二十笔实用成语 2

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二十笔实用成语 2

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 09, 2010 4:14 pm

二十笔实用成语 2

01. 10 straight days, for
定义: 连续十天. (注: 这里的十天只是一个代表, 你可以其他数字取代)
例句: I used it once for 10 straight days and it ran flawlessly. (我曾经连续十天使用它, 而它运转得极为完美. 注: 显然这是论及一部机器或汽车)

02. 10 years from now
定义: 十年后. (注: 这里的十年只是一个代表, 你可以其他数字取代)
例句: What happens 10 years from now? (十年后将会如何?)

03. 10% off
定义: 打九折, 价钱降百分之十. (注: 这里的百分之十只是一个代表, 你可以其他数字取代)
例句: I'll take 10% off your order if you spend $50 or more. (如果你买五十块钱以上货品, 我会从订货价钱减掉百分之十)

04. 100 bucks
定义: [非正式语]一百块钱(美元)
例句: I found the top 3 choices for my next purchase, all under 100 bucks. (我找到了我要购买东西的前三个选择, 价格都在一百块钱以下)

05. 100-meter dash, a
定义: 百米冲刺. (注: 四百米之内要用冲刺即为dash或sprint)
例句: He can run the 100-meter dash in 10 seconds flat. (他可以百米冲刺跑十秒正)

06. 100-meter sprint, a
定义: 百米冲刺. (注: 四百米之内要用冲刺即为dash或sprint)
例句: Is 16 seconds for 100-meter sprint good for a female middle school student? (中学女生百米冲刺跑十六秒算合格吗?)

07. 15 minutes of fame
定义: 当15分钟(短暂)的名人.
例句: Jeff found 15 minutes of fame in reality TV. (杰夫在真实电视秀出了短暂的风头)

08. 30% rain chance
定义: 百分之三十下雨机会. (注: 这里的百分之三十只是一个代表, 你可以其他数字取代)
例句: A 30 percent rain chance is predicted for Saturday through Monday. (星期六到下星期一的天气预测是百分之三十下雨机会)

09. 400-meter dash, a
定义: 四百米冲刺. (注: 四百米冲刺是最长的dash或sprint, 超过四百米赛程就称为run)
例句: I'm currently in track-and-field training for the 400-meter dash. (我现在正进行田径四百米冲刺训练)

10. 52 cards short of a full deck, be
定义: 小丑; 蠢货. (注: 一套扑克牌除去52张牌只剩下jokers小丑, 也就是暗指别人是小丑)
例句: Seriously, you are 52 cards short of a full deck. (说正格的, 你真是个小丑)

11. 800-meter run, an
定义: 八百米赛跑.
例句: In track and field, the 800-meter run is a popular but highly demanding footrace. (田径里, 八百米赛跑算是一项受欢迎但要求高的脚力竞赛)

12. 800-pound gorilla, an
定义: 强而有力的人, 无法控制的人, 尚未解决的严重威胁或问题.
例句: Nestle is clearly the 800 pound gorilla in frozen foods and should continue to dominate for years to come. (雀巢公司显然是冷冻食品界的巨人, 也将继续在未来多年里称霸)

13. 911
定义: 很紧急的, 很危急的. (注: 911是美国紧急报警求助电话号码)
例句: Help me please, it's a 911 situation. (拜托你帮帮忙, 这是个很紧急状况)

14. a bear to ... (verb动词), be
定义: 真不好做某事.
例句: The torsion spring is a bear to fix without the right tools. (没有正确工具, 扭力弹簧真不好修理)

15. a bit at sea, be
定义: 有点/些困惑, 茫然, 不知所措的.
例句: He seems a bit at sea since his brother died. They were close. (自从他兄弟过逝后, 他有些茫然. 他们以前很亲近)

16. a bit much, be
定义: 有点/些过份, 不公平, 难以接受.
例句: I think it's a bit much to expect her to play 3 matches in one day. (我觉得要求她一天内比赛三场有点过份)

17. a bit of ...
定义: 有一点/些...
例句: Creativity requires a bit of madness. (要创新就需要一点疯狂思考)

18. a bit of a lad
定义: 纵酒放荡的男子.
例句: Tiger Woods is a bit of a lad, and many men envy his experience he's had. (老虎伍德兹是个放荡男子, 许多男人羡慕他的经历)

19. a bit of a/an ... (noun名词)
定义: [英国]有点, 有些. (注: 意指不确定或不强烈的描述或陈述)
例句: Sorry, I just have to get this off my chest and have a bit of a rant. (抱歉, 我不得不把怨气一吐为快, 发了些牢骚)

20. a bit of all right, be
定义: [英国]赞美人貌美的, 性感的.
例句: Cool! She's a bit of all right. (酷! 她好正点)



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