了一件事.
例句: You may think you can beat me, but you forget one thing, I've got 10 years' experience on you. (你也许以为你能打败我, 但你忘了一件事, 我比你还多出十年的经验)

02. you get what you paid/pay for
定义: [谚语]一分钱, 一分货; 花什么样的钱, 买什么样的货; 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆.
例句: "I was so pleased to find shoes for such a low price, but look, they're falling apart already." "What can I say? You get what you pay for." ("我很高兴能找到这么便宜的鞋子, 但你看看, 它们都已经裂开了." "我能说什么呢? 一分钱一分货呗.")

03. you give me no choice
定义: 你让我别无选择, 你让我无转圜余地.
例句: Even with student financial aid, the rent is still way too expensive for me. You're giving me no choice but to look elsewhere. (即使有助学金, 这个房子的租金对我来说还是太贵了. 你让我别无选择, 只好到别处找房子)

04. you go boy/girl
定义: 加油; 你做得好.
例句: "Dad, I just found out that I aced the test!" "Whoa, that's amazing news! You go, girl!" ("爸, 我刚才得知我这次考试拿了一个A!" "哇, 真是个好消息! 你真棒, 闺女!")

05. you got it.
定义: 你听懂了; 你说对了; 你做对了.
例句: You got it, kid! That's the way to score. Great job! (这就对了, 孩子! 这就是进球得分的正确方法. 干得好!)

06. you got owned
定义: 你输惨了. (注: 意指被对手在线上游戏, 辩论惨败或成功地被别人入侵电脑)
例句: Bart's deputy, Jim, wants to prove that he's still as quick with his hands as he was before but he got owned by a trigger-happy 16-year-old. (巴特的副手吉姆想要证明他的双手仍然像以前一样敏捷, 但他却被一个动不动就想开枪的十六岁孩子击败了)

07. You got to try this stuff.

08. you guessed it
定义: 你猜对了. (注: 常用于当你提及某人或事之前所说的话其实就是大家心里已经想到的人或事, 用此来强调你所要提出的人或事的特殊性)
例句: We had lunch at Smith's Café, which is owned by, you guessed it, John Smith. (我们在史密斯咖啡馆吃了午餐, 你猜对了, 这家小餐馆的老板就是约翰•史密斯)

09. You had me scared there for a moment.
[成语句型]你刚才吓了我一跳. (注: 因为别人开玩笑或误解被吓一跳或尴尬了一阵子, 但是现在经由别人解释之后, 你才松了一口气)

10. you had to be there
定义: 你必须身临其境(才会感受到或者才会理解).
例句: "I don't get it." "Sorry, it was more about the way Jeff did it that was funny. I guess you had to be there." ("我楞是没弄明白." "抱歉, 主要是杰夫做这件事的方式太有趣了. 我想你必须身临其境才会感受他的幽默.")

11. you have had your chance
定义: 已经给过你机会了. (注: 意指你自己错过机会, 怪不得别人)
例句: You have had your chance, but you have blown it. Now let somebody else do the job you couldn't do. (已经给过你的机会, 但你搞砸了. 现在该换别人来做你没法完成的工作)

12. you have me there
定义: 你难倒我了. (注: 意指我不知道答案)
例句: "OK, you have me there." "I'm not trying to have you anywhere." "But I just don't know the answer to that one!" ("好了, 这下你难倒我了. " "我才不想难倒你." "但是我真的不知道这个问题的答案呀!")

13. you have my full support
定义: 我全力支持你.
例句: As you embark on this new chapter in your life, I want you to know that you have my full support and admiration. (当你踏上你人生的新篇章之时, 我想让你知道我全力支持和敬佩你)

14. you have my word
定义: 我向你保证.
例句: You have my word that the money will be in your bank account by tomorrow afternoon. (我向你保证, 这笔钱一定会在明天下午之前就存入你的银行帐户)

15. You have never forgiven me since.
[成语句型]从那时起, 你再也没原谅过我.

16. You have no idea how much I have been through.

17. You have outdone yourself this time.
[成语句型]你这次表现优异; 你这次表现优于平常.

18. you have to be good to be lucky
定义: 有本领的人才能创造自己的机会.
例句: Athletes don't wait for good luck. They try to improve, knowing you have to be good to be lucky. (运动员们不会坐等好运. 他们会努力加强自己, 知道有本领的人才能替自己创造机会)

19. you have until Monday to contact us
定义: 你最迟要在下星期一之前跟我们联络.
例句: You have until June 6 to turn in your book reviews. (你们必须在6月6日之前交出你的书评报告)

20. you just can't miss it
定义: 你不能错过的; 你不会找不到的(例如找路或找东西).
例句: The Black Friday sale will start on Nov. 17 with up to 77% off. You just can't miss it! (黑色星期五促销活动将于11月17日开始, 最高可享受 77% 的折扣. 千万别错过!)



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