二十笔实用成语 9

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二十笔实用成语 9

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 18, 2010 3:59 pm

二十笔实用成语 9

01. above-mentioned, the
定义: 上述之事. (注: 意指在文件里指出前面所提到的事情, 论点, 条文等等)
例句: The above-mentioned article contains some inaccuracies. (上述文章含有一些不正确之处)

02. abracadabra, an
定义: 魔法咒语, 令人听不懂的胡言乱语, 令人费解的话.
例句: I don't know all the theoretical abracadabra about how it works, I'm only its pilot. (我根本不懂有关这飞机如何工作的令人费解理论, 我只是一个飞行员)

03. abridging the freedom of speech, an
定义: 剥夺, 限制言论自由.
例句: It is the government that shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, if I have a website, I am within my rights to abridge or censor as I see fit. (这是政府不得制订任何剥夺言论自由的法令, 如果我拥有一个网站, 我有权力剥夺或审查删除我认为不当言论. 注: 请读者注意, 这是政府公领域跟私领域之间角色与权利的差别, 请勿把政府与私人混为一谈)

04. absent without leave
定义: 擅离职守, 逃学, 开小差.
例句: The 'Lost Division' was a term given to the estimated 19000 US Army soldiers absent without leave in France at the close of World War II. ('失去的陆军师'是一个给予二战末期大约一万九千个美国陆军士兵在法国开小差的专门用语)

05. absent-minded, be
定义: 健忘的, 易忘事的, 心不在焉的.
例句: My grandfather is very absent-minded and often forgets his key. (我祖母非常健忘, 经常忘了带钥匙)

06. absolutely everything
定义: 一切的事物.
例句: He moved out of the flat and took absolutely everything. (他搬出这个公寓, 把所有东西都带走)

07. absolutely not
定义: 绝对不是的, 绝对不行.
例句: Could you tell me the secret? Absolutely not! (你能不能告诉我这个秘密? 绝对不行!)

08. absolutely nothing
定义: 什么都没有; 一无所知. (例如: I know absolutely nothing, 我一无所知)
例句: We are doing absolutely nothing right now and so can you. (我们现在什么事都不做, 你也可以做到这点. 注: 这句话是劝人有时候要完全放下俗事, 让自己享受一段自由自在的时间)

09. Absolutely!
定义: [惊叹语]确定地! 肯定地! 你说得很对!
例句: A: We're in the early stages of a depression now. B: Absolutely! It's going to get worse before it gets better. (甲: 我们现在只是处在经济萧条的初期. 乙: 你说得很对! 在经济情况改善之前还会变得更糟)

10. abstain from, to
定义: 戒掉(恶习), 弃权, 避免.
例句: You need to abstain from eating for at least 12 hours before your blood test. (你在验血前起码十二个小时内不能吃东西)

11. abstract, to
定义: [英国]偷窃/扒窃.
例句: She accused him of abstracting some money from her purse. (她指控他从她荷包里扒走一些钱)

12. abut on/upon, to
定义: 濒临, 紧靠.
例句: This street abuts on Little Falls Street is directly ahead. (这条紧靠小瀑布街的一条街就在前面)

13. AC/DC
定义: 双性恋的, 可以同时异性恋与同性恋的. (注: AC/DC本意为alternating current/direct current即交流电与直流电皆可用的意思)
例句: In the 1970's, the term 'AC/DC' was used as a slang term for bisexuals, but is not the meaning behind the rock band's name. (在一九七零年代, AC/DC这个术语是用来表示双性恋的俚语, 但AC/DC摇滚乐团的名称并不具有这个意义)

14. accede vs. exceed
定义: [易混淆字或片语]accede(动词)答应, 被迫同意, 就任; exceed(动词)超过权限, 胜过, 超越.

15. accelerate after a slow start, to
定义: 在缓慢的起步之后加速.
例句: Australia's export program accelerated after a slow start caused by a surplus and competition from Black Sea countries and Germany. (澳大利亚出口业务由于黑海国家和德国所造成的产品过剩跟竞争所造成的缓慢起步之后才逐渐加速)

16. accelerated course, an
定义: 速成班, 速成课程.
例句: This is an accelerated course, covering seven days' worth of content in only five days. (这是一个速成课程, 把七天的课程内容仅以五天上完)

17. accept a bribe, to
定义: 收受贿赂.
例句: Any employee who solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept a bribe of any kind is subject to immediate dismissal and criminal prosecution. (任何员工索取, 接受, 或同意收取任何形式的贿赂将受到立即解雇与刑事法办)

18. accept it as a fact, to
定义: 接受这个为事实. (注: 你所接受的事实不一定是事实)
例句: As an event described to us is true, whether we accept it as a fact or not, it still remains a fact that actually happened. (当一个事件被描述成为真实的时候, 不论我们是否接受它为事实, 它仍旧成为一件真实发生的事情)

19. accept someone's apology, to
定义: 接受某人的道歉.
例句: You might not want to accept someone's apology but until that happens, give him a blank slate. (你也许不愿意接受某人的认错但是到了那个时候, 你要给他一个新的开始. 注: 意指当别人认错时你要既往不咎, 给他一个自新的机会)

20. accept something as gospel, to
定义: 将某事当为真理. (注: 你所接受的真理不一定是真理)
例句: His opinions on international issues are taken as gospel by his colleagues. (他的对国际事务看法被他的同行奉为真理)



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