01. you're either with us or against us
定义: 你不是同志就是敌人. (注: 美国总统布什名言)
例句: When Bush says, "You're either with us or against us," it's forcing others to either become allies or enemies, and unnecessarily creating enemies out of potential allies. (当布什说, "你不是同志就是敌人," 它迫使其他人要么成为盟友, 要么成为敌人, 并且不必要地在潜在盟友中制造敌人)
02. You're full of it and you know it.
[成语句型]你胡说八道, 而且你自己也知道的你在胡说八道.
03. you're full of it
定义: 你满口瞎话; 你胡说八道.
例句: Don't listen to Tom, he's full of it! He doesn't know any more about AI than we do. (别听汤姆的, 他满口胡言! 他并不比我们更了解人工智能)
04. you're getting on my nerves
定义: 你在惹毛我. 你在激怒我.
例句: Listen, you're getting on my nerves. Why don't you just get out of here? (听着, 你惹毛我了. 你干嘛还不走开?)
05. you're going to get it
定义: 你将会遭到惩罚或报复.
例句: You little punk, you're going to get it if you ever show your face around here again! (你这个小瘪三, 你如果再来这里搅和, 我就会揍你一顿!)
06. you're going to pay a hefty price for it
定义: 你也将会为此付出沉重的代价.
例句: This guy is going to pay a hefty price for it and will have no one else to blame except himself. (这个家伙将会为此付出沉重的代价, 而且除了他自己, 他谁也怪不了)
07. you're going too far
定义: 你太过份了.
例句: Now you're going too far, and you need to leave. You're not going to cause drama in my house! (你现在做得太过分了, 你需要离开. 你不可以在我家里惹事生非!)
08. you're going to have to deal with it
定义: 你必须要对付它. (注: 意指你没有选择, 换句话说, 你必须要想法子解决这个问题)
例句: If you want the job, you're going to have to deal with it. And pray to Heaven that nothing happens to you. (你如果想要这份工作, 你就必须解决这个问题. 还有祈求老天保佑你平安无事)
09. you're going to have to learn it
定义: 你必须要学会它. (注: 意指你没有选择, 换句话说, 你必须要学会它)
例句: If your goal is to be fluent one day, you're going to have to learn it. Even if you don't know anything about the subjunctive you can still use it in conversation. (如果你的目标是有一天能说一口流利的英语, 你就必须去学习它. 即使你对虚拟语气一无所知, 你也可以在对话中使用它)
10. you're in business now
定义: 你现在可以开始了; 你现在可以开工了. (注: 有时候我把机器, 车辆或电脑修好之后会告诉客户, 他可以使用机器, 车辆或电脑了)
例句: So, you're in business now, your first priorities are likely to be growing your customer base and protecting it from financial risk. (所以, 你现在可以开业了, 你的首要任务最可能是增长你的客户基础, 并且保护它以免受到财务风险的伤害)
11. You're just as big a whack job as you always have been.
[成语句型]跟以前一样, 你一直是个疯疯癫癫的人.
12. You're just buttering me up.
13. you're imagining things
定义: 你在瞎编故事; 你在幻想不存在的事.
例句: You're imagining things. There's nothing going on between Bill and me. (你在瞎编故事. 比尔和我之间一切都是清白的)
14. you're just spinning your wheels
定义: 你只是在空转, 一事无成.
例句: They kept me on to manage what's left of this division, but to be honest, I've just been spinning my wheels here for the last couple of years. (他们让我留下来主管这个残缺不全的部门. 但说实话, 过去几年来, 我一直在空转, 毫无建树可言)
15. you're kidding me
定义: 你在开我玩笑吧.
例句: "Did you hear that Sam got promoted to General Manager?" "You're kidding me! That guy couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag!" ("你听说了山姆晋升为总经理的消息吗?" "你在开玩笑吧! 那家伙连一些简单基本的事都办不好!")
16. you're looking younger
定义: 你看起来年轻些了.
例句: "Hello Sophia, you're looking younger every day." "Hi Stan, and that's a beautiful toupee you're wearing. Great, now we're both liars." ("哈啰, 索菲亚, 你看起来一天比一天年轻." "嗨, 斯坦, 你戴的假发很漂亮. 太好了, 现在我们两人都成了撒谎者啦.")
toupee乃是用来遮盖头上光秃部分的小假发, 跟wig用途不同
17. you're making a mountain out of a molehill
定义: 你在小题大做, 大惊小怪.
例句: You're making a mountain out of a molehill. You only wrote one bad paper, but it doesn't mean you're going to fail. (你这是小题大做. 你只是写了一篇糟糕的论文, 但这并不意味着你将会不及格)
18. you're making things too easy
定义: 你替别人把事情安排得太轻松.
例句: "You're making things too easy for him." "Too easy? I don't think so. He's carrying his own weight around here. I'm not going to do all the work for him." ("你帮他把事情安排得太轻松." "太轻松? 我可不这么认为. 他在这里可是自食其力. 我不会替他做所有的工作.")
19. you're making too many assumptions
定义: 你作太多的假设. (注: 意指你太主观或一厢情愿)
例句: The reason why you're missing out on a job is you're making too many assumptions. You should never assume things when it comes to searching for a job! (你没有找到工作的原因是你太一厢情愿. 在找工作的时候, 你决不可以想当然耳地考虑事情!)
20. you're missing the point
定义: 你没听懂我所说的重点; 你没了解这事的重点.
例句: That's not what I meant at all; you missed the point of everything I just said. (那根本不是我的意思; 你没明白我刚才所说的重点)