二十笔实用成语 1287
01. it must be done
定义: 这是必须要做的; 这件事一定要做好.
例句: It must be done as fast as possible. We can't afford to waste more time and money by sticking our heads in the sand. (这件事必须尽快完成. 我们不能再逃避现实, 浪费更多的时间和金钱)
02. it's where my heart is
定义: 这是我心所归属的所在.
例句: Country living is not just a state of mind, it's where my heart is. (乡村生活不只是一种心态, 它更是我心所归属的所在)
03. it's my funeral
定义: 这是我的问题, 不需要你操心; 出了问题, 倒楣的是我自己.
例句: "I'm going to call in sick and go to the ball game instead of to work today." "Go ahead. It's your funeral." ("我今天要请病假, 去看球赛而不是去工作." "那你就去请假. 反正出了问题倒楣的是你自己.")
04. poor/sad/sorry excuse for a (type of person or thing)
定义: 恶劣的人或物.
例句: He's a sad excuse for a father. (他根本不配称为一个父亲)
05. it's my life
定义: 这是我的生命. (注: 意指由我自己来决定有关我的大事)
例句: It's my life. I have the right to do what I think is best for myself and my family. (这是我的生命. 我有权利做我认为对自己和家人最有利的事情)
06. it goes with the territory
定义: 必然面临的问题; 这是没办法的事. (注: 意指某些特定情况或工作领域所产生的特殊性问题我们视为正常的或不得不接受. 举例说, 作厨师一定会有烫伤)
例句: Sleep deprivation goes with the territory of being a new parent. (睡眠不足是初为人父母的必然面临的问题)
07. is this for real?
定义: 这是真的吗?
例句: Is this for real, or is it another scam, like when you pretended you were about to become homeless back in June and did a GoFundMe? (这是真的, 还是另一场骗局, 就像在六月你假装自己即将无家可归, 然后在GoFundMe上办了一场替自己募款的活动?)
08. it's for you
定义: 这是给你的; 这是打给你的电话.
例句: It's for you, Dad. We all know Dads are notoriously hard to buy for, so enjoy this carefully selected mug. (爸爸, 这是给你的. 我们都知道买礼物给爸爸是出了名的困难, 所以好好享受这个替你精心挑选的马克杯吧)
09. will this lead to a new confrontation?
定义: 这会导致一场新的冲突吗?
例句: Will this lead to another round of austerity that could push millions into poverty and public services to the brink? (这是否会导致新一轮的财政紧缩, 造成数百万人陷入贫困, 公共服务濒临崩溃?)
10. that's not even what I came here for
定义: 这根本不是我来这儿的目的; 我来这儿根本不是为了这个.
例句: It's not what I came here for. I came here to win and I'm not leaving until I won it. (这不是我来这儿的目的. 我来这里就是为了赢, 不赢到它我不会离开)
11. this win was no fluke
定义: 这次胜利绝非侥幸. (注: 意指这次胜利并非凭借运气而是经过努力拼搏才取得的)
例句: Her second championship shows that the first one was no fluke. (她的第二个冠军表明了他的第一个冠军绝非侥幸)
12. it is for you to decide; it is up to you to decide
定义: 这由你来决定.
例句: It's for you to decide how you are affected by the influences of others. Realize that you are your own individual living your own life and letting others live theirs. (这是由你来决定如何受到他人的影响. 你应当明白你是属于你自己的单独个体, 过着自己想要过的日子, 让别人过他们想要过的生活)
13. it doesn't look right
定义: 这看起来不对劲或不适当.
例句: Initially, it didn't look right to me, so I worked for two entire weeks on a new logo. By the time I was done, the logo was exactly what I wanted. (起初, 我觉得它不对劲, 所以我花了整整两周的时间设计了一个新徽标. 当我完成时, 这个徽标正是我所想要的)
14. how on earth did this happen?
定义: 这究竟是怎么发生的? (注: 这里的on earth是用来突显发话人的震惊, 愤怒或厌恶心情的语气, 本身没有意义. 如果把on earth拿掉, 就还原成How did this happen ?的原句)
例句: How on earth did you get here? I thought your car was in the shop. (你到底是怎么到这里来的? 我以为你的车还放在修车厂里)
15. that's hardly a coincidence
定义: 这绝非巧合; 这根本不是巧合. (注: 意指这件事情的发生是有其因果关系)
例句: It was hardly a coincidence that he quit his job at the bank a day after the robbery. (这绝非巧合, 抢劫发生后的次日, 他便辞去了银行工作)
16. it does ring a bell
定义: 这听起来很耳熟; 这个我记忆里有印象.
例句: That name does ring a bell but I can't remember exactly where I've heard it before. (这个名字确实很耳熟, 但我已经记不起以前在哪儿听过它了)
17. it's going to cost an arm and a leg
定义: 这要花一大笔钱.
例句: We want to redecorate the living room, but I'm afraid it's going to cost us an arm and a leg. (我们想重新装潢客厅, 但恐怕要花一大笔钱)
18. how much it's going to cost me?
定义: 这要花费多少钱?
例句: "How much it's going to cost me to get a welder to fix this?" "Probably just a couple hours of labor, around the $300-$500 range." ("请个焊工来修这个要花多少钱?" "可能只需要几个小时的人工, 大概在三百到五百美元左右.")
19. it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it
定义: 这虽然是一件肮脏工作, 但总要有人做呀.
例句: It's a dirty job but someone has to do it, and as it turns out, these sewage shovellers just love their work. (这虽然是一件肮脏工作, 但总要有人做, 事实证明, 这些下水道的污水铲工们却非常喜欢他们的工作)
20. it's going to take some time
定义: 这需要一些时间. (注: 当修理师傅告诉你需要一些时间才能修复某物件, 他其实是告诉你某物件没法马上修复, 请你耐心地等. 他所说的一些时间, 乃是指一段时间尤其是长时间)
例句: Be patient, it's going to take some time to get into your exercise program, especially if you haven't done much physical activity recently. (耐心点, 你需要一些时间来适应你的运动计划, 尤其是如果你最近没有做太多体力活动)
二十笔实用成语 1287
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