01. never underestimate your opponent
定义: [谚语]永远不要低估你的对手.
例句: It is important to never underestimate your opponent because they may have strengths or abilities that you are not aware. (重要的是, 永远不要低估你的对手, 因为他们可能具有你所不知道的优势或超强能力)
02. don't knock it until you've tried it
定义: [谚语]没有亲身经历, 别去论断他人. (注: 意指你没有亲身经历, 体会到切肤之痛, 你去论断某人是不公平的)
例句: Don't knock it until you try it! You might actually find it delicious and discover a new favorite dish. (你没有亲自品尝过这道菜, 就别去论断它! 你可能真的会发现它很好吃, 而且还找到了一道最喜爱的新菜)
03. cleanliness is next to godliness
定义: [谚语]洁净的生活跟圣洁的生活几乎一样重要.
例句: My grandmother is always adamant that we wash our hands before every meal because cleanliness is next to godliness. (我奶奶总是坚持要我们饭前洗手, 因为洁净的生活跟圣洁的生活几乎一样重要)
04. ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law
定义: [谚语]无知不能成为违法的借口.
例句: "Officer, I had no idea there was a curfew around here." "Well, ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law." ("警官, 我不知道这里实施宵禁." "嗳, 无知不能成为违法的借口.")
05. ignorance is bliss
定义: [谚语]无知者无畏; 不知道便不烦恼.
例句: Some doctors believe ignorance is bliss and don't give their patients all the facts. (一些医生认为不知道便不烦恼, 所以不向他们的病患告知所有的病症实情)
06. fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)
定义: [谚语]傻瓜们不经深思熟虑便仓卒做出决定.
例句: As they say, fools rush in, the governor has not thought through this radical plan which is going to cost citizens their jobs instead of creating new ones. (俗谚说, 傻瓜们不经深思熟虑便仓卒做出决定,这名州长没有缜密地思考这项激进计划, 因此它将导致民众失去工作而非创造新工作)
07. birds of a feather flock/fly/stick together
定义: [谚语]物以类聚.
例句: "I always thought Amy was pretentious, and now she's going out with that snobbish boy, Louis." "Birds of a feather flock together." ("我一直觉得爱咪喜欢装腔作势, 而现在她却和那个势利的男孩路易斯约会." "这叫做物以类聚.")
08. he who hesitates (is lost)
定义: [谚语]犹豫不决者将失去良机.
例句: "If only I'd invested in that company when they started up, I'd be a millionaire by now!" "Well, he who hesitates is lost." ("要是那家公司刚成立时我就投资的话, 我现在已经是个百万富翁了!" "犹豫不决者, 坐失良机.")
09. I cried I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet
定义: [谚语]珍惜现况; 比上不足, 比下有余.
例句: I once cried because I had no shoes to play football with my friends, but one day I saw a man with no feet and I realized how fortunate I am. (我曾经哭过因为我没有鞋子和我的朋友踢足球, 但有一天我看到一个没有脚的人, 我才发现我是多么地幸运)
10. boys will be boys
定义: [谚语]男孩毕竟是男孩. (注: 意指男孩天性总是粗鲁及聒噪, 所以不足为奇)
例句: "Aren't you upset that they got into that brawl?" "Oh, boys will be boys." ("他们打闹成一团你难道不生气吗?" "唉, 男孩毕竟是男孩啊.")
11. if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
定义: [谚语]省工资请不到好工人; 假如你想付出微薄工资只有傻瓜才会为你工作.
例句: If you want a top fashion designer, you have to raise your salary levels. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. (如果你想要雇用顶级时装设计师, 你就必须提高你的工资水平. 如果你想付微薄工资, 只有傻瓜才会为你工作)
12. a broken clock is right twice a day
定义: [谚语]瞎猫撞死耗子, 瞎打误着; 即使经常犯错的人也会偶尔做对事或说对话. (注: 原译为一个坏掉的钟表每天还有两次时间是正确的)
例句: I know you're sick of Gran's lectures and think she's out of touch, but you can learn a lot from her. Just keep in mind that even a broken clock is right twice a day! (我知道你讨厌奶奶的说教, 觉得她脱离现实, 但你可以从她身上学到很多东西. 请记住, 即使一个坏掉的钟表每天还有两次时间是正确的)
13. knowledge is power
定义: [谚语]知识就是力量.
例句: A successful life starts with a good education; after all, knowledge is power. (一个成功的人生始于良好教育; 毕竟, 知识就是力量)
14. take care of the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves
定义: [谚语]积少成多, 省小钱可以积大钱.
例句: Those little bits of money you spend all add up and will drain your bank account in no time. Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves. (你花掉的那些林林总总的小钱加起来很快就会耗尽你的银行帐户. 省小钱便可以积大钱)
15. fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me
定义: [谚语]上当一次是你坏; 上当两次是我自己笨.
例句: Is Tommy going to pop out from behind that door again? Come on, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. (汤米是不是又要从那扇门后面跳出来吓人? 上当一次是你坏; 上当两次是我自己笨)
16. beauty is in the eye of the beholder
定义: [谚语]美丑评鉴因人而异, 情人眼里出西施.
例句: "I can't believe Ted bought that ugly old car." "He loves it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." ("我真不敢相信泰德买了那辆难看的旧车." "他还很喜欢呢. 美丑评鉴可是因人而异的.")
17. beauty is a matter of taste
定义: [谚语]美丽在乎于个人的品味.
例句: Some believe that beauty is a matter of fact, while others believe that beauty is a matter of taste, but creating it is art. (有人认为美是一件客观事实, 有人认为美是个人的品味, 但创造美则是艺术)

18. hunger is the best sauce
定义: [谚语]肚子饿了, 吃什么都香.
例句: Don't worry too much about what to feed the kids. Hunger is the best sauce, and they're going to love whatever you serve them. (别烦恼想要给孩子们弄些什么饭菜. 肚子饿了,吃什么都香, 无论你给他们弄什么吃的, 他们都会喜欢的)
19. better light a candle than curse the darkness
定义: [谚语]与其抱怨问题不如直接把问题解决掉. (注: 本句话的直译是, 与其诅咒黑暗, 不如点亮蜡烛)
例句: Stop whining about how your life is stuck in a rut and do something about it, anything at all! Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness. (别再抱怨你的生活是如何索然无味, 做点什么吧, 什么都行! 与其抱怨问题不如直接解决问题)
20. blood is thicker than water
定义: [谚语]血浓于水, 胳臂向内弯.
例句: Can't you give your sister a job at your company? Blood is thicker than water! (你不能给你妹妹在你们公司里安排一个工作吗? 血毕竟浓于水呀!)