二十笔实用成语 1289
01. do two wrongs make a right?
定义: 难道两个错误等于一个正确吗? (注: 甲和乙都做错了事, 但乙却拿甲的错误来为自己辩护, 实际上两个错误还是两个错误)
例句: Do two wrongs make a right? I don't want my children learning the ends justify the means. There has to be a line in the sand you won't cross. (难道两个错误等于一个正确吗? 我不想让我的孩子们学会了, 为了达到目的而不择手段的恶习. 我们必须有一条不能逾越的道德底线)
02. haven't we all?
定义: 我们不都是这样吗? 我们不都碰过这种事吗? 我们不都犯过吗? (注: 意指大家都会有的经验或大家都可能会碰到的事, 也可作鼓励别人别丧气因为大家都或曾犯过这个错误)
例句: "Have we got a text we aren't quite expecting, or had nothing to do with us?" "Haven't we all?" ("我们是否收到过一条我们不认为会出现的, 或者与我们无关的短信?" "我们不都碰过这种事吗?")
03. is a reasoned discourse too much to ask for?
定义: 难道理性交谈的要求太过份吗?
例句: Is a rational conversation with someone who does not share your political views too much to ask for? (难道与政治观点不同的人进行理性对话的要求太过份吗?)
04. the computer is down
定义: 电脑坏了; 电脑当机了.
例句: Check to see if your website is down across the globe or only on your computer screen. (检查一下你的网站是全球性的当机, 还是只在你的电脑萤幕上当机)
05. it takes (some) getting used to
定义: 需要一些时间去适应(某事或物).
例句: I love being in Hong Kong, but it takes some getting used to driving on the other side of the road! (我好喜欢来香港玩, 但需要一些时间来习惯在马路的另一边开车! 注: 这句话的意思是, 香港的交通是靠左边驾驶, 与靠右边驾驶正好相反)
06. how long will it take?
定义: 需要多少时间? 需要等多久?
例句: "How long will it take to get there?" "I would imagine it will take about an hour." ("需要多少时间才能到达那里?" "我想大概还需要一个小时.")
07. it's very nice of you to say that
定义: 非常感谢你说的那些好话. (注: 意指感谢你说了一些对我赞美的评语)
例句: It's very nice of you to volunteer your time to help. Your motives are unimpeachable. (非常感谢你自愿花时间过来帮忙, 你的动机是纯正的)
08. drastic times call for drastic measures
定义: 非常时期需要非常手段; 乱世用重典.
例句: Drastic times call for drastic measures. I did every menial, unappealing job you can think of to keep a roof over my kids' heads when they were growing up. (非常时期需要非常手段. 为了让我的孩子在成长过程中能有个栖身之所, 我做了所有你能够想像得到的卑微, 没人要做的工作)
09. anything less than a championship is unacceptable
定义: 非要拿到冠军不可, 其他的名次都不能接受.
例句: It's all or nothing for us, it's a must win. If we don't win this, we're done. Anything less than a win is unacceptable. (对我们来说, 这是一场赢者全赢, 输者全输, 这是一场必须赢的竞争. 如果我们输了这场比赛, 我们就完了. 所以我们非赢不可, 其他的结果都不能接受)
10. (would you) care to join us?
定义: 愿意加入我们吗? (注: 多用在邀请别人来派对, 一起吃饭, 或一起喝酒)
例句: Tom and Mary saw Fred and Sally sitting at another table in the restaurant. Tom went over to them and said, "Would you care to join us?" (汤姆和玛丽看到弗雷德和莎莉坐在餐厅的另一桌. 汤姆走过去对他们说: "你们愿意加入我们吗?")
11. care to explain it?
定义: 愿意解释它吗?
例句: I don't understand what it means. Anyone care to explain it to me in simple terms? (我不明白这是什么意思. 有人愿意用简而易懂的话语跟我解释吗?)
12. care to talk about it?
定义: 愿意谈谈吗?
例句: "I saw you in the cafeteria with Tom. Care to talk about it?" "Not really. I'm fine, Mom." ("我在自助餐厅看到妳和汤姆. 愿意谈谈吗?" "我不怎么想谈. 我很好, 妈妈.")
13. good catch, a
定义: 理想异性朋友或伴侣; 很好的发现(别人没注意到的事情, 些微差别或错误).
例句: I know a guy who I think is a good catch for you. He's kind, intelligent, and attractive. (我认识一个人, 我觉得他很适合妳. 他善良, 聪明, 有魅力)
14. run late, to
定义: 有点晚了或迟到; 比预计的时间晚了.
例句: We've got to hurry. We're running late. (我们得快点. 我们要迟到了)
15. sit (up) in the nosebleeds, to
定义: 坐在高处; 坐在体育场或剧院高处(票价相对便宜).
例句: I wish you wouldn't be so stingy when you buy tickets to football games. I'm sick of sitting up in the nosebleeds to watch them! (我真希望你买足球赛门票不要那么小气. 我厌倦了坐在体育馆高处看着远处的球员比赛!)
16. under no illusions, be
定义: 不抱幻想; 清楚真实情况; 不抱不切实际的期望.
例句: She's under no illusions about the man she married but certain shenanigans she will not tolerate. (她对她所嫁的男人非常了解, 但她决不会容忍他的某些无聊的小诡计)
17. heave a sigh, to
定义: 叹了一口气.
例句: He heaved a sigh and threw his hands into the air in defeat. (他叹了口气, 绝望地双手举向空中表示认输了)
18. on (an) impulse
定义: 一时冲动.
例句: "I didn't know you were looking for some new shoes." "Oh, I wasn't. I just bought them on impulse." ("我还不知道你在找新鞋子." "哦, 我才不是找新鞋子. 我只是一时冲动才买下它们的.")
19. put pressure on, to
定义: 对...施加压力.
例句: Lately, my parents have been putting pressure on me to get a job. (最近, 我父母一直在给我施加压力, 逼着我去找份工作)
20. put someone at a disadvantage, to
定义: 使某人处于不利地位.
例句: The new law appears to penalize the poorest members of society, and put them at a disadvantage. (这套新法令似乎在惩罚社会中最贫穷的人群, 并使他们处于不利地位)
二十笔实用成语 1289
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