二十笔实用成语 1285

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二十笔实用成语 1285

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 12, 2024 1:22 am

二十笔实用成语 1285

01. it pays very little
定义: 支付很少; 薪资很低.
例句: Many of the seniors cannot afford to live on Social Security because it pays very little and they are being force to return to work. (许多老年人无法依靠社安退休金维持生活, 因为它支付的养老金很少,他们被迫重返工作岗位)

02. it's troubling to some people
定义: 这使某些人惴惴不安.
例句: It's very troubling to see drivers resorting to violence against other drivers to settle their disputes on the road. (看到有些驾驶人对其他驾驶人诉诸暴力来解决路上的纷争是非常令人不安)

03. it doesn't come easy
定义: 这个(成果或胜利)来之不易.
例句: Happiness doesn't come easy and it requires a healthy mindset. Make your mental health a priority; the world needs your positive energy. (幸福得来不易, 它需要健康的心态. 把心理健康放在首位; 世界需要你的正能量)

04. it won't happen to them
定义: 这个事情不会发生在他们身上.
例句: Don't say it won't happen to you, every organization is at risk. Whether you're a small or large business, it's likely that there are cybercriminals targeting you. (别说这种事不会发生在你身上, 每个组织都有风险. 无论你是小型企业还是大型企业, 网路犯罪分子都可能盯住你)

05. your free ride is coming to an end
定义: 你所享受的免费福利即将结束.
例句: State government announces program to crack down on uninsured drivers. If you're driving without car insurance, your free ride is coming to an end. (州政府宣布了打击无保险驾驶人计划. 如果你在没有汽车保险的情况下开车, 你的免责驾车特权即将结束)

06. it's a job best left to the professionals
定义: 这个工作最好还是交给专业人士去做吧. (注: 意指这个工作不是普通人可以做的)
例句: If you attempt an electrical repair, there is a serious risk of death or injury if something goes wrong. It's a job best left to the professionals. (如果你试图进行电气维修, 如果出了问题, 你将面临严重的死亡或伤害风险. 这种工作最好还是交给专业人士去做吧)

07. how's that for convenience!
定义: 这个很方便吧! (注: 如果某个公司提供许多省时便利的服务, 你便可以说这句话来肯定或赞扬它)
例句: By opening a checking account, you'll enjoy free checking, free debit card, ATM-fee rebates, free online and mobile banking. How's that for convenience! (透过开设支票帐户, 您将享受免月费支票服务,免费借记卡, 提款机免使用费, 免费线上和手机银行服务. 这个很方便吧!)

08. this is rich, I've never heard of this before
定义: 这个有意思, 我从来没听过这事. (注: rich在此用来形容某人的话语有意思, 令人觉得好笑的, 或者令人惊讶的)
例句: "She says we're working too slowly." "Oh, that's rich. She's the one who keeps delaying things with all her meetings." ("她嫌我们工作速度太慢." "哦, 那真可笑.她才是那个利用所有她召开的会议来拖延工作进度的人.")

09. send shivers down your spine, to
定义: 令你背脊发凉; 令人产生强烈的恐惧, 紧张或兴奋的感觉.
例句: Can we get out of here? This creepy old house is sending shivers down my spine! (我们能不能离开这里? 这栋令人毛骨悚然的老房子让我背脊发凉!)

10. it doesn't make sense
定义: 这个没道理; 这个说不通; 这个没意义.
例句: These numbers don't make sense. How can there be a deficit if we also have an excess? (这些数字说不通. 如果我们还有盈余, 怎么可能出现赤字呢?)

11. how much does it cost?
定义: 这个要多少钱?
例句: How much does it cost to get an Order of Protection? By law, there are no fees when requesting or serving an Order of Protection. (取得保护令需要多少钱? 根据法律规定, 申请或送达保护令无须支付任何费用. 注: 这里的保护令乃是向法院申请的人身安全保护令)

12. the responsibility lies squarely with us
定义: 这个责任完全应由我们承担; 责任完全在于我们.
例句: The responsibility lies squarely with US macroeconomic realities, namely a low rate of domestic saving and a high rate of federal borrowing. (这个责任完全应由美国的宏观经济现实来承担, 也就是其国内储蓄率低和其联邦借款率高)

13. it goes with the theme
定义: 这个跟其主题很搭配.
例句: These canvas hats go well with casual canvas sneakers for a laid-back, summery vibe. (这些帆布帽与休闲帆布运动鞋完美搭配, 营造出悠闲的夏日氛围)

14. the puzzle pieces start fitting together
定义: 这个迷局逐渐趋于明朗.
例句: I'm still unclear about the game, but the puzzle pieces start fitting together, thanks to all of you guys, I start understanding it more. (我对这种球赛还是一知半解, 但这个迷局逐渐趋于明朗,感谢你们大家, 我开始对它有了更多的理解)

15. what have we done?
定义: 我们做了什么? 我们造了什么孽?
例句: What have we done? Have we created a monster that we may not be able to control? (我们造了什么孽? 我们是否创造了一个我们可能无法控制的怪兽?)

16. what is this for?
定义: 这是干嘛? 这是作什么用的? 这个是什么?
例句: What is this charge for? I didn't even sign up for this service. (这是什么费用? 我根本没有认购这项服务)

17. doesn't that mean anything to you?
定义: 这个难道对你没有一点意义吗? 这个难道对你不重要吗? 这个难道对你没有一点价值吗?
例句: Doesn't that mean anything to you? Don't you care? You heartless jerk! (这个难道对你没有一点意义吗? 你不在乎吗? 你这个没心没肺的混蛋!)

18. these ten seconds are like an eternity
定义: 这十秒钟就好像永恒一般地漫长.
例句: Those ten seconds are like an eternity to me, but you know what's ironic? I want it to be over soon but at the same time, I want it to last forever. (那十秒钟对我来说就像永恒一般地漫长, 但你知道很讽刺的是什么吗? 我希望它尽快结束, 但同时我又希望它永远持续下去)

19. it's just a/one point of view
定义: 这只是一个观点而已. (注: 意指这只是众多观点中的一个观点)
例句: Yours is just one point of view, there are millions more to consider. (你的观点只是一个观点而已, 还有数以百万计的观点也要列入考虑)

20. this could spell trouble for him
定义: 这可能会给他带来麻烦.
例句: Unfortunately, even the smallest mistake could spell trouble for your court case. (不幸的是, 即使是最小的错误也可能会给你的官司带来麻烦)



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