二十笔实用成语 1290
01. throw one's hands up (in despair), to
定义: 绝望地举起双手.
例句: He threw his hands up in despair and walked away. (他绝望地举起双手, 随后便走开了)
02. red tape, the
定义: 官僚主义的繁文缛节或繁杂程序.
例句: You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits. (你决不会相信为了取得所需的许可证所涉及的繁杂程序)
03. see pink elephants, to
定义: 产生幻觉或看错某物.
例句: When I started seeing pink elephants, I knew I had to stop drinking so much. (当我开始产生幻觉的时候, 我就知道我必须停止酗酒)
04. have got to (do something)
定义: 必须, 非得, 责无旁贷.
例句: I don't want to go to the family reunion, but I'm afraid I've got to. (我不想去参加家庭聚会, 但我恐怕我非去不可)
05. truer words were never spoken
定义: 你刚才说的对我来说既真实又非常有意义.
例句: Truer words were never spoken. Your analysis of the situation was very insightful and refreshing. (你刚才说的对我来说既真实又非常有意义. 你对情势的分析非常有见地, 令人耳目一新)
06. (real) go-getter, a
定义: 上进心强, 工作勤奋的人.
例句: I'm not surprised that Jean finished before anyone else. She's a real go-getter. (我一点也不惊讶珍比别人先完成工作. 她是个工作勤奋的人)
07. IMAO; In My Arrogant Opinion
定义: 依我的意见; 依我的高见. (注: 意指发表意见的人认为自己的观点比其他人更优越或更明智)
例句: I've been a member of this message board since day one. And it has really gone downhill in recent years IMAO. (我从它的第一天起就成为这个留言板的一员. 依我的意见, 近几年来, 它真的走下坡了)
08. shouldn't be in here
定义: 不应该在这里; 不应该来这里.
例句: We were greeted by a rude lady who said the car shouldn't be in here as they were trying to protect the grass. The grass was knee height and full of weeds. (我们遇到了一位粗鲁的女士, 她说我们的车不应该开到这里, 因为他们要保护草坪. 她的草长到膝盖一般高, 而且杂草丛生)
09. macho man, a
定义: 男子汉; 粗犷男子.
例句: You don't have to be a macho man around me. I know you're going through a tough time right now, and I'm happy to listen if you need some emotional support. (在我面前你不用表现得像个男子汉. 我知道你现在正在经历一段艰难的时期, 如果你需要一些精神支持, 我很乐意倾听你的心中痛苦)
10. quick study, a
定义: 学习快的人; 悟性高的人.
例句: Your daughter is really a quick study. She's making great progress in her piano lessons! (你女儿悟性很高. 她的钢琴课进步很快!)
11. so-so, be
定义: 普通, 一般般, 不好不坏, 马马虎虎.
例句: "How was the movie?" "Eh, so-so." ("这部电影好不好看?" "呃, 一般般.")
12. give (someone) a red face, to
定义: 令某人明显感到尴尬.
例句: I was the one who told the candidate that her mic was still on as she was talking backstage. Boy, did that give her a red face! (我就是那个告诉候选人她在后台讲话的时候麦克风还开着的人. 哎呀, 她真是尴尬得不得了!)
13. bleed red ink, to
定义: 就企业而言, 在财务上陷入困境, 持续亏损.
例句: The company reported huge losses for the year ended March 31, but vowed that after three straight years of bleeding red ink, the worst is behind them. (这家公司公布了截至三月三十一日财年的巨额亏损, 但誓言在连续三年亏损之后, 最糟糕的时期已经过去了)
14. cross a/the red line, to
定义: 越过红线; 越过底线; 做出不可接受的行为.
例句: You're crossing the red line. If you try to force people to stay at a place where they don't wish to be, the police will not hesitate to deal with you. (你越过红线了. 如果你试图强迫别人待在他们不愿意待的地方, 警方会毫不犹豫地对付你)
15. red-light district, the
定义: 红灯区; 花街柳巷.
例句: I got lost and found myself in the red-light district all alone! (我迷路了, 发现自己独自一人在红灯区!)
16. (boy,) is my face red!
定义: 极度窘迫; 窘迫地惊叫.
例句: I can't believe I was calling my date by the wrong name all night. Boy, is my face red! (真不敢相信我整晚都叫错了我约会对象的名字. 哎呀, 我真是好尴尬!)
17. catch/take a/the red-eye, to
定义: 乘坐夜班车或夜班飞机.
例句: My original flight was canceled, so I took the red-eye to Taipei and got in at five in the morning. (我原本的班机取消了, 因此我搭乘夜班飞机到台北, 清晨五点就到达了)
18. yuck
定义: 表达厌恶的惊叹语; 热烈的或喧闹的笑声.
例句: They want me to spend my Saturday picking up trash for charity? Yuck, no thanks. (他们还想要我星期六帮助慈善机构捡垃圾? 哎呀太脏, 敬谢不敏)
19. yummy
定义: 可口的; 非常美味或开胃; 具有性吸引力的.
例句: This shop makes really yummy sandwiches. (这家店做的三明治真好吃)
20. zip (up) your lip(s)
定义: 别说话; 闭嘴.
例句: "But Mom, I don't want to go!" "Zip your lip, Tom! You're going to math camp, and that's final!" ("可是妈妈, 我不想去!" "闭嘴, 汤姆! 你非得去数学夏令营, 就这么说定了!")
二十笔实用成语 1290
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