二十笔实用成语 20

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二十笔实用成语 20

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 13, 2011 3:41 pm

二十笔实用成语 20

01. ain't half bad or ain't half-bad
定义: [非正式语]还不错, 真不赖. (注: 不是很好, 还可以)
例句: For a cell phone, that picture ain't half bad. Tell your family to put some trees in that yard; it looks like a barren wasteland. (以一个手机, 这个照片拍得还真不赖. 告诉你家庭放一些树在院子里; 这个院子看起来像片荒地)

02. ain't just whistling Dixie
定义: [非正式语]可不是说着玩的, 不是在空谈或空想, 认真对付眼前的问题.
例句: We need your help and we ain't just whistling Dixie! We accept credit card donations here, $5 or $10 is fine, and more is great too. (我们可不是说着玩的! 我们接受信用卡捐款, 五块或十块钱都可以, 捐更多更好)

03. ain't worth a lick
定义: [非正式语]不值一顾, 不值一修.
例句: He ain't worth a lick when it comes to brains. (谈到智力, 他不值一提)

04. AIP system, an
定义: [潜艇术语]不依赖空气推进装置; 常规潜艇利用自身携带的液态氧气为机电提供燃烧原料不必在某个时限内浮出水面“呼吸”新鲜空气.
例句: AIP system is a term that encompasses technologies which allow a submarine to operate without the need to surface or use a snorkel to access atmospheric oxygen. (不依赖空气推进装置是一个术语涉及到几个科技容许潜舰不须要上浮到水面上或使用水下通气管来抽取大气中的氧气)

05. air bag, an
定义: [汽车术语]安全气囊.
例句: An air bag is an occupant restraint device consisting of a flexible envelope designed to inflate rapidly during an automobile collision, to prevent occupants from striking interior objects. (气囊是一个汽车乘员的安全装置, 包括有弹性气囊被设计在车辆碰撞时迅速膨胀来防止乘员撞击车内的物体)

06. air ball, an
定义: [篮球术语]空气球. (注: 空气球是连篮板或篮框都没碰到的球)
例句: An air ball is a missed shot in basketball that fails to touch the rim and backboard. (空气球是连篮板或篮框都没碰到的射篮)

07. air cover
定义: 空中掩护. (注: 例如provide air cover, 提供空中掩护; without air cover, 在没有空中掩护之下)
例句: Marine helicopters ferrying Army soldiers from Navy ships into landing zones in Afghanistan that were secured by special operations forces, with air cover from the Navy and Air Force. (在海空军空中掩护之下与特种作战部队保护下, 陆战队直升机从海军船舰运送陆军兵员到阿富汗着陆区)

08. air dam, an
定义: [汽车术语]气坝. 在汽车前方保险杆下方, 配备气坝, 加强稳定, 气动运行以及重导空气加强引擎的冷却.
例句: I've been searching for air dam/spoiler design principles but I haven't found too much. (我一直在寻找气坝设计原则, 但我找不到什么资料)

09. air kiss, an
定义: 飞吻. 打招呼或送别所做的两人接近亲吻姿态.
例句: It was simply an air kiss – albeit one which was disastrously executed. (这只是一个飞吻– 虽然这个飞吻被令人作呕地做出来)

10. air one's dirty laundry in public, to
定义: 丑事外扬, 家丑外扬.
例句: He has apparently cut a deal with the House Ethics Committee not to air his dirty laundry in public because it could further damage the Democratic Party during a tough mid-term election. (他显然已经跟众院道德规范委员会达成协议,不将丑事外扬因为这会对民主党在期中选举造成更大伤害)

11. air one's grievances, to
定义: 公开地诉苦或抱怨.
例句: He gave her a platform via his website to air her grievances about her relationship and custody issues with her husband. (他供给她一个公开诉苦的平台, 经由他的网站让她发表她跟他先生的关系跟小孩监护权的争议)

12. air quotes
定义: 空中引号. (注: 意指以两手竖双指在空中比划作为引号并引述某人的话)
例句: Air quotes, also called finger quotes, or Ersatz quotes are virtual quotation marks formed in the air with one's fingers when speaking. (空中引号, 也称手指引号, 或代用引号, 是一种说话时以手指形成的模拟引号)

13. air rage, an
定义: 空中愤怒. (注: 意指旅客在乘坐飞机的时候出现的愤怒与暴力的现象)
例句: The man struck one of the attendants. It was air rage. (这个人打了一位空服员. 这就是空中愤怒)

14. air strike, an
定义: 从空中攻击.
例句: The Israeli Air Force (IAF) on Tuesday killed one Palestinian after an air strike operation in the southern Gaza Strip. (以色列防卫部队在星期二发起的对加萨走廊空中攻击后击毙一名巴勒斯坦居民)

15. air was blue, the
定义: 充斥着粗话, 脏话的场合. (注: 比喻使空气都变污浊)
例句: When dad discovered the dent in his Cadillac, the air was blue! (当爸爸发现他的凯迪拉克车被撞的凹痕, 他气得大骂脏话)

16. airhead, an
定义: [不尊重语]笨蛋, 头壳空空, 轻浮女子.
例句: He also told me he had met up with this girl who is also an airhead, but again, since he met her that way it doesn't matter that she's vain or whatever. (他还告诉我他遇到了一名女孩也是个轻浮女子, 但话又说回来了, 既然他是以这种方式来跟她会面, 她是否爱慕虚荣也无所谓)

17. airmail, an
定义: 航空信, 被丢出窗外的垃圾.
例句: Incoming! We've got some airmail being delivered. (来喽! 有人送过来一包被丢出窗外的垃圾)

18. airs and graces
定义: 装腔作势, 摆架子.
例句: It's no good putting on airs and graces with me. (这套装腔作势对我是没用的)

19. airy-fairy, be
定义: 幻想的, 空想的, 不切实际的.
例句: Sell flying saucers to little gray people? That's too airy-fairy for me! (想要卖飞碟给小绿人? 这对我来说是不切实际的)

20. aisle seat, an
定义: 靠走道的座位.
例句: When flying, do you prefer the window seat, middle seat, or aisle seat? (如果你要搭乘飞机, 你喜欢靠窗座位还是靠走道的座位?)



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