什么样的语言可以对付过于自信的女人? zt经典电影求婚对白:Gone With The Wind

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什么样的语言可以对付过于自信的女人? zt经典电影求婚对白:Gone With The Wind

帖子 suyu » 周五 3月 19, 2010 7:16 pm


Gone With The Wind

时间:2009-01-09 来源:sino



-So I'll change the subject and say what I came to say.


-Say it, then, and get out!


-What is it?


-That I can't go on any longer without you.


-You are the most ill-bred man to come here at a time like this -with your filthy--


-I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me...


-...the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks.


-Now that you've got the lumber mill and Frank's money...


-...you won't come to me as you did to the jail.


-So I see I shall have to marry you.


-I never heard of such bad taste.


-Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees?


-Turn me loose, you varmint, and get out of here!


-Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments...


-...my dear Scarlett. I mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy.


-But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past...


-...the friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling.


-A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred.


-Dare I name it? Can it be love?


-Get up off your knees. I don't like your common jokes.


-This is an honorable proposal of marriage...


-...made at what I consider a most opportune moment.


-I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands.


-You're coarse, and you're conceited.


-And I think this conversation has gone far enough.


-Besides, I shall never marry again.


-Oh, yes, you will, and you'll marry me.


-You? You!


-I don't love you!


-And I don't like being married.


-Did you ever think of marrying just for fun?


-Marriage, fun? Fiddle-dee-dee. Fun for men, you mean.


-Hush up! Do you want them to hear you?


-You've been married to a boy and an old man.


-Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women?


-You're a fool, Rhett Butler, when you know I shall always love another man.


-Stop it! Do you hear me, Scarlett? Stop it! No more of that talk.


-Rhett, don't, I shall faint.


-I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for.


-None of the fools you've known have kissed you like this, have they?


-Your Charles, or your Frank, or your stupid Ashley.


-Say you're going to marry me. Say "yes." Say "yes! "




-Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back?




-Look at me and try to tell me the truth.


-Did you say "yes" because of my money?




-Yes. Partly.




-Well, you know, Rhett, money does help, and, of course I am fond of you.


-Fond of me.


-Well, if I said I was madly in love with you, you'd know I was lying...


-...but you always said we had a lot in common....


-Yes, you're right, my dear.


-I'm not in love with you any more than you are with me.


-Heaven help the man who ever really loves you.


-What kind of a ring would you like, my darling?


-Oh, a diamond ring. And do buy a great big one, Rhett.


-You shall have the biggest and the most vulgar ring in Atlanta.


-I'll take you to New Orleans for the most expensive honeymoon...


-...my ill-gotten gains can buy.


-Oh, that would be just heavenly.


-And I think I'll buy your trousseau for you, too.


-Rhett, how wonderful, but...


-...you won't tell anybody, will you, Rhett?


-Still the little hypocrite.


上次由 suyu 在 周日 3月 21, 2010 10:45 pm,总共编辑 2 次。

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注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: 什么样的语言可以对付过于自信的女人? zt经典电影求婚对白:Gone With The Wind

帖子 royl » 周六 3月 20, 2010 10:59 am

谢谢suyu网友提供的资料. "Gone with the wind" - "飘"也有人译为"乱世佳人", 这本由玛格莉特•米契尔(Margaret Mitchell) 出版于1936年的美国经典小说, 在全球的销售量已超过三千万册. 这本书名出自于英国诗人道森先生(Ernest Dowson)的一首诗"Non Sum Qualis eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae"中第三节的第一句: "I have forgot much, Cynara! Gone with the wind" (我已经忘却许多, Cynara! 随风飘逝).

有一个单字要提醒网友的是antebellum(形容词), 本意为"战争之前的"但在美国则多被指为"美国南北战争前的"; 我之所以提出这个单字是因为这本小说着重在美国内战前南方生活方式的描述. 我们仔细看一看antebellum就可以知道这个单字是一个复合字, 也就是ante-与bellum两个字组合而成的另一个单字. Ante-是意为"在…之前的"字首, bellum则是源自拉丁文的战争与war同义.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ_V3DfG ... re=related

帖子: 32
注册时间: 周三 3月 17, 2010 5:01 pm

Re: 什么样的语言可以对付过于自信的女人? zt经典电影求婚对白:Gone With The Wind

帖子 suyu » 周日 3月 21, 2010 4:59 pm

[quote="royl"]谢谢suyu网友提供的资料. "Gone with the wind" - "飘"也有人译为"乱世佳人", 这本由玛格莉特•米契尔(Margaret Mitchell) 出版于1936年的美国经典小说, .....网友可以点击下面的连接来欣赏这一段"乱世佳人"电影视频: ...[quote]

Thanks Royl,


当年学英语时听BBC的简爱电影磁带,总是被深深打动,尤其是当简爱回到已经失明了的罗切斯特身边时,拭着罗切斯特在误以为简已经订婚而一边"风趣" 言谈,一边无声流出的泪时的对白," I've come to home, Edward, let me stay." 就象是把电影中含蓄表达的激情在自己脑海中完全开闸,自由宣泄奔腾一样。

这就是语言的魅力,要是不去发现,那任何语言, 乃至任何生活, 都只是枯燥乏味的符号。

简爱有许多电影版本,对白和演技最好的是大陆多年前引进的1970年英国BBC版。看过听过George C. Scott演的罗切斯特,其他版本竟然都看不下去了。

"你以为我穷。不漂亮,就没有感情吗?如果上帝赐给我美貌和财富,我也会让你难于离开我的!就象我现在难于离开你一样! " ----------不去说它的大气磅礴的音乐,还有什么电影能有许多这样打动人的心灵的对白?



1970年的英国BBC版 简爱
by 回味

1970 年的George C. Scott饰演的版本历来被认为是所有版本中改编得最恰到好处的--既忠实于原著精神,且故事结构更为紧凑,爱情主题更加突出。

苍凉静谧的英国荒原,神秘诡异的古堡,阴郁迷离的气氛,加上“老戏骨"George C. Scott的表演,将一个维多利亚时代歌特式的爱情故事演绎得凄美动人。George C. Scott的表演无疑是本片的一大看点,他的激情演绎使其他版本的Rochester黯然失色,其锋芒直逼早年的Orson Welles。而Susannah York外表沉静,含蓄内敛的风格也被评为最接近原著简爱的精神气质。


对于出产了无数配音电影精品的上海电影译制厂,《简爱》堪称精品中的精品。在观众每一次选出的配音作品中,《简爱》无不位列三甲。它从台词翻译到演员表演,无不成就了一种典范。这是配音大师邱岳峰与李梓的颠 峰之作,他们用声音拓展了新的表现空间,丰富了电影这一“视听”的艺术在听觉上的美好体验。



JANE:Not the voyage,but the distance,and then the sea is such a barrier.

Edword:from what,Jane?

J:from england,sir.and from Thornfield.and...

E:sometimes i have the stangest feeling about you.especially when you're near me as you are now.it feels as though i had a string,tied here under my left rib where my heart is.tightly knotted to you in a similar fashion.and when you go to Ireland,with all that distance between us,i'm afraid this cord will be snapped.and i shall bleed inwardly,but you're sensible,you'll forget...

J:never!I'll never forget.i wish i'd never been born.Iwish I'd never come to Thornfield.

E:There are other houses just as fine.

J:How can you be so stupid?How can you be so cruel?I may be poor and plain, but I'm not without feelings!It's not the house but the life I lived here.I was not trampled on,I was not excluded.I was treated as an equal.

E:And so you are,Jane.And so...And so...

J:Yes so, sir.And yet not so, for you're a married man.or as good as married.Led me go!

E:please, stil...Don't struggle so...You're like a wild bird clawing at its cage.

J:I'm not caged bird,I'm a free human being.Independent with a will of my own.

E:Then stay.Stay and marry me.

J:How dare you make fun of me?

E:I mean what I say.Stay at Thornfield.Be my wife!

J:And what of Miss Ingram?

E:Miss Ingram,I don't love MissIngram,nor does she love me.Jane, you strange,almost unearthly thing.I love you as my own flesh.I beg of you to marry me.Say,"Edward,give me my name."Say Edward,I'll marry you."


in English:
http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex ... 967&cid=22

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