二十笔实用成语 8

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二十笔实用成语 8

帖子 royl » 周五 12月 17, 2010 9:06 pm

二十笔实用成语 8

01. about as useful as a chocolate teapot, be
定义: 中看不中用的, 无实用价值的, 无用武之地. (注: 巧克力遇热即化为液体, 所以巧克力做的茶壶能烧水吗?)
例句: When there is no road system available, a car is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. (在没有道路系统的情况下, 车子也毫无用处)

02. about issues not insults, be
定义: 是来讨论问题, 不是来吵架的.
例句: I believe in freedom of expression, but I also believe in moderating threads, so that the discussion is about issues, not insults. (我相信表达自由, 但我也相信节制讨论, 所以我们是来讨论问题, 不是来吵架的)

03. about three feet shy, be
定义: 还短缺/差三尺. (注: shy在此意为短缺而不是害羞)
例句: That was the second-best throw in school history; about three feet shy of the best record set in 2004. (这是学校历史上第二好的投掷记录, 比2004年所创的最好记录还差三呎)

04. about to do something, be
定义: 正准备要做某事.
例句: She was about to leave when the phone rang. (她正准备要离开时电话就响了)

05. about to find pups, be
定义: 怀孕的.
例句: She is about to find pups. (她怀孕了)

06. about-face, an
定义: 一百八十度转弯, 方向逆转, 变卦, 意见或行为的逆转.
例句: If you ever discover that you are walking down a dangerous street, it is best to do an about-face and walk in the other direction. (当你发现你走上一条危机四伏的街道上, 你最好马上调头走回去)

07. about-turn, an
定义: [英国]一百八十度转弯, 方向逆转, 变卦, 意见或行为的逆转.
例句: After saying that he didn't want the job, he did an about-face and accepted the offer. (当他说他不要这个工作之后, 他改变了主意并接受了这个工作)

08. above all
定义: 比什么都重要地, 最首要地.
例句: My mother told me to pack warm clothes for the trip, but above all, not to forget my toothbrush. (我妈告诉我要带一些保暖衣服去旅行, 但最要紧的是, 别忘了带自己牙刷)

09. above all else
定义: 比什么都重要地, 最首要地.
例句: The way you put family above all else definitely shows and carries over into your day-to-day operation. (你把家庭摆在首要地位的作风确实表现在你平日工作上)

10. above and beyond
定义: 远超过所要求地.
例句: Our products are manufactured under the strictest guidelines, above and beyond what government regulations require. (我们的产品在严格的指标生产下远超过政府规定的要求)

11. above and beyond the call of duty, be
定义: 超越了工作地要求, 卓越地表现.
例句: Her extra work was above and beyond the call of duty. (她额外付出的努力远超过对她所要求的)

12. above one's head
定义: 超过我的理解. (注: 常用于告诉别人所讲的事情你无法听懂, You're talking above my head)
例句: Okay, now you're talking above my head. I don't know all of this industry. (OK, 你讲的我都听不懂. 我不全盘了解这个行业)

13. above oneself, be
定义: 狂妄自大, 趾高气昂.
例句: He seems to have got a bit above himself since he went to work for a big corporation. (自从他到大公司工作后, 他有点趾高气昂)

14. above par, be
定义: 超出票面值的, 超过标准的.
例句: Their performance was way above par for an amateur production. (做为业余制作, 他们的表演远超过标准)

15. above reproach, be
定义: 无可指责的; 适当得体的; 出色的.
例句: Some politicians behave as though they are above reproach. (有些政客表现的态度好像他们无可指责似的)

16. above suspicion, be
定义: 无可怀疑的, 可信任的.
例句: There is a great deal of hard lying in the world; especially among people whose characters are above suspicion. (这个世界充满着许多掩盖事实的谎言, 尤其是说谎者的人格是可以信任的)

17. above the average, be
定义: 高于平均的, 优异的.
例句: She's above the average in math. (她的数学程度是优异的)

18. above the law, be
定义: 凌驾法律之上的; 无法无天的.
例句: Just because he's rich, he thinks he's above the law. (就因为他是个有钱人, 他认为他自己可以凌驾法律之上)

19. above the salt, be
定义: 坐贵宾席的, 受尊敬的.
例句: We took him up above the salt and made much of him. (我们邀请他坐上贵宾席并以上宾之礼款待他)

20. aboveboard, be
定义: 光明正大的, 不玩诡诈的, 合法的.
例句: Every action, every payment is above board. Customers respect that kind of honesty. (每一个行动, 每一个付款都是光明正大的. 客户们尊敬这种诚信)



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