二十笔实用成语 1224
01. you've got rocks in your head
定义: 你脑袋有毛病; 愚蠢或疯狂.
例句: If he swims with sharks, he's got rocks in his head. (他如果跟鲨鱼一起游泳, 他脑袋肯定有毛病)
02. you've got the nerve
定义: 你胆子好大; 你竟敢. (注: 意指我真不相信你会说这种话或做这种事)
例句: You've got the nerve to talk to me that way! (你竟敢跟我这样说话!)
03. you've got to be kidding (me)
定义: 你一定是在跟我开玩笑. (注: 意指我不相信这是真的)
例句: Oh, you have got to be kidding! How can the traffic already be so backed up? (啊, 这是开什么玩笑! 交通怎么可能堵成这个样子?)
04. you've got to do something about it
定义: 你必须设法解决这个问题; 你必须为此做点什么.
例句: Hey, you've got to do something about this guy. He's off the deep end, and he's making things worse for himself. (喂, 你该管一管这个家伙. 他已经失去理智了, 而且他把事情弄得越来越糟)
05. you've got you work cut out for you
定义: 你有艰难的工作要做; 你已经有许多工作分派给你了.
例句: I knew I had my work cut out for me when I saw how messy the play room was. (看到游戏室这么乱之后, 我就知道我有很多清理工作要做)
06. you've lost me
定义: 你把我弄糊涂了. (注: 我听不懂你的话)
例句: I understood the first part of the lecture, but when he started to talk about quantum physics, he lost me completely. (我听懂了讲座的第一部分, 但是当他开始讲述量子物理的时候, 我却完全听不懂了)
07. you've made your bed, now lie on it
定义: [俗语]你惹的祸, 你自己来承担后果. (注: 意指自食恶果)
例句: Well, you're the one who stopped paying rent, which is why the landlord shut off the heating in the first place! You've made your bed, now lie on it. (是你自己先停止付房租, 这就是为什么房东把暖气切断的原因! 你惹的祸, 你自己来承担后果)
08. you've met your match this time
定义: 这次你碰到了厉害的对手啦.
例句: Maggie used to be the dominant player on the tour, but it looks like she has finally met her match in the newcomer. (麦琪曾经是巡回赛的称霸者, 但看起来她终于碰到了一个不好对付的新人对手)
09. you've never bothered to check it
定义: 你连查都不查一下它.
例句: How do you get 11 charges on your credit card and never bothered to check it out? How adults can be that irresponsible with money? (为什么你的信用卡上有十一笔费用你却连查都不查一下呢? 身为成年人怎么可以对金钱如此不负责任呢?)
10. you've only seen one part of the picture
定义: 你只看到片面.
例句: Blinkered thinking happens when we only see one part of the picture; therefore, we make mountains out of molehills or we ignore the elephant in the room. (当我们只看到片面的状况, 便产生了不全面的思考; 因此, 我们经常会小题大做了, 或者忽视了显而易见的大问题)
11. zap out, to
定义: 消除不需要或不受欢迎的事物; 耗尽, 用光; 打断或消除一部分的电视节目或录影/录像.
例句: The grueling work schedule zapped me out of all my energy. (一连串的繁重工作耗尽了我所有的精力)
12. zero hour
定义: 预设的军事行动开始时间; 关键时刻, 重大决定或重大行动的发生时刻.
例句: We're at the zero hour, so someone has to make a decision! (我们正处于关键时刻, 所以总得有人做出一个决定!)
13. zero in on, to
定义: 集中注意力于; 瞄准; 朝某人或物的方向逐渐接近.
例句: The fugitive later admitted that he could sense the police zeroing in on him. (那名逃犯后来承认他能察觉到警方正在逐渐向他逼近)
14. zero in, to
定义: [军事术语]瞄准; 集中在某个地点内; 集中在某个目标上; 朝某人或物的方向逐渐接近.
例句: The soldiers zeroed in on the enemy bunker. (这群士兵们将火力集中在敌人的地下工事)
15. zero out, to
定义: 回归到零; 减少到零; 切断拨款, 删除预算项目.
例句: I forgot to zero out the trip meter before leaving this morning, so I have no idea how far I actually drove this time. (今天早上出发之前, 我忘记把里程表归零, 所以我不知道这次我实际开了多远)
16. zero visibility
定义: 零能见度, 什么都看不见.
例句: The fog was so thick that we had zero visibility. It posed a significant safety risk to the drivers and travelers. (雾太浓了, 我们的能见度为零. 这个天气对司机和旅客造成了严重的安全风险. 注: 请注意, 第二句起头的It乃是指天气)
17. zero-sum game, a
定义: 零和游戏或竞争. (注: 意指双方相争必有一胜一负; 没有妥协或双赢结果的)
例句: The idea that foreign investment is a zero-sum game that one country's gain is another's loss is mistaken. (这个认为外国投资乃是一场零和游戏, 也就是说, 一个国家的收益就是另一个国家损失的观念是错误的)
18. zero-tolerance policy, a
定义: 零容忍政策. (注: 意指完全不容许不当行为, 例如暴力或使用禁药等行为)
例句: Authorities have said they have a zero-tolerance policy for looters, and more than 300 officers have been dispatched to guard the evacuation zones. (政府当局表示对趁乱打劫者采取零容忍政策, 并已派出三百多名警力守卫疏散区)
19. zig when you should zag, you
定义: 顺序搞错; 走错位子或方向; 没有来得及避开路障.
例句: I had an accident because I zigged when I should've zagged. (由于我没有及时避开路上的障碍, 我出了事故)
20. zip it!
定义: [命令语]闭嘴!
例句: "But Mom, I don't want to go!" "Zip it, Charlie! You're going to math camp, and that's final!" ("可是妈妈, 我不想去!" "闭嘴, 查理! 你非得去数学夏令营, 没有什么讨价还价的余地!")
二十笔实用成语 1224
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