二十笔实用成语 1215

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二十笔实用成语 1215

帖子 royl » 周日 7月 02, 2023 8:14 pm

二十笔实用成语 1215

01. you look as if you've been dragged through a hedge backwards
定义: 你看起来狼狈不堪. (注: 意指衣衫不整或头发凌乱)
例句: You need to comb your hair, because you right now look like you had been dragged through a hedge backwards. (你该梳理你的头发, 因为你现在看起来相当狼狈不堪)

02. you look great
定义: [称赞语]你看起来神采奕奕. (注: 可能论及穿着, 健康或精神)
例句: You look great, Jack. Did you lose weight? New outfit? Woke up and decided to smile all day? (你看起来神采奕奕, 杰克. 你减肥了吗? 换了一身新衣服吗? 还是, 早上醒来后决定微笑一整天?)

03. you lucky dog!
定义: 你这个幸运的家伙!
例句: You lucky dog, Tom. I am so happy for you and Demi. Yeah, I see no problem for the two of you getting married soon. (你这个幸运的家伙, 汤姆. 我为你和黛咪感到高兴. 是啊, 我觉得你们俩很快地就会顺顺利利地结婚)

04. you make a better door than you do a window
定义: 别挡住我的视线. (注: 意指门会挡住视线而窗不会)
例句: "Isn't this a great view?" "You make a better door than you do a window. Let me see." ("这不是一个很美的景色吗?" "别挡住我的视线. 让我看看.")

05. You may not be in the clear just yet.
[成语句型]你还没被证明是无辜的. (注: 意指你还没有完全逃过别人的责难或惩罚)

06. win the battle, but lose the war, to
定义: 赢得这场战斗但还是输掉了整场战争; 赢得小的胜利却导致全面失败.
例句: The government has won the battle against corporate tax evasions, but it's losing the war, because many companies have started relocating in other countries. (政府赢得了打击企业逃税的战斗, 但它正在输掉这场战争, 因为许多公司已经开始迁往其他国家)

07. you mean to tell me
定义: 你难道是说. (注: 这是用来详述别人说过的不好的, 难以相信的事情)
例句: You mean to tell me we're stuck out here in the wilderness with no food, no water, and no way of contacting the outside world? (你难道是说我们被困在这片荒野里没有食物, 没有水, 没法和外界联系吗?)

08. you might as well ...
定义: 你最好还是这样做; 你还不如这样做; 你不妨还是如此做.
例句: The deadline is yesterday, but you might as well send it in anyway; they may still accept it. (截止日期是昨天, 但你不妨还是把它寄出去吧; 他们可能还会接受它)

09. you might ask
定义: 你也许会问.
例句: What is a pruning cycle you might ask? This is the schedule tailored to each tree, dependent on the needs specifically for that tree. (你也许会问什么是修剪周期? 这是针对每棵树量身定做的时间表, 取决于该树本身的确切需求)

10. you might be surprised
定义: 你可能会惊讶.
例句: While many derogatory, anti-leftie sentiments are in the past, you might be surprised to see how many of these prejudices linger in our language today. (尽管许多贬义的, 反左派的情绪已经成为过去, 你可能会惊讶地发现, 今天我们的语言中还有许多这样的残留偏见)

11. you might say
定义: 你可以这么说. (注: 用来建议别人以一个合适方式去思考或形容某事)
例句: The experience was, you might say, a glimpse into the future. (这次的经历, 你可以这么说, 是对未来的一瞥)

12. You misinterpreted the what I said.

13. You must be fool to believe that.

14. You must be propagandizing on his behalf.

15. you must crawl before you walk
定义: [谚语]你一定要先会爬才能走. (注: 意指世事没有一蹴可几的可能, 我们要按步就班, 循序渐进地学习或发展才能有所成就)
例句: Nowadays, people who want to become hotshot doctors but don't want to put in all the hard work the field demands. You must crawl before you walk. (现今, 许多人想成为医术精湛的医生却不想付出在该领域专研所需的一切努力. 你必须循序渐进地学习才有所成就)

16. you must lose a fly to catch a trout
定义: [谚语]你必须要先付出才有收获.
例句: You must lose a fly to catch a trout. That's why we're willing to live cheaply for several years in order to save enough money to buy our own house. (你必须要先付出才有收获. 这就是为什么为了积攒足够的购买我们自己房子的钱, 我们愿意度过几年节衣缩食的生活)

17. you name it
定义: 只要你能想到的.
例句: Pickled cucumbers, jam, pickled berries, and pickled cherry tomatoes; you name it, they've got it! (腌黄瓜, 果酱, 腌浆果, 和腌渍小蕃茄; 你能想到的, 他们都有!)

18. You need money to make money.
定义: 你先需要钱才能赚钱.
例句: For the most part, you need money to make money, as the old saying goes. That's because most ways of making passive income require an up-front investment. (在大多数情况下, 正如老话所说的, 你需要钱才能赚钱. 这是因为大多数赚取被动收入的方法都需要预付投资)

19. you need to choose the right words
定义: 你要(谨慎地)选择正确或贴切的词汇.
例句: You need to choose the right words to create an impact on your readers and make them remember your content. (你需要选择贴切的词汇才能打动你读者的心弦, 让他们对你的节目内容留下深刻的印象)

20. you need to stop
定义: 你必须停下来; 别再做下去. (注: 劝人不要再伤害自己或别人)
例句: Three things you need to stop doing online: 1. Stop using simple passwords; 2. Avoid using public Wi-Fi; 3. Stop clicking on suspicious links. (三件你需要停止在网上做的事情: 1. 停止使用简单的密码; 2. 避免使用公共Wi-Fi; 3. 别再点击可疑的链接)



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