二十笔实用成语 1288
01. it gets stale after a while
定义: 过一阵子它就变得陈旧了; 过一阵子就会让人感到没趣.
例句: When you repeat the same formula that worked for you and it gets stale after a while. Eventually that lack of innovation becomes regarded as a failure. (当你重复使用同一个有效的方法, 过了一阵子它就变得陈旧了. 最终, 这个缺乏创新的情况便被视为失败)
02. anything else?
定义: 还要别的吗? 还有别的吗? 还有别的事要做吗? 还有别的事要吩咐吗?
例句: "Anything else I need to know?" "Make sure you receive an email confirmation of your order. If you don't, we may not have your order." ("还有什么我需要知道的?" "你要确保你收到订单确认的电子邮件. 如果你没收到它的话, 我们也可能没有收到你的订单.")
03. isn't that strange?
定义: 那不是很奇怪吗?
例句: "The more you pay, the more they will charge you. Isn't that strange?" "Oh yeah! They love to tax us! They won't leave us alone!" ("你付的越多, 他们便收你越多的费用. 这不是很奇怪吗?" "对啊! 他们特别喜爱向我们征税! 他们不会放过我们的!")
04. how did it play out?
定义: 那事是如何收场的? 那事的结果如何?
例句: If so, how did it play out? It seems like regardless of how many countries are involved in a war they will tend to form two alliances. (如果是这样, 其结果如何? 似乎无论有多少国家卷入一场战争, 他们都会倾向于结成两个联盟)
05. none of the accusations/allegations/charges/claims have any merit
定义: 那些指控都是无凭无据的.
例句: None of your arguments have any merit. They are not even based on your experiences, but rather on your assumptions. (你的论点通通都是无凭无据的. 它们甚至不是基于你的亲身经验, 而是基于你的假设)
06. what's that man doing here?
定义: 那个人来这儿干嘛?
例句: What's that man doing here? Tell him to shove off, and I don't want to see him here anymore. (那个人来这儿干嘛? 叫他离开, 我不想再在这儿见到他了)
07. wasn't that great?
定义: 那不是很棒吗?
例句: Wasn't that great? Yes, it was their greatest hits. Great music, great talent, and awesome show. (那不是很棒吗? 是的, 这是他们最成功的作品. 美妙的音乐, 出色的才华, 和精彩的表演)
08. hit out at, to
定义: 突然攻击; 强烈愤怒地反应.
例句: That ornery old cat will hit out at you if you get too close. (如果你靠得太近, 那只脾气暴躁的老猫就会攻击你)
09. don't mind if I do
定义: 那我就不客气啦. (例如: 有人在吃巧克力问你要不要也吃一块, 你可以说这句话: 那我就不客气了)
例句: "There's plenty more cake if you'd like another piece." "Don't mind if I do." ("如果你想再来一块的话, 蛋糕还有很多." "那我就不客气啦. ")
10. what is that?
定义: 那是什么?
例句: "What is that?" "Oh, just some aftershave for Juan." ("那是什么?" "哦, 只是给胡安买的一瓶须后水.")
11. that was a game and a half!
定义: 那是场非常精彩的比赛! (注: 任何事或物后面加上and a half, 代表更精彩, 更丰富, 或更艰难, 要表达的词意皆取决于被修饰的事或物本身)
例句: That was a movie and a half. They don't come this good these days. (那是一部非常精彩的电影. 这年头, 这种高水平电影还真不多)
12. did I do that?
定义: 那是我做的吗? (注: 意指对自己做的事不相信或不好意思)
例句: Did I do that? I'm so sorry! I was such a fool to assume that we can rely on their help. (那是我做的吗? 我很抱歉! 我真是个傻瓜, 居然以为我们可以依靠他们的帮助)
13. did I say that?
定义: 那是我说的吗? (注: 意指对自己说的话不相信或不好意思)
例句: Did I say that? I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. (那是我说的吗? 对于这可能造成的任何困惑, 我深表歉意)
14. it doesn't work that way
定义: 不可以那样做; 没有那样的做法; 那样行不通; 那样做是没用的.
例句: Nope, it doesn't work that way at all. I worked out for years and I know the summer heat can zap all my energy out very quickly. (不行, 那个做法行不通. 我锻炼身体很多年了, 我知道夏天的酷热可以很快地耗尽了我所有的力量)
15. it depends
定义: 那要看情形而定.
例句: "Do you think you'll go back to college?" "It all depends. I will if I can afford it." ("你觉得你还会回大学读书吗?" "那要看情况而定.如果负担得起的话, 我会回去读书的.")
16. have it your (own) way
定义: 随便你! 按你自己方法做吧! 依你自己的意思去办吧!
例句: Fine, have it your own way! Go ahead sit in the sun. But I won't be the one slathering aloe on you if you get sunburned! (算了, 随便你! 你要去晒太阳, 你就晒吧. 但如果你晒伤了, 我可不会帮你在皮肤上涂上厚厚的芦荟!)
17. any time you want
定义: 随时都可以.
例句: It's OK dear, we can do it any time you want. He looked down at her, kissing her cheek gently. (没关系, 亲爱的, 只要你愿意, 我们随时都可以做. 他低头看着她, 轻轻地吻着她的脸颊)
18. don't breathe a word
定义: 只字别提; 什么话也别说出去.
例句: Remember, we want this to be a surprise, so don't breathe a word to Tom. (记住, 我们希望这是个惊喜, 所以不要向汤姆吐露一个字)
19. no wonder he was late for it was foggy this morning
定义: 难怪他早上迟到, 因为起了雾.
例句: No wonder the baby is crying. She's wet. (难怪宝宝在哭. 她的尿布湿了. 注: 第二句话乃是指应该要给这个宝宝换尿布了)
20. have you no sense of decency?
定义: 你还有没有一点做人的尊严?
例句: Have they no sense of decency? The defendant and his lackeys are trying to smear Judge Lin's law clerk. (他们还有没有一点做人的尊严? 这名被告及其走狗企图抹黑林法官的司法助理)
二十笔实用成语 1288
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