二十笔实用成语 1233

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二十笔实用成语 1233

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 24, 2023 7:55 am

二十笔实用成语 1233

01. I wish it were that easy.
定义: [wish例句]我希望这个工作是那么简单. (注: 其实并不简单; 在假设语气, wish, 之后动词应使用过去式, were)
例句: I wish it were that simple. You're dealing with a very complex electrical system. (我希望这个问题有那么简单. 你所面临的是一个非常复杂的电气系统)

02. I wish I could add more but I can't.
定义: [wish例句]我希望我可以多补充一些资料但我没法再补充. (注: 在假设语气, wish, 之后动词应使用过去式, could)
例句: I wish I could eat more but I'm so full. (我希望我能再吃多一点, 但我实在吃不下了)

03. get the hell out of here!
定义: [命令语](愤怒)滚开! 滚蛋! 离开!
例句: I'm sick of your crappy attitude. Get the hell out of my office! (我受够了你这种恶劣的态度. 滚出我的办公室!)

04. can it!
定义: [命令语]不要再说了!
例句: Can it! That's enough complaining from you! (不要再说了! 你也抱怨够了!)

05. were you busy today?
定义: [问候语]你今天忙吗?
例句: "Were you busy today?" "No. I spent the morning cleaning the house and doing laundry, nothing exciting. This is a welcome change though." ("你今天忙吗?" "不忙. 我整个上午都在打扫房间和洗衣服, 也算是个平淡无奇的一天. 但这却是我所想要的改变.")

06. anything that can go wrong, will go wrong
定义: [墨菲定律]如果一件事情会出错的, 它一定会出错.
例句: Our manager always tries to anticipate Murphy's law, having us prepare for anything that could possibly go wrong on a project. (我们经理总是尽力提早预防墨菲定律的警告, 要求我们为项目中可能会出现的任何问题做好准备)

07. anytime
定义: [客气语](当人致谢时, 你可回答)随时都乐意, 别客气.
例句: "Thanks for your help." "Anytime." ("感谢你的帮助." "别客气.")

08. I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
定义: [俗语]与其犯小错被处罚, 还不如犯大错被处罚.
例句: I knew I was going to get into trouble for being late as it was, so I figured I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. (我知道我会因为迟到而惹上麻烦, 所以我想,与其犯小错被处罚, 还不如犯大错被处罚)

09. raise the possibility of ..., to
定义: 增加成为...的可能性.
例句: Rita has noted that an 80-year-old patient's pedal pulses are faintly palpable and has raised the possibility of arterial insufficiency and decreased blood flow. (丽塔注意到一名80岁病人的足部脉搏微弱, 这便增加了动脉供血不足和血流量减少的可能性)

10. have a penchant for, to
定义: 具有某种强烈倾向或言行.
例句: He has a penchant for saying the wrong thing. (他经常会说错话)

11. win the battle, but lose the war, to
定义: 赢得这场战斗但还是输掉了整场战争; 赢得小的胜利却导致全面失败.
例句: The government has won the battle against corporate tax evasions, but it's losing the war, because many companies have started relocating in other countries. (政府在打击企业逃税的战斗中取得了胜利, 但它正在输掉整场战争, 因为许多公司已经开始迁移到其他国家)

12. lose the battle, but win the war, to
定义: 输掉这场战斗但是赢得了整场战争; 输掉小的战斗却导致全面胜利.
例句: Betty may have lost the battle, but she won the war and took her business to another bank. (贝蒂也许输掉了这场战斗, 但她赢得了整场战争, 并且将她的业务转移到了另一家银行)

13. it works for me
定义: 对我有效果(也就是, 能够解决我的问题); 这适合我; 我可以接受它.
例句: This proposal works well enough for me and I see no reason to try anything else. (这个建议对我来说已经足够有效了, 我认为没有理由再尝试其他方法)

14. what's keeping someone?
定义: 是什么耽搁了某人?
例句: "I've been waiting here for an hour for Sally." "What's keeping her?" ("我已经在这里等了莎莉一个小时." "是什么事耽搁了她?")

15. we were just talking about you
定义: 我们刚才还聊到你呢.
例句: "Speak of the devil, here comes Bill." "We were just talking about you, Bill." ("说曹操, 曹操到, 比尔来了." "我们刚才还聊到你呢, 比尔.")

16. put (something) on (one's) tab, to
定义: 记在某人的账上.
例句: Hey, barkeep! Another whisky for my friend here, and put it on my tab! (嘿, 调酒师! 给我朋友再来一杯威士忌, 记在我账上!)

17. party on!
定义: 说得对! 有道理! 赞成! 就这么办!
例句: "We're both exhausted. Why don't we take a break for today and pick this up in the morning?" "Party on!" ("我们都累坏了. 不如我们今天先休息一下, 明天早上再继续做吧?" "有道理, 咱们就这么办!")

18. (that) sounds like a plan
定义: 好主意! 有道理! 赞成! 就这么办!
例句: "So, I'll meet you here tomorrow at 3 p.m., yeah?" "Sounds like a plan!" ("那么, 明天下午3点我们在这里见面, 好吗?" "好, 就这么办! ")

19. no, yeah
定义: [口语]同意, 可以.
例句: No, yeah, I see what you're saying, these lines definitely need to be closer together. (同意, 我明白你的意思, 这些线确实需要靠得更近一点)

20. yeah, no
定义: [口语]不同意; 不行, 不可以.
例句: Yeah, no, we won't be able to come on Sunday. I'm sorry. (不行. 我们星期天没法过来. 我很抱歉)



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