二十笔实用成语 1278

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二十笔实用成语 1278

帖子 royl » 周三 8月 21, 2024 1:59 pm

二十笔实用成语 1278

01. crime runs rampant and unchecked
定义: 犯罪活动猖獗, 失控.
例句: Clearly this city is the hotbed where crime runs rampant and unchecked, and the quality of life for everyone but the criminals' declines. (很明显, 这个城市是一个犯罪活动猖獗而且失控的温床, 除了犯罪份子之外,每个人的生活品质都每况愈下)

02. stranger things have happened before
定义: 这算什么, 没什么好大惊小怪的; 更奇怪的事情以前也曾经发生过. (注: 意指没什么必要大惊小怪的)
例句: "You don't think Katie and Darren are falling in love, do you?" "Well, stranger things have happened." ("你不会认为凯蒂和达伦在相恋吧?" "这算什么, 有什么好大惊小怪的.")

03. how childish some of the people are
定义: 有些人是多么地幼稚.
例句: Watch how many people call me stupid which proves how childish some of the people on here are. (看看有多少人骂我愚蠢, 这证明了这里的有些人是多么地幼稚)

04. is anyone out there?
定义: 有人在吗? (注: 有时候被用来讥讽某人脑袋空空, 思考迟缓, 反应呆滞)
例句: "Is anyone out there?" "Yes, sir. May I help you?" "I have a reservation for tonight. Tony Davis." "That's correct. You have a reservation for a three-room suite for tonight." ("有人在吗?" "是的, 先生. 我可以帮你吗?" "我预订了今晚的房间. 通尼•戴维斯." "有的. 你预订了今晚一间三房套房.")

05. hello!?
定义: 喂! 你好; 有人在吗? 你有没有在注意听? 你清醒吗? 你脑子正常吗?
例句: "Hello! Are you listening?" "Sorry, darling. What did you say?" ("喂! 你有没有在听我说话?" "对不起, 亲爱的. 你刚刚说什么?")

06. is anyone home?
定义: 有人在家吗? 你有没有在听我说话吗? (注: 有时你正在说话但听话者心不在焉时你会提醒他的话)
例句: "Hello, is anyone home?" "Yes, come on in. I'm in the kitchen." ("喂, 有人在家吗?" "有, 进来吧. 我在厨房.")

0962. Anyone care to take a guess?
07. I'd love to; I would love to
定义: 我很乐意或乐于.
例句: "Would you like to go out for a walk in this beautiful weather?" "I'd love to." ("这么风和日丽的天气, 你想出去走一走吗?" "我非常乐意. ")

08. any takers?
定义: 有人接受吗? 有人愿意赌一把吗? 有人接受挑战吗?
例句: I have two tickets for sale. Any takers? (我手上有两张门票要卖. 有人要买吗?)

09. can someone help me please?
定义: 有人能帮助我吗?
例句: Can someone help me please? I need someone to show me how to recover my emails that I deleted by accident. (有人能帮我吗? 我需要有人教我如何恢复我不小心删除的电子邮件)

10. you're asked to call John
定义: 你被要求打电话给约翰.
例句: If you fall victim to a scam, you're asked to call your bank immediately, as well as police. (如果你沦为一名诈骗受害者, 你将会被要求立即打电话通知你的银行和警方)

11. beer anyone?
定义: 有人要啤酒吗?
例句: "Beer anyone?" "I want one. I love to drink a cold one after work." ("有人要啤酒吗?" "我要一瓶. 我喜欢在下班后喝一瓶冰啤酒.")

12. you can do better than that
定义: 你还可以做得更好.
例句: Come on, you can do better than that. I know you can! (拜托, 你还可以做得更好. 我知道你可以的!)

13. with friends like you, who needs an enemy
定义: 有你这种朋友, 谁还需要敌人? (注: 意指你的破坏性跟敌人一样地可怕)
例句: With friends like you, who needs an enemy. You make me fail, and it's unforgivable. What else you've done to me? (有你这种朋友, 谁还需要敌人. 你造成我的失败, 这是不可原谅的. 你还对我做了些什么手脚?)

14. is there something wrong?
定义: 有问题吗? 出了什么事情?
例句: "Is there something wrong?" "Not that I know of." ("有什么问题吗? " "据我所知没有.")

15. finish what you started
定义: 把你没做完的事情做完; 有始有终, 不要半途而废.
例句: You finish what you started and then you move on. It doesn't work any other way. (把你没做完的事情做完, 然后再做别的事情. 这就是我们办事的态度, 别无他法)

16. is there a need?
定义: 有必要吗?
例句: Is there a need for the US to regain its greatness? If so, what led to the loss of greatness and what would it take to achieve it again? (美国有必要重拾昔日的辉煌吗? 如果是的话, 是什么原因导致了其盛世的丧失, 要怎样做, 才能重回到昔日的辉煌盛世?)

17. keep me posted
定义: 有新消息就通知我; 有新进展就通知我.
例句: Congratulations on getting that interview! Keep me posted on how it goes! (恭喜你获得了面试机会! 有什么进展随时通知我!)

18. any word?
定义: 有消息吗? 有回应吗? 有回话吗?
例句: "Any word about your mom?" "She's trying to cut a deal with the DA, but in the meantime, my grandma is my legal guardian." ("有你妈妈的消息吗?" "她正试图与地方检察官达成协议, 但与此同时, 我的祖母是我的法定监护人.")

Speak up now or forever hold your peace.
[成语句型]有话现在就说出来, 否则你将永远保持沉默. (注: 这是在结婚典礼中, 牧师对参加典礼来宾所询问的话, 如果有人对这对新人持有反对的意见,现在就说出来, 否则永远保持沉默)

19. in what regard?
定义: 有关于哪方面的事宜? (注: 意指请人详加解释或澄清)
例句: Safety in what regard? Can you please be more specific? (安全在哪方面? 能说得更具体一点吗?)

20. never to return
定义: 再也没回来.
例句: She left home last Christmas, never to return. (她去年圣诞节离开家之后, 再也没有回来)



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