二十笔实用成语 1247
01. keep one's chin held high, to
定义: 昂头挺胸; 保持自尊或自信.
例句: Keep your chin held high, you have a bright future, no one will take that away from you. (昂起你的头来, 你有一个光明的未来, 没有人能够把它从你身上夺走)
02. a smile crossed his face
定义: 他脸上现出一抹笑容.
例句: A broad smile crossed his face, despite everything he went through. He's gone on to have an epic career and used his trauma as inspiration. (尽管他历经了一切苦难, 他的脸上仍挂着灿烂的笑容. 他 义无反顾勇往直前, 开创了他史诗般的职业生涯, 并将他所受到的创伤作为人生的启发)
03. a hit dog will holler
定义: 对别人指控的防御性或愤怒的反应也许就是某种形式的认错.
例句: "I just asked Tom if he knew anything about the errors in the database, and he got really angry and defensive." "Hmm, well, a hit dog will holler." ("我只是询问汤姆是否知道资料库中 的错误, 他便勃然大怒, 摆出一副自卫的情绪性反应." "嗯, 他这种反应也许就是某种形式的认错.")
04. caught napping, be
定义: 被人发现在打瞌睡; 缺乏警觉性; 缺乏应变能力; 对突发事件的准备不充分.
例句: The security services were clearly caught napping and their response was therefore inadequate. (这个安全部门显然缺乏警觉性, 因此显示出他们的应变能力不够充足)
05. rob of, to
定义: 偷窃, 抢劫, 诈骗, 剥削, 剥夺.
例句: He really robbed me of my dignity with the way he chastised me in front of everyone. (他当着大家的面斥责我, 真是让我的尊严尽失)
06. he has no one to blame but himself
定义: 他谁也怪不了, 要怪只能怪他自己.
例句: Kenny has no one to blame but himself. People are sick to the back teeth of his never-ending melodrama. (肯尼谁也怪不了, 要怪只能怪他自己. 人们对他这种没完没了的 闹剧感到非常厌烦)
07. he is my age
定义: 他跟我同龄; 他跟我一样大.
例句: Not only are people my age earning less, the things that older generations established as expectations are costing us significantly more. (不只我这个年龄层的人收入变得更少了, 连老一辈所认为一般人都会购置的 物品也让我们这一代付出了更高的价钱)
08. it still left him none the wiser
定义: 他还是糊里糊涂, 依然不懂, 仍然一无所知.
例句: He explained it to me many times, but his lesson still left me none the wiser. (他跟我解说了很多遍, 但他的一番解释还是没法让我听明白)
09. take it from there, to
定义: 从那个点继续做下去; 从那个地方开始.
例句: I'll get everything ready, and you take it from there. (我会把一切都准备好, 接下来的工作就交给你了)
10. perfect for this job, be
定义: 非常适合这份工作.
例句: I'm putting together a team, and a friend we have in common says you'd be perfect for this job. (我正在组建一个团队, 我们的一个共同朋友说你非常适合这份工作)
11. it wasn't always like this
定义: 以前并不都是这样的.
例句: He remembers it wasn't always like this, being overweight. A football linebacker, basketball and track star throughout high school, he was always athletic. (他记得他以前并不都是这样地肥胖超重. 在高中的时候 , 他曾是美式足球后卫, 篮球和田径明星, 他一直都很健壮)
12. don't ever do it again
定义: 以后别再做这种事. (注: 此乃告诫语)
例句: I don't need your apology, just don't ever do it again. (我不需要你的道歉, 但以后别再做这种事)
13. let's forget about the whole thing
定义: 让我们忘记这整件不愉快的事. (注: 意指这件事就算翻篇了, 以后不提了, 就当没发生过一样)
例句: Let's just forget about the whole thing and move on to our next task. (让我们忘记这整件不愉快的事, 接着干我们下一项任务)
14. no one seems to get it
定义: 似乎没有人明白这一点; 似乎没人听得懂这句话.
例句: I try to explain why it's incorrect to use double negatives, and no one seems to get it. I even see educated people do this and it makes me want to scream. (我试图解释为什么使用双重否定语是不正确的 , 但似乎没人听得懂. 我什至看到受过教育的人也这样用, 这让我想要大声尖叫)
15. truth is truth, the
定义: 事实就是事实; 真相就是真相.
例句: The truth is truth even if no one believes in it. It doesn't change with the perceptions and views. It remains constant throughout the history. (事实就是事实, 即使没人相信它. 它不会随着认知和 观点的改变而改变. 它在整个历史中保持不变)
16. pay heed to, to
定义: 仔细聆听或密切注意; 给予某事充分或适当的考虑.
例句: You'd best pay heed to his advice, or you might end up suffering the mistakes he made in the past. (你最好听从他的建议, 否则你可能会重蹈他过去的覆辙)
17. but that's about to change
定义: 但是这个情况即将改变. (注: be about to即为将要)
例句: Getting a bachelor's degree in prison is rare but that's about to change. Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, people in prison will have access to Pell grants. (在监狱里获得学士学位的情况很罕见, 但这种 情况即将改变. 从2023-2024学年开始, 在监狱服刑的人将可以获得佩尔助学金)
18. how do you mean?
定义: 你的意思是? 你(说这话)是什么意思? (注: 此问句含有要求说话者澄清他说此话之意)
例句: "You need to watch out for Barry." "How do you mean?" "He's something of a playboy. Just make sure you don't fall for him." ("妳需要提防巴里." "你的意思 是?" "他有点花花公子的样子. 只是想确定妳别迷恋上了他.")
19. you got to try this stuff
定义: 你一定要尝尝这个东西; 你一定要试试这个东西.
例句: You got to try this stuff! Hot Ruby is our new drink obsession for the holidays. It smells and tastes just like Christmas! (你一定要尝尝这个东西! 热红宝石是我们这个节日期间的新饮品. 它闻 起来和尝起来就带着浓郁的圣诞节风味!)
20. why do you have to bring that up?
定义: 你为什么非要提起这件事? (注: 意指质问某人为什么哪壶不开提哪壶, 提起令人不愉快之事情)
例句: Why did you have to bring that up? Why did you bring up Walter? I hate talking about him! (你为什么非要提起这件事? 为什么提起沃尔特? 我很不愿意谈论他!)
二十笔实用成语 1247
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