二十笔实用成语 1280

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二十笔实用成语 1280

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 29, 2024 12:16 pm

二十笔实用成语 1280

01. it doesn't get any better than this
定义: 没有比这个更好的了.
例句: It doesn't get any better than this car! I'm looking forward to its final production and deliveries. (没有比这辆更好的车子了! 我好期待着它的最终的制造和交付. 注:当你缴付了一部新车的订金之后, 你只能安心地等待这部车子的制造和交付)

02. indeed, the situation is heating up
定义: 没错, 局势正在趋于激烈化.
例句: The situation is heating up in the Middle East, Israel and Hamas are on the verge of a large-scale war. (中东地区的局势正在趋于激烈化, 以色列和哈马斯处于爆发大规模战争的边缘)

03. don't worry, no offense taken
定义: 没关系, 我不介意; 没事, 我没生气. (注: offense是羞辱或攻击别人, 而no offense taken是不介意)
例句: "Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that we didn't appreciate your help!" "No worries, no offense taken." ("对不起, 我并没有暗示我们不感谢你的帮助意思!" "没事, 我不介意.")

04. emotion clouds your judgment
定义: 激动的情绪蒙蔽了你的判断力.
例句: Don't let emotions cloud your judgment. Stay calm and think logically. Concentrate on driving responsibly. (不要让你的激动情绪影响了你的判断力. 保持冷静并明智地思考. 专心地负责任地开车)

05. I risk everything for you
定义: 为了你, 我冒了一切危险.
例句: I risked everything for you and I don't regret doing so. Any relationship is a two-way street that needs to be open, otherwise there is no point in continuing the relation. (为了你, 我冒了一切危险,我并不后悔这样做. 任何两人之间的关系都是双向的, 应该开诚布公, 否则没有继续下去的意义)

06. I don't deserve this
定义: 无功不受禄; 无缘无故被人羞辱, 诬赖或惩罚; 我不能接受它. (注: 请注意deserve可分两方面, 有功才受禄, 作恶才受罚)
例句: I am constantly insulted and I also face very difficult circumstances. I don't deserve this. I haven't done anything to deserve this. (我经常受到侮辱, 也遭到百般刁难的窘况. 我不能接受这种不公平的待遇. 我没有做出任何对不起别人的事情, 也不应受到如此的待遇)

07. off we go
定义: 我们出发了.
例句: "Off she goes," Dan muttered, as he watched his baby girl drive away to begin her first semester of college. ("她走了," 丹喃喃自语, 看着他的小女儿开车离开, 开始她大学生涯的第一学期)

08. yet he did it against the odds
定义: 然而他却反败为胜.
例句: Everyone assumed that Johnson would win, given his size, experience, and ability. Yet Ramirez defeated him in the final match against all odds. (鉴于约翰逊的个头, 经验和能力, 大家都认为他会获胜. 然而拉米雷斯在最后一场比赛中却反败为胜)

09. do as you're told
定义: 照我的话去做. (注: 意指别多话, 别问太多问题, 听我的话去做就好)
例句: Stop arguing with me, Tom, and do as you're told! (汤姆, 别再跟我争论了, 就照我的话去做!)

10. corn's up 10 cents a pound
定义: 玉米每磅涨了10美分.
例句: If the price of our feed goes up 10 cents a pound, and you multiply that by 20,000 pounds a month, you're talking about 1000s of dollars. (如果我们的饲料价格每磅上涨10 美分, 然后再乘以每月20,000磅的用量, 那就是数千美元的额外开销)

11. it's a blast
定义: 玩得好过瘾. (注: 请注意, blast在这里不是爆炸而是一个令人玩得刺激过瘾的经历)
例句: We went sledding with our daughter. "It was a blast," she said later. (我们和女儿一起去滑雪橇. "玩得好过瘾," 她后来说)

12. blast it!
定义: [惊叹语]表达愤怒或懊恼.
例句: Blast it! I forgot my keys! (糟了! 我忘了带钥匙!)

13. enjoy oneself, to
定义: 玩得开心, 尽兴; 度过愉快或满意的时光.
例句: We really enjoyed ourselves at your party last weekend, the band was great! (上周末我们在你们的派对上玩得很尽兴, 乐队好棒!)

14. this is not your father's world
定义: 现在可不是你父亲时代的世界. (注: 意指时代变迁了, 有许多情况不一样了)
例句: With wireless Internet and touch-screen monitors integrated into the desks in each classroom, this is certainly not your father's high school anymore. (随着无线网路和触控萤幕显示器整合到每个教室的桌子上, 这毫无疑问不再是你父亲时代的高中了)

15. do you have the time?
定义: 现在几点? (注: 请注意此句与Do you have time? 你有空吗? 之间的差别)
例句: Excuse me, do you have the time? It seems my watch has stopped. (打扰一下, 现在几点? 我的手表好像停了)

15. now he knows what it feels like
定义: 现在换他来尝尝那是什么滋味了; 现在让他知道那是什么感觉了.
例句: Now he knows what it feels like to be blamed for a wrong that is actually committed by someone else. (现在换他来尝尝背别人的黑锅是什么滋味了)

17. the time is five past twelve
定义: 时间是十二点五分.
例句: I glance down at my watch, noticing the time is five past twelve. I didn't think our session had gone so late. (我低头看了一下手表, 注意到时间是十二点五分. 我没想到我们的会议开得这么晚)

18. it's time to do something about it
定义: 是该做点什么的时候了; 现在正是设法解决这个问题的时候.
例句: We read and hear a lot about burnout among physicians and nurses; the problem is real. Some of my staff are burned out too, it's time to do something about it. (我们读到和听到很多关于医生和护士的职业倦怠情况; 问题是真实存在的. 我的一些员工也精疲力竭, 是时候解决这个问题了)

19. the business is slow
定义: 生意清淡.
例句: The first thing to determine when your business is slow is whether the rest of your industry is experiencing similar conditions. (当你的生意清淡下来时, 你所要做的第一件事是, 看看你其他同业是否也正面临类似的情况以便厘清真实情况)

20. I'll be the judge of that
定义: 这由我来决定; 这由我说了算. (注: 意指我不需要你对某事或某物的意见, 我自会有我的判断)
例句: "Here's the report you wanted, sir. It's exceptionally comprehensive, if I do say so myself." "Hmm, I'll be the judge of that." ("先生, 这是你要的报告. 要我说, 它的内容非常全面." "嗯, 这份报告写得全不全面由我说了算.")



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