01. your eyes are bigger than your stomach
定义: 贪婪, 自不量力, 眼大胃小, 眼高手低.
例句: Your eyes are bigger than your stomach if you think you can get all this work done by the end of the week. (如果你认为你可以在这个周末之前完成所有这些工作, 那么你太自不量力)
02. your eyes pop out of your head
定义: 惊呆了; 惊惶失色.
例句: My eyes practically popped out of my head when I saw that my parents had bought me a car for my birthday! (当我看到父母给我买了一辆汽车作为生日礼物时, 我都惊呆了!)
03. your father wasn't a glass maker
定义: 要某人走开不要挡住你的视线. (注: 原译为你父亲不是做玻璃的, 所以你不是透明的)
例句: Move, you're blocking the screen, and your father wasn't a glass maker. (让开, 你挡住了屏幕, 而且你也不是透明的)
04. your guess is as good as mine
定义: 我也不知道.
例句: "Where's Hank?" "Your guess is as good as mine. He didn't tell me." ("汉克在哪儿?" "我不知道. 他没有告诉我.")
05. hard as stone, be (as)
定义: 坚硬如石头; 非常坚硬.
例句: How am I supposed to knead this dough when it's as hard as stone? (这面团坚硬得像石头, 你要我么揉呢?)
06. your heart isn't in it
定义: 不再热爱或热衷某事; 对某事不上心; 对此事心不在焉.
例句: I can tell by the way you wrote this that your heart wasn't in it. Is something distracting you? (从你写这篇文章的样子我可以看出来你并没有用心. 有什么事情让你没法专心?)
07. Your house is on fire and you are trying to put it out with fuel.
[成语句型]你的房子着火了, 你却试图用燃料来扑灭它.
08. your ignorance is appalling
定义: 你的无知令人惊讶.
例句: You must know that leaving the scene of an accident is against the law. Your ignorance is appalling and you certainly looked old enough to know better. (你必须知道离开事故现场是违法的. 你的无知令人震惊, 看你的年龄确实也应成熟到明白什么事是不可以做的)
09. your life is in someone's hands
定义: 你的生命操在某人之手.
例句: Our lives are in our hands and there are no entitlements without meeting obligations and individual responsibility first. (我们的生命掌握在我们的手里, 没有履行义务就没有相应的权利, 个人责任为重)
10. your luck runs out
定义: 你的好运已经走到尽头了.
例句: We didn't have any major issues our first few years in the house, but this leak in the roof means that our luck has run out. (我们住进这栋房子的头几年没有遇到任何重大问题, 但这次的屋顶漏水意味着我们的好运已经走到尽头了)
11. your mind is on something else
定义: 你心不在焉; 你在想别的事情.
例句: Parents, your child recognizes when your mind is on something else. To help your child feel valued, set aside time to truly focus your attention on your child. (父母们, 当你心不在焉的时候, 你的孩子会察觉到. 为了让你的孩子感觉到被珍惜, 你应当拨出时间来真正地关注你的孩子)
12. your mind/eyes/ears is playing tricks on you
定义: 你的脑子或眼睛或耳朵给你造成幻觉.
例句: I thought I saw someone looking at us through the window, but my eyes must have been playing a trick on me. (我觉得我看到有人透过窗户看着我们, 但我一定是看错了)
13. your money or your life?
定义: [恐吓/警告语]你要钱还是要命. (注: 除了抢匪跟被害人所要胁语言之外, 也有用来警告某人别不顾健康不停工作)
例句: Your money or your life is the constant dilemma. Bear in mind that money cannot buy health, therefore, enjoy your life and maintain work-life balance. (要钱还是要命乃是一个挥之不去的两难困境. 记住, 金钱买不来健康, 因此, 享受人生, 并且保持工作与生活之间的平衡)
14. your name is mud
定义: 不受欢迎, 弄得声名扫地或身败名裂.
例句: His name is mud now that he's been found guilty of embezzling money from the company. (现在他因盗用公司资金而被判有罪, 弄得声名扫地)
15. your place or mine?
定义: 去你那儿还是来我这儿? (注: 意指男女两人约会或准备发生性关系, 选择两人其中一住处)
例句: "I was thinking of watching a movie at home. You're place or mine?" "Okay, I'll rent the movie and we'll watch it at your place." ("我还在想在家里看一部电影. 我们去你那儿还是在我这儿?" "好呀, 我去租电影, 然后我们去你那儿看电影.")
16. your reputation precedes you
定义: 以前就听过你的大名; 久仰大名; 久闻大名. (注: 这里的声名有可能是正面的也有可能是人家反讽的负面恶名)
例句: It's an honor to meet you in person, Mr. Sun. Your reputation precedes you. (孙先生, 很荣幸见到您本人. 久仰您的大名)
17. your secret is safe with me
定义: 你的秘密我不会说出去.
例句: "Please don't share that information with anyone else!" "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" ("请你不要把这个信息告诉别人!" "你放心, 我决不会把你的秘密说出去!")
18. your sins will find you out
定义: [谚语]若要人不知, 除非己莫为. (注: 意指做了坏事总有被揭发一天)
例句: The robbers broke into the shop and stole everything, but they were arrested a few days later. It's true that your sins will indeed find you out. (劫匪闯入商店并盗走了所有的东西, 但几天之后他们便被逮捕. 诚然, 若要人不知, 除非己莫为)
19. Your slip is showing.
[成语句型]妳的衬衣或衬裙露出来了. (注: 意指提醒某女性要整理一下自己的衣裙)

20. Your smart-ass remark prompted me to change my mind.
[成语句型]你的自作聪明的言论促使了我改变了主意. (注: 意指某人的轻率不尊重人话语造成说话者的反感, 并做出了对此人不利的决定)