二十笔实用成语 1242
01. bring it on!
定义: 来吧! 放马过来! (注: 意指向别人挑战或接受挑战)
例句: If he wants a public debate, sure, bring it on! (如果他想要一场公开辩论, 没问题, 那就放马过来!)
02. Barkis is willin'
定义: 某人愿意结婚或接受求婚; 愿意接受某情况.
例句: "Are you ready for the race today?" "Oh yeah! Barkis is willin'!" ("你准备好参加今天的比赛吗?" "是啊! 我准备好了!")
03. it was fun while it lasted
定义: 玩得尽兴; 度过美好时光. (注: 意指论及一段美好时光, 但终究要结束, 终究不是长久的)
例句: Look, it was fun while it lasted, but this summer vacation had to end sometime. (哎, 这段美好时光令人玩得尽兴啊, 但这个暑假终有一天会结束的)
04. it/that hurts like the dickens
定义: 真是痛得要命.
例句: Ouch, I just banged my elbow on the table. That hurts like the dickens! (唉哟, 我的手肘刚刚撞到桌子了. 真是痛得要命!)
05. is that a fact?
定义: 是真的吗? 真是如此吗?
例句: "John's got the flu so he'll have to skip this week." "Is that a fact? That's too bad. Tell him I hope he feels better." ("约翰得了流感, 所以这个星期不能来." "是真的吗? 那太可惜了. 请你转告他, 我希望他早日康复.")
06. be yourself!
定义: 表现自然; 表现正常; 表现真诚, 率真.
例句: I told her to just be herself during the interview. (我告诉她在面试时只要表现自然和正常就好)
07. let me see/think
定义: 让我看看; 让我想想看. (注: 意指在作决定或回想)
例句: "When can I come in for an appointment?" "Let me see. There's an opening at 3 o'clock tomorrow, if that works for you." ("我可以预约什么时候过来吗?" "让我看 看. 明天下午3点有个空档, 如果你方便的话.")
08. baby needs a new pair of shoes
定义: 祝我好运! 赌徒在掷骰子或者抽一张牌之前祈求手气好的祷告: 咱家宝宝需要一双新鞋子.
例句: If I roll a seven, I walk out of here with $30,000. Come on, baby needs a new pair of shoes! (如果我掷出一个七点, 我就会带着赢来的三万块美元离开这里 . 加油, 祝我好运!)
09. forget you!
定义: 走开! 去你的! 滚开!
例句: I have every right to be here, so forget you! (我完全有权利待在这里, 所以你给我滚开!)
10. it won't wash
定义: 说不通; 没人会相信; 这不能令人接受或信服.
例句: Don't expect me to believe that! It won't wash. (别指望我会相信那事! 它根本说不通)
11. have no dog in this fight, to
定义: 这不关我事; 此事跟我没有利害关系; 我可不想掺和此事; 我对此事没兴趣.
例句: "Are you going to watch the big game tonight?" "Nah, my team's not playing, so I have no dog in the fight." ("你会看今晚的大赛吗?" "不了, 我的球 队今晚没有比赛, 所以我对今晚比赛没什么兴趣.")
12. not know the half of it, to
定义: 这事远比你知道的还更复杂, 更糟糕或更恶劣.
例句: "The company has no cash, they are losing orders right and left, and the comptroller is cooking the books." "Sounds bad." "You don't know the half of it!" ("这家公司现金用 光了, 许多客户都在砍订单, 他们的审计长还在做假帐." "听起来不妙啊." "他们的情况远比你知道的还更恶劣!")
13. not add up, to
定义: 这个(理由)说不通; 不合理, 没道理; (计算之后)总数不对.
例句: I listened to Jill's explanation, but I'm still skeptical. Something just doesn't add up. (我听了姬儿的解释, 但我仍然抱持着怀疑态度. 有些事情还是说不通)
14. wait for it, to
定义: 别急; 耐心地等着别人的命令或讯号; 等到适当的时刻再做或再说还不迟; 等着看; 听我说. (注: 此动词短语常用于, 说话者即将要说 出一些有趣, 令人兴奋或令人惊讶的事情)
例句: So, while we were out on our date, we got talking about our families, and it turns out that he, wait for it, is a distant cousin! I couldn't believe it! (当我们俩出去约会时, 我们谈论到我们的家庭, 原来他, 听我说, 是我的一个远房表亲! 我简直不敢相信!)
15. been there, done that
定义: 过来人; 去过了; 见过了; 经历过了; 不新鲜了.
例句: Whitewater rafting? Been there, done that. Let's do something more extreme! (激流皮筏漂流? 唉, 已经玩过了, 不新鲜了. 咱们应该干一些更刺激的事情!)
16. it's OK
定义: 还好, 还可以(既非极好也非极坏); 可以(允许别人做某事).
例句: "How was the movie?" "It's OK. I'm not a big fan of blood-and-guts movies." ("那部电影怎么样?" "还可以. 我不是太喜欢血腥暴力的电影 .")
17. what have you got to say for yourself?
定义: 你有什么话要说来为自己辩护? (注: 意指你做错了这件事有什么特殊理由? 你有什么话要说来为自己申诉? 这句话等于what is your excuse? )
例句: Well, you've ruined my car. What have you got to say for yourself? (好了, 你把我的车给毁了. 你有什么话要说来为自己申辩?)
18. I was afraid you were going to say that
定义: 我就怕你会这么说.
例句: "Mom, can I have twenty dollars please?" "I'll give you twenty dollars if you help me with the gardening." "I was afraid you were going to say that." ("妈, 能不能给我 二十块钱?" "如果你帮我整理院子, 我就给你二十美元." "我就怕你会这么说.")
19. the moment we've been waiting for
定义: 我们一直在等待的那一刻.
例句: It's the moment we've all been waiting for. Please help me give our keynote speaker a warm welcome! (这是我们期待已久的时刻. 请跟我一起热烈欢迎我们的主讲人!)
20. ready as I'll ever be, be
定义: 我随时都准备好了.
例句: "Are you ready for the midterm test?" "Ready as I'll ever be." ("你期中考准备好了吗?" "我随时都准备好了.")
二十笔实用成语 1242
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