二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 45

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二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 45

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 19, 2010 2:57 am

二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 45

Fill-in-the-blanks Instructions: Select the word listed on the bottom which best fills in each blank.
请选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一个空格内(二十道题目, 二十个选择, 每一选择只许使用一次).

01. _______: alliance; merging of various units into one unit.
02. _______: having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person, having or showing malice.
03. _______: well-known or famous especially for something bad.
04. _______: having or showing good judgment, wise.
05. _______: ally, accomplice; (capitalized) an adherent of the Confederate States of America or their cause.
06. _______: to put off intentionally and habitually; to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
07. _______: a noticeable and often unfair difference between people or things.
08. _______: a high area of land or rock that sticks out into the sea.
09. _______: the act of stealing something, theft.
10. _______: one that serves merely for wages especially a soldier hired into foreign service.
11. _______: a published collection of writings (such as poems or short stories) by different authors; a collection of works of art or music.
12. _______: a person who annoys other people by correcting small errors and giving too much attention to minor details.
13. _______: constantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes.
14. _______: very dark or foggy; not clear, cloudy; not clearly expressed or understood; involving dishonest or illegal activities that are not clearly known.
15. _______: decorate, embellish; to add decorative or savory touches to (food or drink); to equip with accessories, furnish.
16. _______: very serious, unhappy, and quiet; very sad or unhappy.
17. _______: having complete or unlimited power, all-powerful.
18. _______: causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed.
19. _______: someone who is good at telling stories.
20. _______: kind and generous; organized to do good things for other people.

(anthology, benevolent, coalition, confederate, disparity, garnish, insidious, judicious, kaleidoscopic, larceny, malicious, mercenary, morose, murky, notorious, omnipotent, pedant, procrastinate, promontory, raconteur)

帖子: 1769
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: 二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 45

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 20, 2010 4:24 am


请网友注意. 你只能选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一空格(而且每个单字只能使用一次). 这次我把一些比较难的托福单字拿出来考网友, 如果您能够答对十题以上, 我恭喜您的优越单字程度.

01. coalition: alliance; merging of various units into one unit.
解说: 结合体. 同盟; (两党或多党)联合政府.

02. malicious: having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person. having or showing malice.
解说: 恶意的, 恶毒的.

03. notorious: well-known or famous especially for something bad.
解说: 臭名昭著的, 声名狼藉的.

04. judicious: having or showing good judgment. wise.
解说: 明智的, 明断的, 睿智的.

05. confederate: ally. accomplice; (capitalized) an adherent of the Confederate States of America or their cause.
解说: 同盟, 同谋者, 同党; (大写)美国南北战争时的南方政府.

06. procrastinate: to put off intentionally and habitually; to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
解说: (有意地)拖延, 耽搁.

07. disparity: a noticeable and often unfair difference between people or things.
解说: (两人或两物之间因为相异或不公平所显示出的)不同, 不等, 差异, 悬殊.

08. promontory: a high area of land or rock that sticks out into the sea.
解说: 岬, 突出, 海角.

09. larceny: the act of stealing something. theft.
解说: 盗窃罪, 偷盗, 盗窃.

10. mercenary: one that serves merely for wages especially a soldier hired into foreign service.
解说: 雇佣兵.

11. anthology: a published collection of writings (such as poems or short stories) by different authors; a collection of works of art or music.
解说: 诗集, 文集, 文选.

12. pedant: a person who annoys other people by correcting small errors and giving too much attention to minor details.
解说: 挑剔别人小错误的人, 卖弄学问的人.

13. kaleidoscopic: constantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes.
解说: 万花筒似的, 千变万化的.

14. murky: very dark or foggy; not clear. cloudy; not clearly expressed or understood; involving dishonest or illegal activities that are not clearly known.
解说: 阴暗的, 昏暗的, (指水)肮脏混浊的; 可疑的, 不可告人的, 尚未显明的.

15. garnish: decorate. embellish; to add decorative or savory touches to (food or drink); to equip with accessories. furnish.
解说:装饰修饰; 给(上餐桌的食物)加装饰; (为色香味而添加的)装饰菜.

16. morose: very serious. unhappy. and quiet; very sad or unhappy.
解说: 严肃的, 郁郁不乐的, 阴郁的, 沮丧的.

17. omnipotent: having complete or unlimited power. all-powerful.
解说: 全能的, 权力无限的.

18. insidious: causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed.
解说: 隐伏的, 潜在的, 暗中为害的.

19. raconteur: someone who is good at telling stories.
解说: 善于讲轶事的人.

20. benevolent: kind and generous; organized to do good things for other people.
解说: 仁慈的, 好心肠的, 与人为善的, 行善的, 慈善的.

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