01. zip through, to
定义: 飞驰而过, 飞快冲过; 轻松俐落把事做好; 迅速读完.
例句: We zipped through the office and out the door as soon as the clock struck five. (时钟一敲五点, 我们就飞快地穿过办公室, 冲出大门)
02. zip up, to
定义: 拉紧拉链; 闭嘴不言; 注入兴奋, 趣味或活力; 快速冲向某个更高或更北的地方.
例句: I zipped up my fur coat and headed out into the snowstorm. (我拉紧毛皮大衣的拉链, 然后走向暴风雪)

03. zone out, to
定义: 故意置之不理; 发楞, 走神; 漫不经心; 对周围环境失去意识; 将某地排除在外.
例句: I think I must have zoned out during that lecture, because when it was over, I realized I didn't remember anything the professor said. (我想我一定是在上课的时候走神了, 因为下课后, 我发现到教授所说的话我什么都不记得了)
04. zonk out, to
定义: 耗尽某人的脑力或体力; 睡着或失去知觉; 晕倒, 醉倒.
例句: I was so tired that I zonked out without even taking off my shoes. (我累得连鞋都没脱就睡着了)
05. zoom in, to
定义: [摄影术语]将景物拉近, 聚焦, 放大, 密切注意.
例句: Can you zoom in and sharpen the image a bit? I want to get a look at the suspect's face. (你能放大并调整一下这个影像的清晰度吗? 我想看看嫌疑人的脸部)
06. zoom out, to
定义: [摄影术语]将景物拉远, 变小; 迅速地离开或退出; 失去控制.
例句: The film opens on a peaceful, ordinary home, before the camera zooms out and we see the chaos spreading across the city around it. (这部影片以一个宁静, 平凡无奇的家庭开场, 然后把镜头拉开,让我们看到失控的混乱场面蔓延到环绕它的那座城市里)
07. fortune favors the brave
定义: [谚语]幸运属于勇者.
例句: I know you're nervous about asking for a raise, but keep in mind that fortune favors the brave. You'll never get anything if you don't ask for it. (我知道你对要求老板给你加薪感到忐忑不安, 但请记住, 幸运属于勇者. 如果你不去争取, 你永远得不到任何东西)
08. fortune knocks once at every man's door
定义: [谚语]每个人一生中总有一次幸运机会.
例句: They say that fortune knocks once at every man's door, but I think that you can get her to visit more often if you're a hard worker. (常言道, 幸运之神会起码敲每个人的门一次, 但我认为如果你努力工作, 你可以使她更经常来拜访你)
09. gag me with a spoon
定义: 我要吐了. (注: 意指谈到令人恶心讨厌的事情)
例句: Gag me with a spoon, that food smells horrible! (我要吐了, 那食物臭得要命!)
10. genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration
定义: [谚语]天才是一分灵感加上九十九分勤奋.
例句: All these successful entrepreneurs had great ideas, but they worked extremely hard to realize them. Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. (所有这些成功的企业家都曾有宏伟的想法, 但他们为了实现这些想法付出了极大的努力. 天才是1%的灵感加上99%的勤奋)
11. get a clue
定义: 搞清楚! 别一无所知! (注: 意指要某人先把事情弄清楚)
例句: Oh, get a clue! He's not into you! If he were, he would have asked you out by now. (哎, 先把事情搞清楚吧! 他才不喜欢妳! 他如果喜欢妳的话, 他早就约妳出去了)
12. give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!
定义: [谚语]授人以鱼, 可食一日; 授人以渔, 可养其一生.
例句: I'm trying to show Billy how to use his new computer, so that he won't call me with questions whenever he has them. Teach a man to fish and all that. (我正试着教导比利怎么使用他的新电脑, 这样他就不会每碰到问题就打电话给我了. 授人以鱼, 可食一日; 授人以渔, 可养其一生)
13. give me five
定义: 跟我击掌! (注: 意指与某人击掌来庆祝胜利或成功)
例句: I hear you aced your final exams! Give me five! (我听说你期末考试拿到了高分! 击个掌!)
14. go (in) for the kill, to
定义: 做出致命一击; 当对手处于弱势趁势一举击败; 趁势一举成就某事.
例句: Her political opponents believe that she can be defeated, and they are moving in for the kill. (她的政敌认为她会被击败, 因此他们准备趁势一举赢得这次选举)
15. God helps those who help themselves
定义: [谚语]天助自助者, 天道酬勤.
例句: You can't spend your days waiting for a good job to find you. God helps those that help themselves. (你不能整天等着好工作来找你. 天助自助者)
16. good fences/walls make good neighbors
定义: [谚语]有好的分际才会相处长久; 有坚强的围墙才能维持和谐的邻里关系.
例句: "Our neighbor is letting their party guests wander across our lawn again." "I guess we'll have to build a fence there. Good fences make good neighbors, like they say." ("我们的邻居又让他们派对客人在我们草坪上闲逛." "我想我们得在那里建个围墙. 俗话说, 坚强的围墙才会造就好邻居.")
17. great minds think alike
定义: [谚语]英雄/智者所见略同.
例句: Oh, you wanted to see that movie, too? Great minds think alike! (哦, 你也想看那部电影? 英雄所见略同啊!)
18. guess what?
定义: 你知道吗? 你猜怎么着?
例句: Guess what? Your mother is coming to visit this weekend after all. (你猜怎么着?你妈妈这个周末还是要来看你)
19. couldn't be/get elected dogcatcher
定义: 极不受欢迎或极为无能以至于连最低的职位都选不上.
例句: He wants to be mayor? Ha, that incompetent fool couldn't be elected dogcatcher! (他还想当市长? 哼, 那个无能的笨蛋连捕狗人的职位都选不上!)
20. easy does it
定义: 慢一点; 小心点, 谨慎一点; 冷静下来; 别发火.
例句: "This fridge is really tight in the doorway. It's tough to go through." "Easy does it. Take your time." ("这台冰箱在门口真没有多少空间. 要通过这扇门很难." "那就轻一点. 慢慢来吧." 注: 意指这台冰箱太大, 要穿过大门而不磕磕碰碰很难)
