01. cooperation/respect/relationship cannot be a one-way street
定义: [谚语]合作, 尊重或人与人之间的关系是不能靠单方面的.
例句: A lasting relationship cannot be a one-way street. We need that mutual respect and mutual sensitivity. (一个长久的关系不可能只靠单方面的努力来维持. 我们需要相互尊重和相互体谅)
02. every cloud has a silver lining
定义: [谚语]否极泰来; 困难中总有一线曙光.
例句: When I'm going through a hard time, I try to remind myself that every cloud has a silver lining. I can find something to be thankful for, no matter what's going on in my life. (当我经历困难的时候, 我试着提醒自己, 困难中总有一线曙光. 无论我的生活中发生了什么, 我都能找到值得感恩的事情)
03. it's an ill wind that blows nobody (any) good
定义: [谚语]塞翁失马, 焉知非福.
例句: The rain caused flooding, but it may also help the farmers. It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. (这场大雨造成了洪水泛滥, 但它也可能会帮助农民灌溉农田. 塞翁失马, 焉知非福)
04. beauty is only skin deep
定义: [谚语]外在美只是肤浅的, 短暂的.
例句: "I hope Nancy will go out with me. She's so beautiful!" "I hate to disappoint you, but in Nancy's case, beauty is definitely only skin-deep." ("我希望南希能和出来跟我约会. 她的美丽容貌令我着迷!" "我虽然很不愿意浇你冷水, 但就南希而言, 外在美只是肤浅, 短暂的")
05. fine words butter no parsnips
定义: [谚语]承诺或花言巧语不能当饭吃.
例句: "Ugh, Tim swore he'd be here at 8 to help me pack." "Well, fine words butter no parsnips." ("呃, 提姆信誓旦旦地告诉我, 他会八点钟过来帮我收拾行李." "哎, 承诺又不能当饭吃.")
06. fiddle while Rome burns
定义: [谚语]嬉戏于琐碎之事而忽视眼前的危机. (注: 意指罗马被烧毁时罗马皇帝尼禄弹奏七弦琴的传说)
例句: Climate change is upon us, and our leaders just fiddle while Rome burns. (气候变化迫在眉睫, 而我们的领导人却嬉戏于琐碎之事而忽视了眼前的危机)
07. better safe than sorry
定义: [谚语]安全比遗憾好. (注: 意指宁可事先谨慎有余也不要事后追悔莫及)
例句: It could be nothing, but you should take your car to the mechanic right away. It's better to be safe than sorry. (它也许没什么大毛病, 但你应该立即把你的车子开到修车厂给师傅看看. 小心一点总是好的)
08. better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
定义: [谚语]宁为鸡首不为牛尾. (注: 在这直译为宁为狗头不为狮尾)
例句: "I can be the headmaster of a secondary school, or a teacher at a college. Which job offer do I take?" "Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion." ("我可以当一名中学校长, 也可以当一名大学老师. 我应该接受哪份工作机会呢?" "我认为, 宁为鸡首不为牛尾. ")
09. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
定义: [谚语]爱过又失恋总比从未爱过要强.
例句: "I've been so miserable since Nancy and I broke up. I wish I'd never met her." "Come on, now, 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." ( "自从我和南希分手后, 我一直很痛苦. 我真希望我从没遇见过她" "别这样说, 爱过又失恋总比从没爱过要强.")
10. if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck
定义: [谚语]如果它长得像鸭子, 叫得也像鸭子那它肯定是只鸦子. (注: 如果有人狡辩说此物不是鸭子, 但此物怎么看还是像一只鸦子, 那么此物肯定是只鸭子)
例句: They say it's not a tax, but come on, it's an annual financial contribution determined by your yearly income. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. (他们说这不是税, 但拜托,这是由你的全年收入所决定的年度财务支付. 如果它看起来像鸭子, 叫起来也像鸭子, 那它肯定是只鸭子)
11. children should be seen and not heard
定义: [谚语]小孩要保持安静.
例句: My grandmother was always shushing us because she was of the opinion that children should be seen and not heard. (我奶奶总是要我们安静下来, 因为她认为小孩子应当要保持安静)
12. fingers were made before forks
定义: [谚语]就用手抓来吃吧! (注: 意指在刀叉发明之前, 人类是用手来抓取食物吃的)
例句: Aw Mom, fingers were made before forks. Can't I just eat my chicken nuggets in peace? (唉, 老妈, 就用手抓来吃吧. 妳能不能让我安静地吃我的鸡块?注: 这里的in peace主要是指不受别人的干扰, 用在此句, 也就是让人安静悠闲地吃顿饭)

13. if frogs had wheels, they wouldn't bump their butts
定义: [谚语]寄望于不可能发生的事情是没意义的.
例句: "If I had two hundred thousand dollars, I could buy that farm." "Yeah, and if frogs had wheels, they wouldn't bump their butts." ("如果我有二十万美元, 我就可以买下那座农场." "寄望于不可能发生的事情是没意义的.")
14. hope springs eternal
定义: [谚语]希望是永远存在的.
例句: She's sure that he'll come back to her one day. I'm not sure about that, but hope springs eternal. (她确信总有一天他会回到她的身边. 对此, 我不敢确定,但希望是永远存在的)
15. it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive
定义: [谚语]你应该享受做某事的过程, 而不是著重于这件事的结果.
例句: Don't stress so much about getting the kids ready to go back to school. They're only young once, and it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. (不要为了准备孩子们返校的事弄得人仰马翻. 他们只年轻一次, 应该享受寒暑假结束之后的返回学校过程, 而不是专注于它的结果)
16. home is where the heart is
定义: [谚语]心之所系即是家.
例句: I don't really care where we move, so long as we're together. Home is where the heart is, after all. (我不在乎搬到哪里, 只要我们在一起就行. 心之所系即是家)
17. if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
定义: [谚语]怕热就别进厨房, 怕吃不了苦就离开.
例句: "I didn't think being a stockbroker could be so stressful." "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." ("我没想到当股票经纪人会有这么大的压力. " "怕热就别进厨房, 怕吃不了苦就离开.")
18. mess with the bull, you get the horns
定义: [谚语]捋虎须者, 被虎噬. (注: 意指做愚蠢, 危险事者必会受到伤害)
例句: Would you leave me alone? Mess with the bull, you get the horns. Consider that your one and only warning. (你能不能别烦我吗? 捋虎须者, 就会被虎噬. 就当这是你唯一的警告吧)
19. keep your friends close and your enemies closer
定义: [谚语]跟朋友保持亲密, 跟敌人更亲密. (注: 意指严密注意敌人一举一动的重要性)
例句: "Why were you talking to Katie? I thought you hated her." "I'm trying to see if she has any dirt on me. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right?" ("你为什么还跟凯蒂说话? 我以为你很讨厌她." "我想知道她手上有没有掌握对我不利的材料. 跟朋友保持亲密, 跟敌人更亲密, 对吧?")
20. charity begins at home
定义: [谚语]慈善先从自己家庭做起.
例句: Alice seems to have forgotten that charity begins at home. She has no problem volunteering at the church but rarely visits her own mother. (爱丽丝似乎忘记了慈善先从自己家庭做起. 她去教会当志工丝毫不觉得有什么不妥, 但她却很难得去看望自己的母亲)