二十笔实用成语 7

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二十笔实用成语 7

帖子 royl » 周三 12月 15, 2010 12:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 7

01. a/one step ahead of
定义: 捷足先登, 领先一步.
例句: This method helps them prepare for the unexpected and stay one step ahead of the competition. (这个方法帮助他们预先准备意外状况与保持领先对手一步)

02. A: Thank you. B: My pleasure!
[成语句型]甲: 谢谢你. 乙: 乐意的.

03. A: Thank you. B: No problem!
[成语句型]甲: 谢谢你. 乙: 没问题.

04. A: Thank you. B: Sure thing!
[成语句型]甲: 谢谢你. 乙: 应当的.

05. A: Thank you. B: You are most welcome.
[成语句型]甲: 谢谢你. 乙: 别客气.

06. A: Thank you. B: You bet!
[成语句型]甲: 谢谢你. 乙: 应当的.

07. A1/A-1
定义: 一流的, 极好的.
例句: This sounds like an A1 idea, let me try that first and let you know how it works. (这是一个极好的主意, 让我先试一下再告诉你如何使用它)

08. AA
定义: 匿名戒酒协会. (注: AA是Alcoholic's Anonymous的缩写, 帮助有酒瘾不能自拔者戒酒的组织)
例句: My boss has been going to AA meetings for over a year. (我的上司已经参加匿名戒酒协会的聚会超过一年了)

09. abandon one's/your post, to
定义: 擅离职守.
例句: If you are not relieved on time, do not abandon your post, but call the petty officer of the watch for instructions. (如果你没法准时被换下班的话, 不要擅离职守, 打电话给值班士官取得你下一步指示)

10. abandon oneself to, to
定义: 沉沦于, 放纵于.
例句: From the day that he abandoned himself to certain forms of debauchery, an unexpected light came upon him, transforming his art. (自从他纵情于酒色之后, 一道灵光突然降临他身上, 改变了他的艺术风格)

11. abandon ship, to
定义: 弃船; 临危逃命; 树倒猢狲散.
例句: Even with majority in both houses today, the President is a lame duck because his party rats abandoned ship as the elections arrive. (尽管拥有参众两院多数席次, 总统已成跛脚鸭因为当选举来临时, 他的党内鼠辈早已弃船逃逸)

12. abide by ..., to
定义: 遵守..., 遵照...
例句: Staff who refused to abide by the new rules were fired. (拒绝遵守新规章的职员已被解雇了)

13. abide by a decision, to
定义: 遵守决定, 遵照办理.
例句: The agreement provided that during its term there would be 'no strike,' unless the employer refused to abide by a decision of the arbitrator. (合约规定在有效期间内, 除非雇主拒绝遵守仲介者的决定, 员工不准许罢工)

14. abide by the terms of the agreement, to
定义: 遵守协议的条款.
例句: You have a great case that the neighbor may have forfeited his rights to the easement as a result of his failure to abide by the terms of the agreement. (你的案件对你极为有利因为你的邻居也许没有遵守协议条款而造成他土地周边权利的丧失)

15. abject apology, an
定义: 低声下气的道歉.
例句: The top US military official bowed in abject apology to Okinawans for an incident on Monday in which a US Marine allegedly entered a private residence and sexually molested a 14-year-old girl. (由于据称某一陆战队士兵于周一进入民宅并性骚扰一名十四岁女孩的事件, 驻冲绳美军最高长官向冲绳民众低声下气道歉)

16. abject flattery, an
定义: 涎皮赖脸的奉承.
例句: This led to avoidance of initiative and responsibility by the bureaucracy and abject flattery of the powers that be. (这个现象导致了官僚们逃避主动性与责任感以及造成对当权者的低声下气奉承)

17. abject lesson, an
定义: 作为警诫别人的令人羞愧教训.
例句: An abject lesson serves as a warning to others. (一个令人羞愧的教训用来警惕他人)

18. A-bomb juice, an
定义: [美国俚语]烈酒, 尤其是私酿的烈酒.
例句: He was zonked out by the A-bomb juice made by his cousin. (他被他表兄弟做的私酿烈酒灌得醉倒)

19. A-bomb, an
定义: 原子弹. (注: A即atomic原子的缩写)
例句: Among those who managed to survive, sufferings inflicted by the A-bomb radiation continue even to this day. (在那些幸存者中间, 直到今天仍然有人还蒙受到原子弹幅射所造成痛苦)

20. abominable crime, an
定义: 可恶的, 可恨的, 恶劣的.
例句: An abominable crime of buggery is punishable by 20 years in prison with a 7 year minimum. (鸡奸这种可恨的罪行应处以最高二十年, 最低不少于七年监禁的处罚)



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