二十笔实用成语 1218
01. you, for one
定义: 以你为例; 对你来说; 指某人.
例句: It's getting late and I, for one, must be going. (时间不早了, 我也该走了)
02. you'd better believe it; you better believe it
定义: 千真万确; 肯定会发生; 毫无疑问的. (注: You'd better就是You had better)
例句: "Is the movie really scary?" "You better believe it!" ("这部电影真的很恐怖吗?" "这是毫无疑问的!")
03. you'd better get used to it
定义: 你还是最好认命, 将就将就吧.
例句: This is my family, and we're not going anywhere. We're all going to have to live together, so you'd better get used to it. (这是我的家人, 我们哪儿也不去. 我们都要住在一起, 所以你就将就吧)
04. you'd fit right in
定义: 你会融入(某团体), 合作无间.
例句: It's a great office environment, and I'm sure you're an excellent worker and I can assure you that you'd fit right in perfectly. (这是一个很温馨的办公环境, 我相信你是一名优秀的员工, 我可以向你保证, 你会和同事们相处得很融洽)
05. you'll be hearing a lot from him
定义: 你会经常听到他的消息; 他以后会经常来找你.
例句: You'll be hearing a lot from me as I keep you updated on my trip to Eastern Europe in less than two weeks, and my first stop is going to be Berlin. (你们将会陆续听到很多关于我的消息, 因为我将向你们介绍我将在两周之内启程的东欧之行, 我的第一站是柏林)
06. you'll be laughing at me
定义: 你会讥笑我. (注: 意指假如我告诉你我的想法或我让你看我的作品, 你会笑我的)
例句: This new guy and I are nothing alike, and chances are you'll be laughing at me for even considering going out with him. (这个新来的家伙和我没有一点相似之处, 你们很可能会嘲笑我居然想和他约会)
07. you'll be sorry
定义: 你会后悔的. (注: 意指你不听我的劝告, 你会后悔的)
例句: OK, fine, don't do what I tell you, and you'll be sorry! (好吧, 那就算了, 你不按照我说的去做的话, 你会后悔的!)
08. you'd be surprised
定义: 你会吓一跳. (注: 意指不同意别人的想法. 例如, 甲人说: 我认为去看篮球决赛人不会多. 乙人回答: 你会吓一跳地看到许多球迷出现)
例句: You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes. (你会惊讶地发现, 每天有多少人违反了这个简单的原则, 试图将两个毫不相容的东西结合在一起)
09. you'll never hear the end of it
定义: 你耳根子不会清静的; 某人会跟你唠叨个不完.
例句: If you do not send a wedding present to them you will never hear the end of it from your mom. (你如果不送一份结婚礼物给他们的话, 你老妈就会没完没了地数落你)
10. you'll never know what this means to me
定义: 你永远不会知道这对我有多重要.
例句: You will never know what this means to me, we stuck together and made it out alive. (你永远不会知道这对我有多重要, 我们曾经在患难中, 相互扶持才成功地存活下来)
11. you'll see
定义: 你会看到的; 你会明白的; 拭目以待; 走着瞧.
例句: The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see. (结婚几年后, 这种兴奋感就会消失. 你会看到的)
12. young and foolish, be
定义: (想法)天真, 年少无知.
例句: Being young and foolish, I didn't realize at the time how condescending and hurtful my remark was. (由于年轻无知, 我当时并没有意识到我的话是多么傲慢和伤人的)
13. young at heart, be
定义: 保持年轻的心态.
例句: Grandma is still so young at heart; I can't believe she's taking dance lessons at 90 years old! (奶奶还是能保持着年轻的心态; 我简直不敢相信她90岁了还在上舞蹈课!)
14. young Turk, a
定义: (政治)年轻改革派成员.
例句: College is where many people play at being young Turks, experimenting with counterculture and lifestyles that buck the norm. (大学是个许多人扮演年轻改革派成员, 尝试反主流文化和反常规生活方式的地方)
15. your actual (something)
定义: [形容词](英国)真实的, 重要的.
例句: Now that we're getting a bit of your actual political leadership, it finally feels like the country may be headed in the right direction. (现在我们得到了一些你真实的政治领导, 终于感觉这个国家也许正朝着正确的方向前进)
16. your arguments/jokes/ideas are getting stale
定义: 你的论点越来越陈腐; 你的笑话越来越枯燥无趣; 你的想法越来越了无新意. (注: 读者也可以把arguments/jokes/ideas换成其他的适用名词来使用这句成语)
例句: I love you Tommy, but your jokes are getting stale and are not amusing. (我爱你汤米, 但你的笑话越来越枯燥无趣, 一点也不好笑)
17. your barn door is open
定义: [幽默提醒语]你的裤裆拉链没拉上.
例句: Dude, your barn door is open and I can see your red underwear! (兄弟, 你的裤裆拉链没拉上, 我都能看到你的红内裤!)
18. Your car needs a wash.
19. Your cooking came out perfect.
20. your elevator does not go all the way to the top
定义: 某人的脑袋有问题, 不够灵光.
例句: He says he's going to start a business selling bees as pets. I'm starting to think his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. (他说他打算开一家卖蜜蜂作为宠物的生意. 我开始觉得他的脑袋有问题)
二十笔实用成语 1218
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