二十笔实用成语 1267

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二十笔实用成语 1267

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 04, 2024 6:14 am

二十笔实用成语 1267

01. Houston, we have a problem
定义: 我们有麻烦了. (注: 原本是美国太空人向位于休士顿市南方的太空控制中心报告严重的问题. 现在广泛用为幽默性的问题通报)
例句: "Well, can you see anything wrong with the engine?" "Uh oh. Houston, we have a problem!" ("你能看出来引擎有什么问题吗?" "呃哦. 我们有麻烦了!" )

02. brace ourselves for the coming hurricane
定义: 我们为即将来袭的台风做好准备.
例句: We should brace ourselves for a full year of rising unemployment coupled with high inflation. (我们应当做好未来一整年持续升高失业率和高通膨的准备)

03. let's drink to that
定义: 我们为这事干杯庆祝吧.
例句: After the wedding ceremony, we all drank to the happy couple's health. (婚礼结束后, 我们都为这对幸福的新人的健康干杯)

04. anything we say stays between us
定义: 我们现在所谈的是我们之间的机密, 不可向别人透露.
例句: Listen, what happened on last Friday stays between us, only us. (听我说, 上周五所发生的事是我们两人之间的秘密, 千万不可向别人透露)

05. do we really believe the solution
定义: 我们真的相信这个解决方案吗? (注: 意指对这个解决方案还不确信)
例句: But do we really believe her story? Poor Tom will never know the truth. (但我们真的相信她的话吗? 可怜的汤姆永远不会知道真相)

06. we argue about petty things too much
定义: 我们总是为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事争论不休.
例句: You argue about petty things too much and waste time, effort and energy on trivial matters on internet forums. And now you wonder how you don't get things done. (你总是在网路论坛上为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事争论不休, 浪费时间, 努力和精力. 而现在你却想知道你为什么总是一事无成呢)

07. can we just get over it
定义: 我们能不能将此事翻篇了? 我们能不能忘掉这事? (注: 意指希望对方忘掉这件不愉快的事情)
例句: I'm sorry I got angry, however your actions hurt me, and that's why I got angry. Can we just get over it already? (对不起, 我发了脾气, 但是你的行为伤害了我, 这就是我发脾气的原因. 我们能不能快点将此事翻篇?)

08. can we talk
定义: 我们能谈谈吗? (注: 意指只想跟对方平心静气地谈话, 不想吵架)
例句: "Can we talk?" "Yes." The point is to get a yes before proceeding. While you might be able to force a conversation, you won't have a listener. ("我们能谈谈吗?" "好." 重点是在发言之前先得到对方的同意. 虽然你可能可以强迫进行对话, 但你不会有一个聆听者)

09. how do we get out of this mess
定义: 我们该如何脱离这个困境? 我们该如何摆脱这个烂摊子?
例句: How do we get out of this mess? We must recognize that we don't have a quick fix, and there may not be any solution in the foreseeable future. (我们该如何摆脱这个困境? 我们必须认识到, 我们没有快速解决办法, 而且在可预见的未来也可能没有任何的解决办法)

10. it's time we should be going
定义: 我们该走了. (注: 意指在聚会将结束时, 同来客人之一人向另一人提醒该走的话语)
例句: We have to catch the 9:07 train, so it's time we should be going. (我们得赶九点零七分的火车, 我们该走了)

11. we have a situation here
定义: 我们这里出了状况.
例句: "We have a situation here. I need you here now!" "OK. I'll be there in 15 minutes!" ("我们这里出了状况. 我要你马上过来!" "好的. 我15分钟之内就赶到!")

12. let's get down to brass tacks
定义: 我们进入正题吧.
例句: All right, everyone, enough with the pleasantries, let's get down to brass tacks. (好了, 大家都已经寒暄够了, 我们进入正题吧)

13. we've still got plenty of food left
定义: 我们还有很多食物; 管够, 管饱.
例句: We've still got plenty of food left, and you're welcome to have more. (我们还有很多食物, 请你们畅怀吃, 管够, 管饱)

14. we are not done yet
定义: 我们还没做完.
例句: We're not done yet. We'll let you know when we're done. (我们还没做完. 我们做完了会通知你的)

15. we are not there yet
定义: 我们还没到那儿; 我们还没做完.
例句: We're not there yet. We'll let you know if we ever are. (我们还没到那儿. 如果我们到了那里的话, 我们会通知你的)

16. we've got an hour or two to kill
定义: 我们还要消磨一两个钟头时间.
例句: We've got an hour or two to kill before the flight check-in time. We can get something to eat now. (距离登机时间我们还有一两个小时要消磨. 我们现在可以去吃点东西了)

17. we are much obliged for your help
定义: 我们非常感激你的帮助.
例句: Your generous forbearance has not gone unnoticed. We're much obliged for your patience and kind understanding. (你的宽宏大量并没有被忽视. 我们非常感激你的耐心与理解)

18. I would rather you didn't
定义: 我倒希望你没有做那件事. (注: 意指我不认为做那件事是明智的)
例句: I would rather you didn't get up late and miss an important appointment. (我倒宁愿你没有晚起而错过一个重要的约会)

19. I'd (just) like to see him try
定义: 我倒要看他试试看. (注: 意指我根本不怕他, 他赢不了我)
例句: I'm serious, that guy doesn't scare me. I'd like to see him try. (我可是说真的, 那家伙吓不了我. 我倒要看他试试看)

20. how's my son doing
定义: 我儿子情况怎么样? (注: 常用于询问医生你儿子的病情进展)
例句: "How's my son doing?" "He's not in great shape. He had moments of consciousness during the surgery and kept muttering something about Dotty." ("我儿子情况怎么样?" "他的情况不太好. 手术期间他有过清醒的片刻, 并且不断地嘀咕一些关于多蒂的事情.")



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