二十笔实用成语 1236

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二十笔实用成语 1236

帖子 royl » 周二 1月 23, 2024 7:57 pm

二十笔实用成语 1236

01. down the hatch!
定义: 干杯! 一饮而尽!
例句: "Well, down the hatch!" Ellen said before taking her cough medicine. ("好吧, 干杯!" 艾伦说完之后便一口喝下她的咳嗽药)

02. everything's going one's way
定义: 一切都如你所愿; 一切顺利.
例句: If everything is going my way, I'm looking at about 30 hours of driving time. (如果一切顺利的话, 我估计要开三十个钟头的车)

03. one's lucky day
定义: 走运了, 幸运的日子.
例句: Wow, that's the third hand of poker I've won in a row. It must be my lucky day! (哇, 这是我连续赢的第三把扑克牌了. 我一定是走运了!)

04. in a vacuum
定义: 与世界完全隔离; 与其他人, 地方或行为没有互动或关联.
例句: Your actions don't occur in a vacuum; they affect everyone else here, too! (你的行为并不是与世无关的; 它们也会影响这里其他人的!)

05. he is just a child
定义: 他只是个孩子. (注: 意指别跟一个小孩计较)
"He's just a child. You can't blame him for that." "Don't tell me what I can and cannot do. He is my child, and I will say what I want." ("他只是个孩子.你不能为此责怪他." "不要告诉我能做什么, 不能做什么. 他是我的孩子, 我想说什么就说什么.")

06. he's got a point
定义: 他说的有道理. (注: 这里的he's got a point等于he has got a point; 另外, you've got a point等于you have got a point)
例句: "It's snowing. Should we really go out for ice cream?" "Hmm, you've got a point there." ("现在正在下雪. 我们真要出去买冰淇淋吗?" "嗯, 你说得有道理.")

07. any fool can see
定义: 任何人都可以看得出来.
例句: I don't know what has gone on between you, but any fool can see she is using you. You are but a piece, a minor piece, in whatever game she plays. (我不知道你们之间发生了什么事, 但任何人都能看得出她在利用你. 无论她在玩什么游戏, 你都只是一个棋子, 一只无足轻重的棋子)

08. every little bit helps
定义: 任何贡献, 不论多小, 都是有帮助的.
例句: "I'm sorry, I can only donate $5 right now." "Oh, that's fine. Every little bit helps!" ("抱歉, 我现在只能捐出五美元." "哦, 没关系. 不论多小, 都是有帮助的!")

09. do you mind
定义: 你介意吗? 你在搞什么!
例句: That man pushed into me without apologizing so I turned round and said, "Do you mind?" and he looked very embarrassed. (那个男人推了我一把却没有道歉, 我因此转过身来对他说, "你在干什么!", 他看起来很尴尬)

10. do you think he cares?
定义: 你以为他在乎吗?
例句: Are you crazy?! Do you think he cares about me?! Look around! I am 5 months pregnant but he is not even around! (你疯了吗?! 你以为他在乎我吗?! 你四周看看! 我都怀孕5个月了, 他却不在我身边陪着我!)

11. don't you dare!
定义: 你休想(做某事)! (注: 意指强烈警告某人别做某件事)
例句: "I'm going to tell mom that you got an 'F' on your test." "Don't you dare!" ("我要告诉妈妈你的考试不及格." "你休想!")

12. through with, be
定义: 不再需要某人或某物; 完成某事; 结束与某人交谈或讨论; 完成对某人的言语或身体攻击; 结束与某人或某团体或某事务的关系.
例句: I'm through with Johnny. There's no way I can forgive him! (我和强尼分手了. 我不能原谅他!)

13. don't flatter yourself
定义: 别把自己当回事; 别臭美.
例句: Don't flatter yourself! She only asked you out to dinner because she wants to ask you about your brother. (别臭美了! 她约你出去吃饭只是因为她想打听有关你哥哥的事)

14. what's with you?
定义: 你怎么啦?
例句: What's with you? You haven't said a single word all morning. (怎么了? 你整个早上没说一句话)

15. how do you know?
定义: 你怎么知道? 你懂什么? (注: 这里的"你懂什么?"是因为有人说的话你不爱听或触怒了你)
例句: Oh, so Michael's the wrong guy for me now? And how do you know anyway? (哦, 所以迈克尔现在就不适合我了吗? 你又懂什么?)

16. how stupid/lucky/dumb/... can you get?
定义: 你说这人怎么这么愚蠢, 幸运, 笨, ...? (注: 有了这个例句, 你可以加入适当的形容词就可以造各种不同的句子)
例句: He tried to rob an off-duty policeman. How stupid can you get? (他试图抢劫一名已下班的警察. 你说这人怎么这么愚蠢?)

17. do you take me for a fool?
定义: 你把我当傻瓜呀?
例句: Do you take me for a fool? You think you can trick me with your double–talk. (你把我当傻瓜呀? 你以为你的花言巧语能骗得了我吗?)

18. (do) (you) want to make something of it?
定义: 你是不是要吵架或打架? (注: 常用于询问对方是不是不满, 找碴, 寻衅生事, 吵架或打架?)
例句: "I heard your dad got fired for drinking on the job again." "That's right, want to make something of it? I'd be more than happy to wipe that smug grin off your face!" ("我听说你爸爸又因为上班时间喝酒而被解雇了." "没错, 你想要寻衅生事吗? 我很乐意帮你抹去你幸灾乐祸的得意笑容.")

19. have you ever wondered why?
定义: 你有没有想过为什么?
例句: Have you ever wondered why the water rotates counterclockwise? (你有没有想过为什么水是逆时针旋转的?)

20. is there something on your mind?
定义: 你有什么心事吗?
例句: "Is there something on your mind?" "Yes, but I'm fine." "You sure?" ("你有什么心事吗?" "我是有心事, 但我还好." "你确定?")

21. did it ever occur to you
定义: 你有没有想过.
例句: Did it ever occur to you that maybe you were wrong? (你有没有想过也许你是错了?)



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