详解介词up, upon

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详解介词up, upon

帖子 royl » 周二 8月 10, 2010 5:53 am

详解介词up, upon

本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如果网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/up

1. 朝向或在…之上:
He climbed up the ladder. (他爬上梯子)
She had to walk her bike up the hill. (她必须要推着她的自行车往山上走)
The bathroom is up the stairs. (浴室在楼上)

2. 沿着某路线:
Go up the street/road and turn left. (顺着街/路向前走再左转)
We walked up the street to meet them. (我们沿着街往前走跟他们会面)
They live just up the block from us. (他们住在只离我们前面的一条街上)
I paddled the canoe up the river. (我划着独木舟顺河而上)
The ship sailed up the coast. (这艘船沿着海岸航行)
Her office is all the way up the hall on the right. (她的办公室在沿着走廊一路到底的右手边)
He paced up and down the hall, waiting for news about his wife's operation. (他在走廊上走来走去, 等待他妻子手术的消息)

本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如果网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/upon

1. 正式语 与on同义:
He carefully placed the vase upon the table. (他小心翼翼地把花瓶放在桌上)
They built their city upon a cliff overlooking the sea. (他们把他们的城市建造在俯视大海的断崖之上)
She was seated upon a throne. (她坐入王坐之上)
an assault upon traditional values (对传统价值的攻击)
She was admitted to his office immediately upon her arrival. (她一到达就马上被请入他的办公室)
That kind of behavior is frowned upon. (这种行为是不受人赞同的)

2. 很快要到或已经到达:
The enemy was suddenly upon us. (敌人突然地悄然而至)
The holidays are nearly upon us. [=the holidays are nearly here; the holidays have nearly begun] (节日将要来到)
编者按: 这里的holidays是指几个接连很近的节日, 在美国最常被用到的是圣诞节与新年这两个衔接很近的节日期间.
Before we knew it, the date of the wedding was upon us. (不知不觉地, 婚礼日子已经快到了)

3. 重复多次:
We removed layer upon layer [=many layers] of old paint from the paneling. (我们从嵌板上除去一层接一层的旧油漆)
She studied for hour upon hour. [=for many hours] (她读了好多个钟头的书)
thousands upon thousands of people (成千上万的人群)



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