二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 32

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二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 32

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 09, 2010 11:11 am

二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 32

Fill-in-the-blanks Instructions: Select the word listed on the bottom which best fills in each blank.
请选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一个空格内(二十道题目, 二十个选择, 每一选择只许使用一次)

01. _______: a name that is wrong or not proper or appropriate.
02. _______: mutual; done in return for something received.
03. _______: to prevent or avoid (something); to make (something) no longer necessary.
04. _______: to deviate from the truth, equivocate.
05. _______: to goad or urge forward, provoke.
06. _______: bloodred, ruddy; confident and hopeful.
07. _______: homesickness; a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.
08. _______: exceptionally early in development or occurrence; exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.
09. _______: a job or position in which someone is paid to do little or no work.
10. _______: something (such as a disease) that exists but is not active or cannot be seen.
11. _______: of or relating to life on the earth and not spiritual life; of or relating to time.
12. _______: a small mistake or fault that is not regarded as very bad or serious.
13. _______: a person who holds a particular office or position.
14. _______: able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens; able to return to an original shape after being pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.
15. _______: used to describe an order, command, etc., that you must obey without any questions or excuses; putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay; admitting of no contradiction; arrogant, haughty.
16. _______: to reject with disdain or contempt; to tread sharply or heavily upon; trample.
17. _______: very many.
18. _______: intended to punish someone or something; extremely or unfairly severe or high.
19. _______: the quality or state of being dull or insipid; a banal, trite, or stale remark.
20. _______: a remedy for all ills or difficulties; cure-all.

(incumbent, instigate, latent, misnomer, myriad, nostalgia, obviate, panacea, peccadillo, peremptory, platitude, precocious, prevaricate, punitive, reciprocal, resilient, sanguine, sinecure, spurn, temporal)

帖子: 1769
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: 二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 32

帖子 royl » 周五 9月 10, 2010 8:23 pm


请网友注意, 你只能选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一空格(而且每个单字只能使用一次). 这次我把一些比较难的托福单字拿出来考网友. 如果您能够答对十题以上, 我恭喜您的优越单字程度.

01. misnomer: a name that is wrong or not proper or appropriate.
解说: 错误名称, 用词不当.

02. reciprocal: mutual; done in return for something received.
解说: 互相给予的, 互惠的, 相互的.

03. obviate: to prevent or avoid (something); to make (something) no longer necessary.
解说: 排除, 避免, 消除.

04. prevaricate: to deviate from the truth, equivocate.
解说: 支吾, 搪塞, 说谎.

05. instigate: to goad or urge forward, provoke.
解说: 煽动, 唆使, 鼓动.

06. sanguine: bloodred, ruddy; confident and hopeful.
解说: 血染的, 染红的; 面色红润的; 有信心的, 充满希望的, 乐观的.

07. nostalgia: homesickness; a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.
解说: 乡愁; 对往事的怀恋, 怀旧.

08. precocious: exceptionally early in development or occurrence; exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.
解说: 发育过早的, 较早具备某种能力的, 超常的; 早熟的, (儿童)老气的.

09. sinecure: a job or position in which someone is paid to do little or no work.
解说: 工作清闲但报酬优厚的职位, 挂名的好差事.

10. latent: something (such as a disease) that exists but is not active or cannot be seen.
解说: 潜伏的, 潜在的, 不易觉察的, 隐藏的.

11. temporal: of or relating to life on the earth and not spiritual life; of or relating to time.
解说: 世俗的, 现世的; 时间的, 暂存的, 短暂的, 非永恒的; <语>表示时间的, 时态的.

12. peccadillo: a small mistake or fault that is not regarded as very bad or serious.
解说: 小过失.

13. incumbent: a person who holds a particular office or position.
解说: 现任者, 在职者.

14. resilient: able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens; able to return to an original shape after being pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.
解说: 有轫性的, 健康能复原的, 打不败的, 重新振作的; (指物体或材料)能恢复原状的;有弹性的, 有弹力的.

15. peremptory: used to describe an order, command, etc., that you must obey without any questions or excuses; putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay; admitting of no contradiction; arrogant, haughty.
解说: 断然的, 不容置辩的, 强制的; 傲慢的, 专横的, 独断的.

16. spurn: to reject with disdain or contempt; to tread sharply or heavily upon; trample.
解说: 拒绝接受; 践踏; 藐视.

17. myriad: very many.
解说: 无数的, 大量的.

18. punitive: intended to punish someone or something; extremely or unfairly severe or high.
解说: 处罚的; 惩罚性的; 令人受苦的, 严厉的.

19. platitude: the quality or state of being dull or insipid; a banal, trite, or stale remark.
解说: 稀松平常, 老生常谈, 陈词滥调.

20. panacea: a remedy for all ills or difficulties; cure-all.
解说: 治百病的药, 解决所有问题的方法, 万灵丹. (注: 我们都知道这世界上不存在万灵丹或解决万事的妙计, 所以此单字经常使用在否定的语气上)

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