二十笔实用成语 1240

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二十笔实用成语 1240

帖子 royl » 周六 2月 10, 2024 4:16 pm

二十笔实用成语 1240

01. don't get me started
定义: 别提这事, 一提我就生气.
例句: "So, what do you think of the new tax law they just passed?" "Oh, don't get me started! If the government had its way, we'd be taxed for the privilege to breathe!" (" 你对他们刚刚通过的新税法有何看法?" "唉, 别提了! 如果政府能够为所欲为的话, 我们就要为被赐与的呼吸特权缴税了!" 注: 请参阅right与privilege的差别)

02. right vs. privilege
[易混淆字或短语]right和privilege一个是与生俱有的权力一个是被给予的特权, 它们之间的差距到底在哪? Right是法律上不能剥夺的权利, 例如生存权, 工作权 , 言论自由, 和养育家庭的权利. Privilege是可以被人给予, 也可以被人剥夺的特许权利, 它被认为是只有某些人才能获得的特殊优势或机会.

03. don't jump the gun
定义: 别操之过急; 别鲁莽行事.
例句: Don't jump the gun and announce our engagement before everyone gets here, OK? (别操之过急, 不可以在大家还没到齐之前就宣布我们的订婚消息, 好吗?)

04. don't sweat it
定义: 别担心; 没什么大不了的.
例句: "I promise I'll pay you back the next time I see you!" "Oh, it's just a few bucks, don't sweat it." ("我保证下次见到你的时候, 我会把 钱还给你!" "唉, 也就几块钱而已, 没什么大不了的.")

05. sweat the small stuff, to
定义: 为琐碎小事操心.
例句: If you spend all your time sweating the small stuff, you're never going to get any meaningful work done. (如果你把所有的时间都花在琐碎小事上, 你永远没法完成任何大事业)

06. don't give up the ship!
定义: 别放弃! 继续尝试!
例句: I know you're frustrated, but don't give up the ship now and drop out just three semesters away from graduation! (我知道你很沮丧, 但你现在别放弃学业, 不可在距离毕业只有三个学期 的时候退学!)

07. be still, my beating heart
定义: 别激动! (注: 意指看到心爱的人心脏狂跳不止, 要自己心情别太激动, 但大部分是用来作反讽语气, 奚落某个活动枯燥无味, 不想参与)
例句: You want me to go shopping with you? Oh, be still, my beating heart! No, thank you. (你要我跟你一起去购物吗? 哎, 我可不能太激动! 不了, 谢谢你, 我 不想跟你去购物)

08. don't have a cow
定义: 别激动或生气; 冷静点; 别大惊小怪.
例句: Don't have a cow! I said I'd take care of the problem and I will. (别大惊小怪的! 我说我会解决这个问题, 我就会解决这个问题)

09. ignore him
定义: 不理睬他.
例句: She tried to ignore him but he wouldn't leave her alone. (她试图不理睬他, 但他还是继续纠缠她)

10. don't lose your head
定义: 别发火; 别失去理智.
例句: You need to calm down before you talk to Larry. You don't want to lose your head before finding out his side of the story. (你需要先平静下来, 然后再和赖瑞说话. 在通盘了解他那 方的说法之前, 你不可冲动, 因而失去理智)

11. don't make me laugh!
定义: 别笑死人! 不可能! (注: 意指听人说的话荒谬不堪)
例句: "I could beat you in a game of chess with one arm tied behind my back." "Don't make me laugh!" ("我可以在国际象棋比赛上轻而易举地击败你." "别笑死人! 不可能!")

12. don't give me that line!
定义: 别给我这个老掉牙的说辞或理由! (注: 意指一听就是瞎编的)
例句: I want to know why you're so late coming home. And don't give me that line about wanting to catch up with friends! (我想知道你为什么这么晚才回家. 别跟我说什么你想 跟朋友叙叙旧这个老掉牙的说辞!)

13. don't kid yourself
定义: 别自欺欺人.
例句: "I think he'll help us if we ask him." "Don't kid yourself. He's only interested in his own problems." ("我想如果我们请求他的话, 他会帮助我们的." " 别自欺欺人了. 他只对解决自身的问题有兴趣, 别人的问题他才没兴趣.")

14. in/into a state, be
定义: 不安, 着急, 或紧张.
例句: By the time I arrived, he was in quite a state. (当我到达的时候, 他正处于高度焦虑不安状态)

15. don't rub it in
定义: 别触及别人痛处, 令人难堪; 别哪壶不开提哪壶; 别在失意人面前炫耀或得意洋洋.
例句: Okay, I lost all three matches. Just don't rub it in! (好了, 我三场比赛都输了. 你就别哪壶不开提哪壶, 再让我难堪啦!)

16. get the wrong idea, to
定义: 误解; 误以为; 想歪了.
例句: I feel like I need to explain my actions, or you'll end up getting the wrong idea about me. (我觉得我需要解释一下我的行为, 否则你会误解我)

17. don't get me wrong
定义: 别误会我, 别误解我.
例句: Don't get me wrong, I like his parents. They're just a little too strict. (别误会我, 我喜欢他的父母. 只是他们管得有点太苛严了)

18. don't tell me, tell it to (the people involved or suffered)
定义: 别跟我说, 跟(相关者或受害者)说吧.
例句: Don't tell me, tell it to the folks who have lost their pensions, and the families that have lost their homes. (别跟我说, 你去跟那些失去退休金的人说, 还有你去跟 那些失去家园的家庭说)

19. get outta here!
定义: 别扯了, 别开玩笑了(表示不相信之意); 离开; 走开, 滚开. (注: 这里的outta乃是out of的缩写)
例句: Sally's brother is dating my cousin? Get outta here! (莎莉的哥哥正在跟我表姊拍拖? 别扯了!)

20. it goes a long way
定义: 可以持久而不虞匮乏; 非常有用; 深具助益.
例句: Just be kind. It goes a long way in life. (只要保持善良. 这对你的人生很有助益)

21. off one's meds, be
定义: 停止服用处方药; 疯癫, 举止不正常.
例句: She's off her meds if she thinks she can come in here and talk to me in that tone of voice! (如果她认为她可以走进来用那种口气跟我说话, 那她一定是疯了!)



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