二十笔实用成语 1256
01. enough with your lies
定义: 听够了你的谎言.
例句: Enough with your lies! I know what you did, so you'd better tell me the truth. (我听够了你的谎言! 我知道你干了些什么事, 所以你最好告诉我真相)
02. don't say I didn't warn you
定义: 别说我没事先警告你.
例句: Your new business will fail, and you'll be left wondering why it didn't work. Don't say I didn't warn you. (你的最新创业将会失败, 而且你还会想知道为什么你 没有成功. 别说我没事先警告你)
03. don't spill the beans
定义: 别说溜嘴; 别说漏嘴; 别泄密. (注: spill the beans即是泄露机密)
例句: We'll all be there at 6 for the surprise party, so don't spill the beans! (我们都会出席那个六点钟的惊喜派对, 所以你可别说溜嘴!)
04. don't let them walk all over you
定义: 别让他们欺压你; 别让他们把你不当人对待.
例句: Don't let them walk all over you. Tell them you do not appreciate being abused and refuse to be treated that way. (别让他们把你不当人看. 告诉他们你不喜欢被人糟蹋, 并且拒绝受到 如此地羞辱)
05. don't keep me waiting
定义: 别让我久等.
例句: Don't keep me waiting! It's really hot out here. (别让我久等! 这里真的很热)
06. don't let me down
定义: 别让我失望.
例句: Come on, Jim, don't let me down! I know you can do it. (加油, 吉姆, 不要让我失望! 我知道你能做得到)
07. don't let it bother you
定义: 别让这件事烦扰你; 别让它扫你的兴; 别自责; 别想它.
例句: Don't let it bother you. They're a bunch of idiots and they're never going to change. (别让这件事烦扰你. 他们是一群白痴, 而且也永远改不了)
08. don't let the news get to you
定义: 别让这个消息影响你的心情; 别让这个消息令你心烦, 气馁.
例句: Don't let the news get to you. We are living in troubled times. But the thing that endures is the love we have for one another. (别让这个消息影响你的心情. 我们生活在乱世之中. 但持久不变的是我们彼此之间的关爱)
09. don't blame yourself
定义: 别责怪你自己; 别苛责你自己.
例句: Look man don't blame yourself. You did what a good friend should do, I would expect no more from my own close friends. (伙计, 别苛责你自己. 你已经尽了一个好友应尽的努力, 我 也不期望自己的亲密朋友做出更多的牺牲奉献)
10. don't trifle with me
定义: 别跟我油嘴滑舌, 嬉皮笑脸; 别不尊重人.
例句: I wouldn't do that if I were you. You don't trifle with the boss. (如果我是你我就不会这么做. 你不可以跟老板油嘴滑舌, 嬉皮笑脸的)
11. don't get any funny idea
定义: 别跟我耍花样; 别跟我出歪主意; 别想歪了; 别想拧了.
例句: Okay let's go and so you know I'm going with you only because I'm hungry, so don't get any funny idea in your mind, (好吧, 我们走吧, 你要知道我和你一起去 吃饭只是因为我肚子饿了, 所以你可别想拧了)
12. don't get cute with me
定义: 别跟我耍花样; 别跟我耍小聪明; 别跟我顶嘴.
例句: Don't get cute with me. I'm not amused by your biting sarcasm and you're not funny. (别跟我玩小聪明. 我不喜欢你那尖酸刻薄的讽刺, 一点都不好笑)
13. don't play dumb with me
定义: 别跟我装傻; 别跟我装不知情; 别跟我装无辜.
例句: Don't play dumb with me, I know you too well. It doesn't take a lot to figure you out. (别跟我装傻, 我太了解你了. 不须费什么劲就能够看透你 的小心思)
14. don't give me lip service
定义: 别跟我说空话. (注: 意指某人说得头头是道, 但缺乏实际行动)
例句: Don't give me lip service. I need action with results. (别跟我说空话. 我需要有成果的行动)
15. don't blow it
定义: 别办砸了它; 别把这事搞砸了; 别失败.
例句: You've, hopefully, worked up to this point with all the tips above, so don't blow it! (希望你透过以上所提供的窍门练就到这个程度, 千万别输了!)
16. don't get yourself pumped up
定义: 别这么热情, 兴奋.
例句: Don't get yourself pumped up or anything, because now is not the time for that. (别这么兴奋或什么的, 因为现在可不是激动的时候)
17. don't be so modest
定义: 别这么谦虚.
例句: "I'm not a man of the hour. I was just doing my job." "Don't be so modest. Your performance was just wonderful!" ("我不是风云人物. 我只是做我该做的 工作." "别这么谦虚. 你的表演真是精彩绝伦!")
18. don't be uptight
定义: 别那么紧张; 别那么死脑筋.
例句: Don't be uptight. Since our flight is delayed, there's nothing we can do except kick off our shoes and relax. (别那么紧张. 既然我们的航班延误了, 我们除了脱掉鞋子放轻松之外什么也 做不了)
19. don't tempt fate
定义: 别铤而走险; 别跟自己命运开玩笑; 满饭可以吃, 满话少说. (注: 常用在劝人不要说太过于自信的话, 免得会招来厄运)
例句: "I'm going to ace this exam." "Now, now, don't tempt fate." ("我要在这次考试中拿个A." "别这么说, 满饭可以吃, 满话 少说.")
20. don't miss out the opportunity
定义: 别错过这个机会.
例句: Hey Tom, Tesla is hiring. Don't miss out the opportunity! (嘿, 汤姆, 特斯拉正在招募员工. 别错过这个机会!)
二十笔实用成语 1256
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