二十笔实用成语 1268
01. I thought you like it
定义: 我原以为你喜欢它.
例句: I thought you like it. That's why I bought it. It's okay, I hate it also. (我还以为你喜欢它. 这就是为什么我买它的原因. 没关系, 我也讨厌它)
02. I'm tired of his constant carping
定义: 我厌倦了他没完没了地挑剔及抱怨.
例句: I'm tired of her constant carping about the slightest issue as well. (我也厌倦了她总是对一点小事没完没了地挑剔和抱怨)
03. I'm tired of your double-talk
定义: 我厌倦了你的模棱两可, 言不由衷的话语.
例句: I'm tired of your meaningless double-talk! Stop pulling me about! (我厌倦了你毫无意义的模棱两可话语! 别再糊弄我!)
04. pull about, to
定义: 把某人或某物从一个地方拖来拖去; 蒙骗, 糊弄; 为了达到某种目的, 使某人处于不确定, 热烈期望或错误讯息的状态中.
例句: It turns out that they had just been pulling me about for the last few months, and all of the money that I had invested was now gone. (原来他们在过去的几个月里一直在糊弄我, 而我所投资的所有资金现在都被骗得精光了)
05. I'm sick of all the negative news
定义: 我听烦了这些所有的负面新闻.
例句: I'm tired of all the negative news in the media these days. Surely, you can find something positive to write about, can't you? (这些天媒体上所有这些负面新闻我都听烦了. 我相信, 你完全可以找到一些正面性的消息来写新闻, 不是吗?)
06. I've been there, I know how
定义: 我经历过这个情况, 我知道某种感觉; 我去过那里, 我知道怎么走; 我办过那事, 我知道怎么做.
例句: I've been there. I know how it felt to be drowning with your own insecurities and fears of not being accepted. (我经历过这个情况. 我知道被自己的不安全感和不被别人接受的恐惧所淹没是什么样的感觉)
07. I haven't done anything wrong
定义: 我又没做错什么事.
例句: I haven't done anything wrong I was hacked by my friend and he's the one who committed the fraud. (我又没做错什么事, 我的电脑文件被我的朋友盗取了, 而他就是那个犯下诈欺罪的人)
08. I am against it
定义: 我反对; 我反对它.
例句: I am against it because it is a sign that we no longer believe people should be proved guilty before they are accused of wrongdoing. (我之所以反对它, 是因为它表明我们不再相信人们在被指控犯下不法行为之前应当先被证明有罪)
09. I am fed up with you
定义: 我受够了你. (注: 意指对你忍无可忍)
例句: We're fed up with our car, but we just can't afford a new one right now. (我们对自家的一坏再坏的车子已经受够了, 但现在又买不起新车)
10. I've had it up to here with your nonsense
定义: 我受够了你的满嘴胡言乱语! (注: 请参考up to here)
例句: I've had it up to here with the lack of raises at this job. Why do I even bother putting forth effort every day? (我受够了一直没有加薪的这份工作. 我凭什么还要每天费心地付出努力呢?)
11. I'm a little cranky today
定义: 我今天脾气有点暴躁.
例句: Sorry for the rantings, I'm a little cranky today. I wish I had the rest of the week off to catch up on sleep. (抱歉对你大吼大叫, 我今天脾气有点暴躁. 我真希望这个星期剩下的时间我能够休假, 补回失去的睡眠)
12. I'm just along for the ride
定义: 我只是来凑热闹的.
例句: Oh, I have no interest in playing basketball with you guys, I'm just along for the ride. Consider me your cheerleader! (哦, 我没兴趣跟你们打篮球, 我只是来凑热闹而已. 就把我当作你们的啦啦队吧!)
13. I wasn't born yesterday
定义: 我可不是昨天才出生的; 我又不是三岁小孩; 我可没那么好骗.
例句: Tom said he'd pay me back, but I'll believe it when I see it. I wasn't born yesterday. (汤姆说他会还我钱的, 但我还是眼见为凭. 我可不是三岁小孩, 没那么好骗)
14. I can help
定义: 我可以帮忙.
例句: Yes, I can help you with that, but it will take a lot of effort and I'd expect you to work with me on some tough jobs. (是的, 我可以帮你这个忙, 但这需要付出很多努力, 而且我希望你能和我一起完成一些艰巨的工作)
15. bumps and bruises
定义: 皮肤撞伤和瘀伤; 轻微的表面伤害.
例句: After a car accident, you might have a few bumps and bruises, or more serious injuries. It is crucial for everyone involved to be evaluated by a doctor when possible. (车祸后, 你可能会受到一些表面伤害, 或更严重的伤害. 在尽可能的情况下, 让医生对所有的受灾人进行评估是至关重要的)
16. may I make a suggestion
定义: 我可以提个建议吗?
例句: "May I make a suggestion?" "By all means, your suggestion is welcome and valued!" ("我可以提个建议吗?" "当然, 我们欢迎并重视你的建议!")
17. I can relate to her
定义: 我可以理解她的状况; 我可以同情她的遭遇.
例句: I can relate to her very well. For one, she's an introvert like me. I can also relate to her because of our similar college experiences. (我相当理解她. 一方面, 她和我一样都是腼腆内向的人. 由于我们遇到相似的大学经历, 所以我也能够同情她的遭遇)
18. may I use your pen
定义: 我可以用一下你的笔吗?
例句: "May I use the restroom?" "Yes, it's the second door on the right." ("我可以使用一下洗手间吗?" "可以, 就在右边第二个门.")
19. can vs. could vs. may
[易混淆字或短语]Can I ask you a question? Could I use your phone? May I use your phone? 我们可以使用can, could和may来询问问题或寻求别人的许可. 使用can来询问比较轻松友好, 口语化; 使用could来询问比较正式或合乎礼仪; 使用may来询问则更加正式或合乎礼仪.
20. I see troubled times ahead
定义: 我预料困难的日子将要来临.
例句: The economy is taking its toll on businesses across the nation. I see troubled times ahead as the global supply chain will be reduced significantly. (这个经济正在为全国各地的企业带来严重损失. 由于全球供应链将大幅减少, 我预料未来的经济将陷入困境)
二十笔实用成语 1268
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