二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 31

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二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 31

帖子 royl » 周三 9月 08, 2010 9:14 pm

二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 31

Fill-in-the-blanks Instructions: Select the word listed on the bottom which best fills in each blank.
请选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一个空格内(二十道题目, 二十个选择, 每一选择只许使用一次)

01. _______: very unhappy or sad.
02. _______: a person with a prejudiced belief that his country, sex, etc. is better than any other.
03. _______: something that shows what is coming.
04. _______: feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval; feeling or showing contempt.
05. _______: language that describes something as better or worse than it really is.
06. _______: having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying.
07. _______: containing a mistake; not true or accurate.
08. _______: often angry and annoyed.
09. _______: using clever lies and tricks in order to get or achieve something; clever and dishonest.
10. _______: to change level, strength, or value frequently.
11. _______: having or showing a complete lack of courage, very cowardly.
12. _______: exceeding reasonable limits.
13. _______: showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness; lacking craft or subtlety.
14. _______: secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose.
15. _______: given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink; greedy or excessively indulgent.
16. _______: attractive in a cheap or false way.
17. _______: sprightly in manner or appearance, lively.
18. _______: hard to handle or manage because of size or weight; complicated and hard to do; long and difficult to read, say, etc..
19. _______: an offensive word or phrase that people say when they are angry.
20. _______: quiet and polite—usually used to describe a woman or girl; not attracting or demanding a lot of attention; not showy or flashy.

(cantankerous, chauvinist, collusion, contemptuous, craven, cumbersome, demure, disconsolate, erudite, fallacious, fluctuate, gluttonous, harbinger, hyperbole, imprecation, ingenuous, inordinate, jaunty, Machiavellian, meretricious)

帖子: 1769
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: 二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 31

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 09, 2010 9:06 am


请网友注意, 你只能选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一空格(而且每个单字只能使用一次). 这次我把一些比较难的托福单字拿出来考网友. 如果您能够答对十题以上, 我恭喜您的优越单字程度.

01. disconsolate: very unhappy or sad.
解说: 沮丧的, 郁郁不乐的.

02. chauvinist: a person with a prejudiced belief that his country, sex, etc. is better than any other.
解说: 沙文主义者, 男子至上主义者, XXX至上主义者.

03. harbinger: something that shows what is coming.
解说: 预言者, 预兆.

04. contemptuous: feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval; feeling or showing contempt.
解说: 蔑视的, 鄙视的.

05. hyperbole: language that describes something as better or worse than it really is.
解说: 夸张, 言过其实.

06. erudite: having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying.
解说: 博学的, 有学问的.

07. fallacious: containing a mistake; not true or accurate.
解说: 谬误的.

08. cantankerous: often angry and annoyed.
解说: 脾气不好的, 爱争吵的.

09. Machiavellian: using clever lies and tricks in order to get or achieve something; clever and dishonest.
解说: 权谋术的, 诡计多端的, 狡猾的.

10. fluctuate: to change level, strength, or value frequently.
解说: 波动, 涨落, 起伏.

11. craven: having or showing a complete lack of courage, very cowardly.
解说: 懦弱的, 胆小的.

12. inordinate: exceeding reasonable limits.
解说: 过度的, 过量的.

13. ingenuous: showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness; lacking craft or subtlety.
解说: 天真无邪的, 朴实的, 坦率的.

14. collusion: secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose.
解说: 共谋, 勾结, 串通.

15. gluttonous: given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink; greedy or excessively indulgent.
解说: 暴食的, 饕餮的, 贪婪的.

16. meretricious: attractive in a cheap or false way.
解说: 华丽而庸俗的.

17. jaunty: sprightly in manner or appearance, lively.
解说: 快活的, 洋洋得意的.

18. cumbersome: hard to handle or manage because of size or weight; complicated and hard to do; long and difficult to read, say, etc..
解说: 笨重的, 麻烦的, 艰难的.

19. imprecation: an offensive word or phrase that people say when they are angry.
解说: 诅咒, 咒骂.

20. demure: quiet and polite—usually used to describe a woman or girl; not attracting or demanding a lot of attention; not showy or flashy.
解说: 娴静的, 谦恭的; 庄重的, 害羞的.

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