01. your obsession with ...
定义: 你对...的迷恋.
例句: With instant access to text messages, emails, social media, games and everything else we could want, our obsession with smartphones is starting to resemble an addiction. (即时接收短信, 电子邮件, 或进入社交媒体, 游戏和我们想要的任何东西, 我们对智能手机的痴迷开始变得像一种瘾头)
02. your words, not mine
定义: 这是你说的, 我可没说.
例句: "Do you think I'm stupid?" "Hey, your words, not mine." ("你以为我傻吗?" "嘿, 这是你说的, 我可没说.")
03. your world revolves around someone/something
定义: 以某人, 某事为中心; 认为某人, 某事比什么都重要.
例句: When your world revolves around someone else, especially your child, you're smothering them. It puts a pressure on them to be what you want them to be at all times. (当你以别人为中心时, 尤其是你的孩子时, 你让他们喘不过气来. 你强迫他们在任何时候都要做到你所要求的样子)
04. you-know-what
定义: 那玩意儿. (注: 此话乃是暗指一件不方便启口, 但双方都知道的东西)
例句: I've hidden your you-know-what in the closet. (我把你的那玩意儿藏在衣柜里)
05. you're a doll
定义: 你真可爱; 真要是太好了, 你是个好人.
例句: "Hey Elaine, I found the files you were looking for." "Oh, you're a doll! Thank you!" ("嘿, 伊莲, 我找到了你要找的文件." "哦, 你是个好人! 谢谢你!")
06. you're a sweetheart
定义: 你真可爱; 真要是太好了, 你是个好人.
例句: "Oh, you're a sweetheart," she said, when I brought her breakfast in bed. (当我把早餐送到她的床上时, 她说, "哦, 妳真是个乖闺女!")

07. you're a trouper
定义: 你是一位任劳任怨, 牢靠的人; 真要谢谢你.
例句: He's always on time, a real trouper. (他总是准时来上班, 一位真正牢靠的员工)
08. you're among friends here
定义: 在这儿的都是你的朋友/自己人. (注: 意指你可以放轻松, 把心里话说出来)
例句: Don't be afraid. You're among friends here, and now you can speak freely. (别害怕. 这里都是自己人, 你现在可以畅所欲言了)
09. You're asked to call John.
10. you're asking for it
定义: 你活该; 你自找的; 你自作自受.
例句: Mary is a very tolerant person, so if she dumped Tony, he must have been asking for it. (玛丽是个非常宽容的人, 所以如果她甩了东尼, 一定是他自找的)
11. you're barking up the wrong tree
定义: 你错怪了某人; 你找错人.
例句: If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree. (如果你认为我有罪, 那你就错怪我了)
12. you're breaking my heart!
定义: 你让我心碎! (注: 你真正很伤心); 你好可怜哟! 你别装可怜! (注: 反讽某人假可怜, 假道歉或假诚恳的言行, 告诉他装得很感动人但你一点都不相信)
例句: "I've been so busy lately that I had to give up my membership to the golf club." "Wow, you poor thing. You're breaking my heart!" ("我最近太忙了, 不得不放弃高尔夫俱乐部的会员资格." "噢, 可怜的小家伙. 你好可怜哟!")
13. you're clueless
定义: 你一无所知. 你完全没概念.
例句: You're clueless, aren't you? Just stay at home and end social meetings as much as you can, and you'll stay healthy. (你就是一无所知, 是不是? 只要你尽可能地待在家里并结束社交活动, 你就会一直健康下去)
14. you're cracking me up
定义: 你让我笑死了. 你让我笑岔气.
例句: Hahahahahaha! Stop it, man. You're cracking me up! (哈哈哈哈哈哈! 别说了, 伙计. 你笑死我了!)
15. you're dead meat!
定义: [恐吓语]你死定了; 你完蛋了; 我要揍扁你.
例句: I heard it was you who slashed my tires. You're dead meat! (我听说是你划破了我的轮胎. 你死定了!)
16. you're digging your own grave
定义: 你在自掘坟墓.
例句: I don't feel sorry for him! He's dug his own grave as far as I'm concerned. (我才不同情他! 在我看来, 他这是自掘坟墓)
17. You're doing everything to discredit yourself.
18. you're doing it again
定义: [指责语]你又犯了老毛病. 你又来了.
例句: See, you're doing it again. I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you're just looking at your phone the whole time. (看, 你又来了. 我正试着跟你说话你却一直在盯着你的手机)

现代社会的通病: 每个人都紧盯着自己的手机
19. you're doing it the hard way
定义: 你在事倍功半; 你在绕远路.
例句: You are doing it the hard way. Just buy the new part you need and take everything to an auto shop. They'll replace the bad one with the new one for a minimal fee. (你在绕远路. 你只要买你需要的新零件, 然后把所有的东西拿到汽车修理店. 他们会以低廉的费用把坏的零件换新)
20. you're dreaming
定义: 你在作梦.
例句: You're dreaming if you think someone is coming to save you. Guess what? Nobody is coming, and you need to get up and be your own hero! (如果你认为有人会来救你, 那你是在做梦. 你猜怎么着? 根本没人来, 你需要站起来, 成为救你自己的英雄吧!)