二十笔实用成语 1243

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二十笔实用成语 1243

帖子 royl » 周二 3月 05, 2024 4:07 pm

二十笔实用成语 1243

01. are there any messages for me?
定义: (刚从外面回来)有没有别人给我的留言?
例句: "Are there any messages for me?" "Yes. I've put them on your desk. Two are from your wife, two are from the Smiths." ("有没有别人给我的留言?" "有的 . 我已经把它们放在你的桌上了. 两则来自你妻子, 另两则是史密斯家打来的.")

02. it/that tells me all I need to know
定义: (从一些迹象里)它告诉我, 我所需要知道的一切.
例句: When Tommy throws his dirty underwear in Linda's face and her sitting there laughing about it, that tells me all I need to know about this "couple." (汤米把他的脏内裤扔到琳达的脸上, 而 她却坐在那里一笑置之, 这已经告诉了我, 我所需要知道有关这对"夫妻"的一切)

03. didn't know what she would do
定义: (当时)不知道她会怎么做.
例句: I have been married to her for seventeen years, but seriously, in the unpredictable condition she was in, I didn't know what she would do. (我和她结婚17年了, 但说真的, 她处在 那种不可预测的状态下, 我真不知道她会怎么做)

04. I beg to differ
定义: (礼貌口气)恕不同意; 我不敢苟同.
例句: John told me Max was sure to win, but I beg to differ; I don't think he has a chance. (约翰告诉我麦克斯一定会赢, 但我不同意; 我认为他根本赢不了)

05. it has had it
定义: (老机器或老汽车)已经磨损得差不多了, 准备要报废了.
例句: Don't you think your car has had it? Has it given up on you for the last time? (你不觉得你的车子已经磨损得差不多了吗? 它是不是最后还是没法再开得动了? )

06. who wants seconds?
定义: (论及自助餐)谁还要吃二轮? (注: 请注意自助餐跑第二趟的seconds是复数不是单数)
例句: Even though it's all-you-can-eat at a buffet, it's all-you-can-eat for one meal, they won't let you sit there 5 or 6 hours. OK, but who wants seconds? (虽然 它是吃到饱的自助餐, 但它只是让你这顿饭吃到饱, 他们不会允许你坐在那儿五六个钟头不停地吃. 好了, 谁还要吃第二轮?)

07. it wasn't my fault
定义: (论及过去)这不是我的错.
例句: "It wasn't my fault that she didn't like you!" "Calm down, Tom, I'm not accusing you of anything." ("她不喜欢你又不是我的错!" "冷静点 , 汤姆, 我并没有指责你什么.")

08. I don't like the sound of that
定义: (这事)听起来不妙, 挺严重.
例句: "The doctor says my case is unusual." "I don't like the sound of that." ("医生说我的情况并不寻常." "听起来不妙啊.")

09. it's so bad, it's laughable
定义: (这件事或物)糟糕到可笑地步.
例句: Me wife and I are still watching the TV series, but only because it's so bad, it's laughable. The acting and script are just terrible. (就因为它糟糕到可笑地步, 我和我的妻子还继续观看这部 电视剧. 它的演员演技和编剧都很差劲)

10. it looks good on you
定义: (这件衣服, 配件或首饰)穿在你身上很好看.
例句: "Does this hat look funny on me?" "Far from it. It looks good on you." ("我戴这顶帽子是不是看起来很奇怪?" "一点不奇怪. 你戴起来很好看. ")

11. it looks much better on you
定义: (这件衣服, 配件或首饰)穿在你身上漂亮多了.
例句: I made that dress myself. I've got to say it looks much better on you than it did on me. (那件衣服是我自己做的. 我不得不说这件衣服穿在你身上要比我 穿起来漂亮多了)

12. it didn't cost me a single penny/cent/dime
定义: (关于这个费用)我一分钱也没花. (注: 意指完全不需要花钱)
例句: This exercise didn't cost you a single penny, only your time and dedication. (这项体力活动不花你一分钱, 只需要你的时间和全神投入)

13. going up?
定义: (电梯内询问刚走进来的人)要上去吗?
例句: "Going up, sir." "No. I want to go down." ("先生, 你要上去吗?" "不, 我要下去.")

14. excuse me, sir
定义: 不好意思, 先生, 打扰你一下. (注: 常用于问路, 问问题, 请人让路上)
例句: Excuse me, sir, but can you direct me to the nearest gas station? (不好意思, 先生, 你能不能告诉我, 离我们最近的加油站怎么走吗?)

15. no, I'm not talking about that
定义: 不是, 我不是说那件事.
例句: No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how are we going to set a steady course for our financial future. (不是, 我不是说那件事. 我是说我们如何为未来的财务 规划出一条稳定的路线)

16. it's much more than that
定义: 并不是这么简单; 远不止于此; 还需要更多; 还具有更多的. (注: 有时指某事情的内幕远比表面上所显示的要复杂多了)
例句: English is the language of global communication, but it's much more than that. By studying English, you can open up many job opportunities and make you more desirable to employers. (英语是全球的沟通语言, 但它远不止于此 . 透过学习英语, 你可以开启许多工作机会的大门, 令你对雇主更具吸引力)

17. doesn't/don't know where to start
定义: 不知道从哪儿开始; 毫无头绪; 不知道该从哪儿说起; 不知该从哪儿做起.
例句: Do you know how often we librarians get to recommend books to a person who wants to read but doesn't know where to start? I would love to make suggestions! (你知道我们图书管理员有多少次向想要阅读 但不知道从哪里开始的人推荐书籍吗? 我会很乐意提供阅读建议!)

18. whether you like it or not, you are going to do it
定义: 不管你愿不愿意或不管你喜不喜欢, 你都得去做.
例句: Whether you like it or not, you are going to clean your room! (不管你愿不愿意, 你都得清理你的房间!)

19. either way, you'll have to
定义: 不管怎样, 你还是要...
例句: Either way, you'll have to provide some evidence to prove that the money really belongs to you. (不管怎样, 你还是须要提供一些证据来证明这笔钱确实是属于你的)

20. don't spoil it
定义: 不要破坏气氛; 不要扫兴.
例句: We're having a nice party here, please don't spoil it by telling everyone that your cat just died. (我们这里的派对正在欢乐地进行, 请你不要告诉大家你的猫刚死了, 以免扫 了大家的兴)



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