详解介词off, onto

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详解介词off, onto

帖子 royl » 周五 8月 06, 2010 2:28 am

详解介词off, onto

本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/off

1. 分离, 距离, 剔除:
She cut a slice off the loaf. (她把面包切去一片)
The ball bounced off the wall. (球从墙壁弹回)
She stepped off the train and looked around. (她走下火车, 四处观望)
There are many paths off the main trail around the mountain. (从主道分出许多的小径环绕此山)
There is a bathroom off the kitchen. (厕所在厨房的旁边)
The shop is just off the main street. (这家店在大街不远分岔处)
He had his wallet stolen off him. (他的皮夹被偷)
Keep off the grass. (别踩草坪)
Get your feet off the table. (把你的脚从桌上移开)
The boat was two miles off the coast. (这艘船离海岸有两英哩)
The discussion got/moved off the original subject. (这个讨论离开原来主题)
My favorite dish has been taken off the menu. (我最喜欢的菜肴被剔除出菜单)
I'll take your name off the list. (我会把你的姓名从名单剔除)
She wore the gown off the shoulder. (她的礼服穿在肩胛之下)

2. 以…维生; 由…供应金钱, 食物, 能量, 等等:
She is still living off her parents. (她还在靠父母吃住)
The family lives off welfare. (这个家庭依靠政府福利度日)
They live off the land. (以农耕维生; 靠山吃山)
They make their living off tourism. (他们以旅游维生)
The machine runs off [=on] diesel fuel. (这台机器以柴油为燃料)

3. 停止做, 停止使用:
She has recently gone off smoking. (她最近不再抽烟)
He is off his diet. (他停止减肥)
The officers were off duty. (警官下班, 执勤结束)
I took a day off work. (我请了一天假)
He has been off liquor for three years. (我已经戒酒三年)

4. 行动的目标:
I borrowed a dollar off [=from] him. (我跟他借了一块钱)
I bought a CD off him. [=he sold a CD to me] (我跟他借了一片光碟)

5. 来源或原因:
He spent all the money he made off [=from] gambling. (他把他所有赚的钱都用在赌博)

6. 低于标准或水平:
(chiefly US) He is off his game. [=he is not playing as well as he usually does] (主要在美国; 他这次比赛失常)
The DVDs are being offered at 15 percent off the regular price. (这些DVD以平常价的八五折卖出; 从平常价拿掉百分之十五)
I asked him to knock $100 off the price. (我要求他从价钱减少一百块钱)

本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/onto

1. 在…之上:
We climbed onto the building's roof. (我们爬到建筑物的屋顶上)
The book fell onto the floor. (这本书掉在地上)
The water spilled onto the floor. (水被泼在地上)
The cowboy leaped onto his horse. (这个牛仔跳上他的马背上)
Transfer the data onto a disk. (把数据资料转移到硬碟上)
Turn left onto Third Street at the traffic light. —often used figuratively (到了红绿灯左转到第三街)
Don't try to shift the blame onto me. [=don't try to blame me instead of the person who should be blamed] (别把责任归咎在我身上)

2. 到达或眼见的方向:
The door opens onto a balcony. [=when you go through the door you are on a balcony] (这扇门开往阳台)
The dining hall opens onto a courtyard. [=you can enter the courtyard from the dining hall] (餐厅的门开往天井)
The bedroom window looks (out) onto the bay. (从这个卧室的窗子可以看到海湾)

3a. 得知, 获悉:
The police are onto them. [=the police know what they did or are doing] (警方已获悉他所做的事)

3b. 重大发现, 成就:
Scientists believe they are onto something big. [=scientists believe they are close to making an important discovery] (科学家相信他们接近重大发现)
When the crowd responded to the show so positively, we realized we were onto something. [=we had done/discovered something important, special, etc.] (当群众对表演反应良好, 我们了解到我们取得重大成就)

4. (主要在英国) 要求:
My parents are onto me again about getting a job. (我父母再一次要求我找个工作)



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