二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 38

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二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 38

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 13, 2010 11:18 pm

二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 38

Fill-in-the-blanks Instructions: Select the word listed on the bottom which best fills in each blank.
请选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一个空格内(二十道题目, 二十个选择, 每一选择只许使用一次).

01. _______: historical records; records of the activities of an organization —often used in the titles of publications.
02. _______: something that provides protection for or against something; a wall that is built for protection, rampart.
03. _______: not influenced or affected by emotions.
04. _______: with a side-glance, obliquely; with disapproval or distrust, scornfully.
05. _______: to make an earnest request, plead; to plead with especially in order to persuade, ask urgently.
06. _______: the appearance of a person's face, a person's expression.
07. _______: praise or approval.
08. _______: sneeringly distrustful of the good motives or conduct of others.
09. _______: changing often and quickly; impulsive, unpredictable.
10. _______: an official order given by a person with power or by a government, decree.
11. _______: an error in chronology; a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place.
12. _______: deserving blame, guilty of doing something wrong.
13. _______: inclined to be merciful, lenient; mild.
14. _______: something that tends to coax or cajole, allurement.
15. _______: a situation in which you have to make a difficult choice.
16. _______: an agreement to stop fighting a war, truce.
17. _______: to hate or dislike (something) very much : to strongly disapprove of (something).
18. _______: not working correctly or happening in the expected way, wrong; not straight or neat.
19. _______: very different, strange, or unusual; from another part of the world.
20. _______: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred.

(anachronism, animus, annals, approbation, armistice, askance, awry, blandishment, bulwark, capricious, clement, countenance, culpable, cynical, deplore, dilemma, dispassionate, edict, entreat, exotic)

帖子: 1771
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: 二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 38

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 14, 2010 8:16 pm


请网友注意, 你只能选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一空格(而且每个单字只能使用一次). 这次我把一些比较难的托福单字拿出来考网友. 如果您能够答对十题以上, 我恭喜您的优越单字程度.

01. annals: historical records; records of the activities of an organization —often used in the titles of publications.
解说: 历史记载; 编年史; (用于学术杂志的名称)年志, 年鉴.

02. bulwark: something that provides protection for or against something; a wall that is built for protection, rampart.
解说: 防御者(指人或事物), 防御工事, (船的)舷墙.

03. dispassionate: not influenced or affected by emotions.
解说: 不动感情的, 冷静的, 不带偏见的.

04. askance: with a side-glance, obliquely; with disapproval or distrust, scornfully.
解说: (怀疑或不满地)斜视, 瞟.

05. entreat: to make an earnest request, plead; to plead with especially in order to persuade, ask urgently.
解说: 恳求, 乞求.

06. countenance: the appearance of a person's face, a person's expression.
解说: 面部表情, 面容, 脸色.

07. approbation: praise or approval.
解说: 认可, 批准; 赞许, 赞扬.

08. cynical: sneeringly distrustful of the good motives or conduct of others.
解说: 爱挑毛病的, 怀疑别人动机的, 愤世嫉俗的, 只顾自己不顾他人的, 见利忘义的.

09. capricious: changing often and quickly; impulsive, unpredictable.
解说: 变化无常的, 变幻莫测的, 多变的; (态度或行为)反覆无常的, 任性的.

10. edict: an official order given by a person with power or by a government, decree.
解说: 法令, 命令, 敕令.

11. anachronism: an error in chronology; a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place.
解说: 过时的人(或风俗, 思想); 弄错年代, 时代错误.

12. culpable: deserving blame, guilty of doing something wrong.
解说: 应受责备的, 难辞其咎的.

13. clement: inclined to be merciful, lenient; mild.
解说: (对受惩罚的人)仁慈的, 宽恕的, 宽容的; 温和的, 温暖的.

14. blandishment: something that tends to coax or cajole, allurement.
解说: 鼓动, 劝诱, 奉承.

15. dilemma: a situation in which you have to make a difficult choice.
解说: (进退两难的)窘境, 困境.

16. armistice: an agreement to stop fighting a war, truce.
解说: 休战, 停战; 休战条约, 停战协定.

17. deplore: to hate or dislike (something) very much : to strongly disapprove of (something).
解说: 公开谴责, 强烈反对; 痛惜(损失), 悔恨.

18. awry: not working correctly or happening in the expected way, wrong; not straight or neat.
解说: 出岔子, 出错; 歪, 斜, 扭曲.

19. exotic: very different, strange, or unusual; from another part of the world.
解说: 来自异国的, 奇异的; 异国情调的, 异国风味的.

20. animus: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred.
解说: 仇恨, 厌恶, 敌意.

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