
请网友踊跃提出英语文问题, 或自己学习心得
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注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm


帖子 royl » 周二 1月 25, 2011 9:16 am



我今天在网上和外国朋友(非英语国家的)聊天, 我说起曾经在英国住过三年多, 可是现在已是回到侨居地blah, blah, blah, ",,,, I had lived in England for more than three years ,,,,," 可是他说这说法有语病, 只能说"I lived in England ,,," 如果此说成立的话, 那"I had xxx" 的用法岂不是要废掉了, 不能存在了? 敬请多多指教, 是盼!



Simple past是用在过去所发生的一件事, 但已经结束, 而且跟现在没有关联. 这是一句简单的事情陈述.

Past perfect是用在过去所发生的两件事, 但因为有时间顺序的关系, 所以要在同一句话里以Past perfect来陈述先前发生的事而使用Simple past来陈述之后发生的事.

如果只陈述过去发生的一件事, 您可以直接使用Simple past即可. 我们来看看这句话是否符合语法: I lived in England for more than three years. 我认为这是符合语法的, 如果你只想陈述一件简单的事实而且在三年多之后你不再居住在英国.

我认为你们两位都没错, 你们之间的差异完全取决在你要使用Past perfect来陈述两件过去发生的事情, 或者你要使用Simple past来陈述过去发生的一件事.

我对我的语法认知不敢说很精确, 我已经把这个问题提出给另外一位专家. 如果他有不同的意见, 我会继续贴在本主题的后面.



来源: http://josecarilloforum.com/forum/index ... pic=1218.0

依据你正确的陈述, 过去完成式是使用在一个句子里陈述两件过去发生在不同的时间的事情, 看下面的例句:
As you correctly stated, the past perfect tense is used in a sentence that describes two past events that happened at different times, as in the following:

"这个车辆特价销售在上星期举行, 正好我已经买了我的轿车"
"The special car sale happened last week just when I had already bought my sedan."

请注意这个句子, 早先发生的事情– 没有说明发生的时间– 使用过去完成式; 随后的事件– 说明发生的时间– 使用一般过去式.
Note that in such sentences, the event that happened earlier—the one that doesn't have a specified time of occurrence—takes the past perfect, while the later event—the one that does have a specified time of occurrence—takes the past tense .

是的, 过去完成式也可以使用来陈述单一过去事件. 这是当过去事件发生的时间并没有说明或无法知道, 看下面的例句:
But yes, the past perfect tense can also be used to describe a single past event. This is when the time of occurrence of that particular event in the past is not specified or is unknown, as in the following sentence:

"The evidence had disappeared."

一般来说, 这种过去完成式的句子是紧接着另一个一般过去式的句子, 看下面的例句:
Normally, such sentences in the past perfect follow another sentence in the simple past tense, as in the following example:

"两星期前, 警探在寻找嫌犯在犯罪现场的证据. 可是到了那时候, 这个证据已经消失."
"Two weeks ago, the investigators looked for proof of the presence of the suspects at the scene of the crime. By then, the evidence had disappeared."

Now, is the use of the simple past tense in the following sentence of yours correct?

" I lived in the US for three years."

当然是对的, 但只能使用在你说话的时候你并不住在美国的条件之下. 但是如果你还住在美国的话, 你该使用现在完成式在这个句子, 请看以下例句:
Of course, but only if you no longer live in the United States at the time of speaking. If you still do, however, the present perfect progressive would need to be used in that sentence, as follows:

"至今, 我已经在美国住了三年."
"I have been living in the US for three years now."

如果你在紧接说话之前已经住在美国三年, 而当时你已经迁居到另一个国家, 你可以使用现在完成式:
If you have lived in the US for three years until shortly before the time of speaking, by which time you have moved to another country, the present perfect can be used:

"我已经住在美国三年了. 现在我是个马尼拉居民."
"I have lived in the US for three years. Now I'ma Manila resident."

These are just some of the shades of difference between the perfect tenses.



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