二十笔实用成语 13

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二十笔实用成语 13

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 26, 2010 10:32 am

二十笔实用成语 13

01. act on instinct, to
定义: 凭直觉行事, 凭直觉行动.
例句: Darwin specifically says that animals acting on instinct do not understand the purposes of their own behavior. (达尔文明确地说, 动物们凭直觉行动并不了解其行为的目的)

02. act on the rules and guidelines, to
定义: 依据或遵循法规与原则办事.
例句: Promise-keeping, then, may simply be an aspect of our duty to act on the rules and guidelines that will generally produce good consequences. (因此, 信守承诺也许只是我们遵循法规与原则办事责任的一面, 大致会产生好的结果)

03. act on/upon, to
定义: 继续进行, 根据某个消息, 想法或劝告去行事.
例句: Sometimes, your insurance company's adjuster is slow to act on your claim. (有时候, 你保险公司的理赔估算师慢吞吞地处理你的理赔申请)

04. act one's age, to
定义: 举止与年纪相称, 不再表现幼稚行为.
例句: Just act your age and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself even when no else is around. (你只要表现出与年纪相符的举止, 甚至在旁边没人的时候也别怕自我解嘲)

05. act out on ..., to
定义: 使性子, 向...泄愤, 凭借...行动.
例句: Let me sum it up for the moment, without further analyzing of the outcome you act out on impulse. (让我暂时总结一下, 你不进一步分析结果却凭冲动行事)

06. act out, to
定义: 付诸行动, 以行动表示, 以行动诠释, 过度地表达冲动行为, 表演或模仿某一戏剧.
例句: Watch, I'll act out the meaning of pacifist. (注意, 我将要实践出反战主义者的真义)

07. act the fool, to
定义: 装疯卖傻.
例句: You can stop acting the fool; I know what you are up to. (你别再装傻啦, 我知道你想干什么)

08. act the giddy goat, to
定义: 胡闹, 不正经, 装疯卖傻.
例句: When Raymond began acting the giddy goat I insisted that we leave the party. (当雷门开始胡闹时, 我坚持我们离开这个宴会)

09. act the part, to
定义: 表现/表演符合身份. (注: 意指人生中或舞台上演什么, 像什么)
例句: Now that he's rich he certainly acts the part. (现在他富裕了, 他表现出一副富人的模样)

10. act up, to
定义: 调皮, 炫耀, 机器出毛病, 病况复发.
例句: My pit bull terrier is really acting up lately and I can't figure out why? (我的比特斗牛犬最近表现不正常, 我想不出为什么?)

11. act/get high and mighty, to
定义: 表现傲慢, 自以为是, 盛气凌人的态度.
例句: He talks about how immense fame has isolated him and admits that he acts high and mighty while he's really dying on the inside. (他谈到声名大噪之后如何使他孤芳自赏, 他也承认他表现出盛气凌人的态度,在此同时他的内心却变得日益脆弱无力)

12. acted as, be
定义: 担任, 任职.
例句: He has recently been acted as counsel in a case concerning sale by a mortgagee under a forged mortgage contract. (他最近担任某一案件的律师有关于一个放款公司的造假贷款合约的销售)

13. action figure, an
定义: 超人, 军人或机器人(塑胶)小玩偶, 玩具人.
例句: Taking good care of your action figure collection is easy. It takes very little time, and will help your collection last longer. (照顾你收藏的玩具人很容易. 它只需要花一点点时间, 就会帮助你的收藏更持久)

14. Action stations!
定义: [惊叹语]准备工作! 准备作战!
例句: Let the cameras roll – action stations! (开动摄影机–准备工作!)

15. actions speak louder than words
定义: 行动胜于言谈.
例句: Parents should remember that actions speak louder than words. Kids imitate their parents. (家长要记得, 行动胜于言谈. 小孩模仿他们的父母)

16. active duty, be on
定义: 现役, 任全职.
例句: Can I apply for a vacancy when I am on active duty? (我可不可以在服役中申请别的职务空缺?)

17. ad hoc
定义: 为某一特殊目的的; 临时的, 即兴的, 即席的.
例句: We have meetings here on an ad hoc basis. (我们在此举行临时性的会议)

18. ad hominem attack, an
定义: 人身攻击. (注: 意指不就事论事)
例句: It should be noted that simply calling someone a name or otherwise making an ad hominem attack which is an appeal to ignorance. (要注意, 只要是骂人就构成人身攻击, 也就是一个诉诸愚蠢的行为)

19. ad infinitum
定义: 无止尽的.
例句: We don't have to debate the issue ad infinitum, do we? (我们不必无休无止地辩论下去, 有必要吗?)

20. ad lib
定义: 即兴演奏的, 随兴表演的; 即兴地, 随兴地, 随心所欲地. (注: ad lib是ad libitum的缩写)
例句: Was that joke part of your speech or an ad lib? (你的笑话是你原先演说中的一部份还是随兴说出的?)



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