二十笔实用成语 1241

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二十笔实用成语 1241

帖子 royl » 周四 2月 15, 2024 12:58 am

二十笔实用成语 1241

01. hear! hear!
定义: 同意! 同意! (注: 意指表示赞成)
例句: "Hear! Hear!" shouted the members of congress after the president's speech. (国会议员们在总统演讲完毕之后大声喊道, "同意! 同意!")

02. we'll see about that
定义: 咱们走着瞧. (注: 意指我会尽力阻止这件事让它不成功)
例句: "I'm going to bankrupt your entire company with this lawsuit!" "Oh yeah? We'll see about that. We've got the best lawyers in the state representing us." ("我要透过这场诉讼 让你整个公司破产!" "哦, 是吗? 咱们走着瞧. 我们有的是全州最好的律师帮我们辩护.")

03. let's roll
定义: 大家开始吧; 开工吧; 大家走吧, 咱们离开吧; 打架吧, 开打吧.
例句: "Let's roll," the sergeant shouted to his men. ("开工吧", 这名中士向他的部下喊道)

04. I appreciate it
定义: 我很感激你.
例句: I seldom take the time to watch the night sky but your "Beginner's Guide to Stargazing" captured my attention. So, for that, I appreciate it. (我很少花时间观察夜空, 但你的"观星入门指南 "引起了我的注意. 为此, 我很感激你)

05. don't go there
定义: 别提它(某个令人不愉快话题); 我不想谈论这个话题. (注: 告诉某人不要触及某个话题)
例句: "So, do you ever hear from your ex-husband?" "Don't even go there. That divorce trial still gives me a headache!" ("那么, 妳有妳前夫的消息吗?" "别再 提他了. 那个离婚案子仍旧让我头痛不已!")

06. I am not one of those ...
定义: 我不是那种...的人.
例句: I am not one of those weak-spirited people who want to be liked by all the people around them. (我不是那种总想讨得周遭所有人喜欢的可怜虫)

07. here I come
定义: 我来了.
例句: "The food, the public transportation, and the weather in Seattle are very good." "Sounds great. Seattle, here I come." ("西雅图的食物, 公共交通和天气都很好." "听起来很 诱人. 西雅图, 我来了.")

08. let's not get carried away
定义: 我们不要得意忘形; 我们不要太放纵.
例句: "Let's not get carried away. It's too early to celebrate the victory." Tom interrupted, not wanting us to get my hopes up too much. ("我们不要得意忘形. 现在庆祝胜利还为时过早." 汤姆打 断了我的话, 不想让我们抱着太多的不切实际期望)

09. let's keep it that way
定义: 我们就保持这样. (注: 意指继续保持这个令人满意的现状, 别去改变)
例句: "Well, so far so good. We haven't had any problems." "That's good. Let's keep it that way." ("到目前为止一切顺利. 我们还没碰到任何问题." "那很 好. 让我们就保持这样.")

10. call it even, to
定义: (两人之间金钱债或人情债)就此扯平. (注: 意指你不欠我, 我也不欠你)
例句: I'll pay the Internet bill if you'll pay the electricity bill, and then we'll just call it even. (如果你付电费的话, 我就付网路费用, 这样我们俩就此扯平了)

11. I can live with that
定义: 我可以容忍, 接受, 或习惯; 行, (对我来说)没问题.
例句: "I only have $40 on me today, but I can give you the rest when I see you on Sunday." "I can live with that." ("我今天身上只带了四十块美元, 但星期天跟 你碰面的时候, 我可以把其余的钱还给你." "行, 没问题.")

12. I can tell you; I'm telling you
定义: 我可以确切地告诉你. (注: 这两句成语乃是用来强调你所说的是真的, 尽管可能难以置信)
例句: I can tell you, Sheila, I've never seen anything like it in my life. (我可以确切地告诉妳, 希拉, 我这一辈子从没见过像这样的事情)

13. I am pleased with
定义: 我对...感到满意.
例句: I'm pleased with the way things have been going. (我对事态的发展感到满意)

14. I bet; I'll bet
定义: 我赞成; 听起来有道理; 当然的, 不足为奇; 我相当确定; 我同意.
例句: "Ugh, I'm not feeling very well." "Yeah, I'll bet, considering how much you had to drink last night." ("呃, 我觉得很不舒服." "是啊, 那是 当然的, 想想看你昨晚灌了多少酒.")

15. how was I to know that ...?
定义: 我怎么知道...是...? (注: 意指我当初根本不知道..., 要是知道, 我就不会...)
例句: How was I to know that the girl really needed help? When she screamed, I looked around at the people in the park and they all looked as if everything was okay! (我怎么知道那个女孩是真的在求救? 当 她尖叫时, 我看了看公园里的人们, 他们看起来好像一切都平静!)

16. I believe you but thousands wouldn't
定义: [英国]我其实不相信你所说的; 我认为你在说谎. (注: 此句成语的直译是, 我相信你, 但是还有成千上万的人不相信你. 这句话 其实是一句讽刺语, 暗示对方你还是不相信他的话, 认为他在说谎)
例句: "I swear, there's nothing going on between me and Margaret. She and I are just friends!" "OK, Tom. I believe you, but thousands wouldn't." ("我发誓, 我和玛格丽特 之间是清清白白的. 我和她纯粹是朋友!" "好啦, 汤姆. 我相信你, 但是还有成千上万的人不相信你.")

17. amen to that!
定义: 举双手赞成!
例句: "I'm glad this brutal summer is over." "Amen to that!" ("我很高兴这个酷热的夏天结束了." "举双手赞成!")

18. not know which end is up
定义: 搞不清楚状况, 不知何去何从, 不知所措.
例句: Local officials don't know which end is up when it comes to dealing with the housing crisis. (在处理住房危机时, 当地官员既不清楚状况, 也不知道该怎么办)

19. it goes without saying; that goes without saying
定义: 明摆的, 自不在话下的; 这当然, 不用说; 理所当然, 不言而喻.
例句: I know it goes without saying, but the staff restrooms are not to be used by students or visitors. (我当然知道这件事情, 但学生或访客皆不得使用员工卫生间)

20. is it just me?
定义: 是不是只有我是才有这种感觉? (注: 常用在某人发现某事有些不对劲之前所说的话)
例句: Is it just me, or is it freezing in here? (是不是只有我一个人感觉很冷, 还是这里的温度的确很冰冷? 注: 当有人将气温形容为freezing的时候, 我们应当把它翻译为 冰冷)

21. believe me; believe you me
定义: 是真的; 说真的; 相信我.
例句: I love kids, but watching 20 of them at once is no picnic, believe me! (我很喜欢小朋友, 但同时看顾 20 个孩子可不是一件轻松的事, 我可是说真的!)



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